Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 120: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (20)

  Li Xiaoxi's performance made everyone stunned, not sure why.

  Gu Ran also paused and asked Li Xiaoxi, "What's the truth?"

  Li Xiaoxi covered her face and squatted on the ground, crying loudly: "I still can't believe it...I can't believe that my good girlfriend would abandon me...I can't believe it woo woo woo..."

   This sentence has a lot of information.

  Humans are the animals best at brain supplementation, so after hearing this sentence, everyone started brain supplementation unconsciously.

  ——Their car was surrounded by zombies, unable to move an inch.

   She was injured and struggled to even drive.

   However, Yuan Mengxian abandoned her and jumped out of the car in order to survive.

   But before he ran far, Yuan Mengxian was caught by the zombies——

  This is the latest version of the story that Li Xiaoxi told everyone.

  Because Yuan Mengxian's acting skills have improved a lot, except Gu Ran who couldn't believe it at first, everyone else believed it.

   I believe that Yuan Mengxian abandoned his best friend, but in the end he deserved to be bitten to death by a zombie...

   After seeing Li Xiaoxi's superb performance in the summer in the dark, I almost wanted to applaud, it's really good! not bad!

   tilted his head and looked at Gu Yanyu, who had been grinning and making a 'fu~fu~fu~' sound, and his hair was standing upright: "Are you angry?"

   When cats are angry, they fry their fur, right?


   Meow! Can he be angry?

  Although Li Xiaoxi made up the false accusation, it was Yuan Mengxian and not his summer, but he was still very angry when he heard such a false accusation!

   If it wasn't for worrying about doing summer a disservice, I really wanted to let that girl have a taste of what it would be like to live rather than die!

   Compared with the indifferent and even a little good mood in summer, Gu Yanyu's mood is really very, very grumpy! ! !

   I don't know why Gu Yanyu is angry and frowning, no one answered when he asked, and he stopped paying attention to it in the summer. I just thought that Gu Yanyu frying his hair was cute——

   Everyone thought that Li Xiaoxi was very stimulated today, so they didn't ask any more questions.

  Leave dinner for Li Xiaoxi, let her eat it, and let her go back to the room to rest early.

   There are still many corpses in the base, and we haven't dealt with them yet, because there are too many.

   It is easier to clean up, so everyone will clean up.

   It was just such a coincidence that he saw Wu Liyang's body in the summer.

   A hole was opened in the back of Wu Liyang's head. People who didn't know it would definitely think that Wu Liyang was killed because he was a zombie before.

   But Xia Xia knew that Wu Liyang did not become a zombie as Li Xiaoxi said.

  He... After being killed by Li Xiaoxi, he took away the crystal nucleus.

  Li Xiaoxi…

   That farming space is not ready to be taken away after she stands at the highest point in summer.

   Before Li Xiaoxi used it much, destroy it first—

   Summer has been watching Li Xiaoxi in the dark, watching Li Xiaoxi come out refreshed after entering the farming space.

   Knowing that there is a river in the farming space in summer, Li Xiaoxi is not short of water.

   Looking at the jade pendant on Li Xiaoxi's neck, Xia Tian was thinking, how to destroy it?

  I stole it directly and then broke it?

  No, since you have decided to destroy it, then give Li Xiaoxi a boost after it is destroyed!


   At three in the morning, Li Xiaoxi was already asleep.

  Xiamen quietly walked to Li Xiaoxi's bed, leaned over, and held the pendant.

   Just stayed on the pendant for about three seconds before letting go in summer, and then went back to the dark place to wait for the good show after dawn.


   At eight o'clock in the morning, after killing 'Yuan Mengxian', Li Xiaoxi slept very comfortably!

   She felt that as long as Yuan Mengxian was not around, everything belonged to her!

   Including, Gu Ran!

  Although Gu Ran doesn't like her yet, it doesn't matter, she will let Gu Ran know that only the strongest woman in the world can be worthy of him.

   And this strongest woman is her!

   Who can still eat fresh fruits and vegetables after the end of the world? she!

   Who can have an inexhaustible source of clean water after the end of the world? she!

   As long as there is room for farming, she is the strongest!

   So she believed that one day, Gu Ran would see her well.

The thought of    made Li Xiaoxi feel so good that he was about to explode!

   After getting up from the bed, Li Xiaoxi decided to put on a beautiful makeup for herself today.

   However, just when she wanted to enter the farming space, she failed!

   was stunned for a while, Li Xiaoxi didn't understand why she was still in the room.

   tried again, but still unsuccessful.

   raised her hand suspiciously to hold the pendant around her neck, but she didn't exert any force... The pendant 'clicked', shattered into several pieces and fell into her hand.

  Li Xiaoxi's eyes widened, her hands trembled, and she looked down at the fragments in her hand.

   "How can this happen?! How can this happen?!"

   The expression on Li Xiaoxi's face at this time was broken into pieces like a pendant.

  I slept well last night, obviously...

  Why does her pendant break when she sleeps? !

  Is it because Yuan Mengxian died that this pendant that originally belonged to her was broken 'for no reason'?

  No no no no! She still has so many supplies in it, and so many things in it, what should she do if there is no room for farming? !

  Li Xiaoxi now only thinks about what she will do if there is no space for farming. She has no idea that even if there is no space for farming, she can live well in the apocalypse with her reborn golden finger.

   It was because he relied too much on farming space, and Li Xiaoxi even thought that only farming space could make her prosperous in the apocalypse, so she could not accept without farming space.

   In summer, after seeing that 50% of the protagonist's halo above Li Xiaoxi's head was left, he was very satisfied.

   patted Gu Yanyu's cat's head, and Xia Tian said softly, "Let's go have breakfast."

   "Meow~" Gu Yanyu also responded softly to Summer.

   Xia Tian chuckled and left the base with the cat Gu Yanyu——

   Today everyone is very busy, busy with those corpses in the base, wreckage and so on.

   But everyone didn't call Li Xiaoxi, and felt that she was stimulated and needed to stay quiet.

  Li Xiaoxi was indeed stimulated, but not because of the death and 'betrayal' of 'Yuan Mengxian'.

   But because, her farming space is gone!

   In summer, I took Gu Yanyu to go around outside, and came back after having breakfast, Li Xiaoxi was still in the room.

  Li Xiaoxi put together the pendant, then cut his finger and dripped blood on it.

   But even if the pendant is all covered in Li Xiaoxi's blood, the pendant has been shattered and cannot be activated again.

  Xiamen didn't feel sorry for how many good things were in it, she couldn't use it anyway.

   But one breakfast time, the halo above Li Xiaoxi's head weakened again.

   It seems that Li Xiaoxi thinks this pendant is too important!

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