Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 121: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (21

   In summer, I thought of another plan, a good plan.

   Actually, if she appeared at this time and said that Li Xiaoxi was the one who left her and ran away, the halo on Li Xiaoxi's head would definitely dissipate a lot.

   But Xia Xia didn't really want to dissipate the aura of the protagonist on Li Xiaoxi's head little by little. She thought that what would dissipate after her appearance would be Li Xiaoxi's remaining half of the aura of the protagonist!

   So the summer decided not to show up right away.

  I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, she is not in a hurry——


  I stay in the dark every day in summer, watching the changes of the base and Li Xiaoxi.

  The former ZF security base is now renamed Anhe Base, and the head of the base is Gu Ran.

  Anhe base is now more and more populated, and there are more and more power users.

   And Li Xiaoxi became a little inferior after no farming space, and even became more extreme than before.

   If someone else inadvertently said a word, she would feel that it was aimed at her.

   She began to become unconfident and practiced supernatural abilities frantically, trying to make herself so strong that Gu Ran had to be her.

  Because she obtained some zombie crystal cores, mutant beast crystal cores and ability user crystal cores by extraordinary means, her abilities advanced very quickly.

   In just three months, she is already an advanced eighth-order ability user, one step higher than Gu Ran, who is also progressing rapidly.

   In the Anhe base, Li Xiaoxi is the strongest power user.

   In Anhe Base, everyone respected her in front of her and disdained her behind her back.

  Why disdain? Because of Li Xiaoxi's self-confessed appearance, many people are not used to it.

  Three months, summer feels almost the same.

   She also has to become a strong person, and it would be better to appear in the Anhe base.

   For the past three months, summer has been living in a small manor not far from the Anhe base.

  The manor was cleaned up by her, and there were no zombies wandering around.

   But what Xia Xia didn't know was that those zombies didn't dare to wander outside the manor at all, there was something they were afraid of - Gu Yanyu

  Gu Yanyu is now able to freely change his form. If he wants to become a human, he will become a human, and if he wants to become a cat, he will become a cat.

   Most of the time, Gu Yanyu maintains the form of a cat.

  Because only in the form of a cat, he will be closer to him in summer.

  Sometimes, Gu Yanyu would secretly eat summer tofu.

   Of course, he did not dare to do too much.

   is... just rubbing her cheek with her face.

   At night, Gu Yanyu will not leave Xia Xia's side, because he hopes Xia Xia can sleep well every day.

   Of course, when he was there, he slept well in summer.

   So usually, what Gu Yanyu wants to do is done during the day.

doing what? Do an experiment.

  His laboratory happens to be in the basement of this manor. He has never visited this manor carefully in summer, so he did not know that the seemingly ordinary small rural manor actually has a basement!

   And in the basement, there are dozens of zombies in white uniforms...

  Bo Yangyi is a persistent person. With his memory, of course Gu Yanyu also wants to study the zombie virus.

   In order to study the antibodies of the zombie virus, in the past three months, when he was not in the manor in the summer, he went out to catch a few bad guys who burned, killed and looted in the last days and came back to do experiments.

   On this day, Gu Yanyu transformed into a humanoid as usual to do experiments in the laboratory.

   Gu Yanyu stopped just now, guessing that he was about to return from the Anhe base in the summer.

   He walked to the door of the laboratory and opened it.

  I didn't expect that there was a person standing at the door!

   This person is not someone else...

   "Xia you you..."

   Xia Xia looked at Gu Yanyu, who was almost scared and fell to the ground. He was handsome, and his skin was so fair that he was a little abnormal.

  Because he stayed in the laboratory all the year round without light, the skin of Gu Yanyu's host is indeed very fair.

   But his eyes are particularly dark, black and white, and very good-looking.

   However, what summer pays attention to is not Gu Yanyu's appearance.


   "How long have you been here?"

   Xia Xia didn't notice that Gu Yanyu shouted the word 'Xia', only thought he was shouting 'scare'.

   So I didn't associate him with my cat at all.

   I came back a little early this summer, and I visited this manor on a whim when I was bored.

   Unexpectedly, she even found the basement!

   Outside another door in the basement, in the summer saw a sink and a wardrobe.

   There is disinfectant on the sink, and there are white uniforms in the closet, similar to the doctor's white coat.

  Summer is not an idiot, and immediately guessed that there is a laboratory or something in it.

   But it's very strange, if there are other creatures in the place where she lives, she should know!

  Why didn't she find it for three months?

  This underground laboratory, she was sure that it existed before the end of the world!

   Gu Yanyu swallowed his saliva when facing Xia Xia's eyes.

   He lowered his head and said, "I... I was here before the end of the world... I have been here for twelve years."

  Yes, Bo Yangyi has been in this laboratory since he was 20 years old. He has devoted 12 years to the country, and has achieved countless research results.

  Bo Yangyi, what a dedicated person!

   "Twelve years?" It seems that the person who broke in for no reason was her!

  Xiamen is not a vexatious person, so what Gu Yanyu is worried about, she will be angry, etc., is completely unnecessary...

   The two were sitting on the sofa in the living room on the first floor of the manor, Gu Yanyu was too embarrassed to speak first.

   It was Xia Xia who spoke first. She said, "I lived here for three months, you must know that?"

  Gu Yanyu nodded quickly: "I, I know."

   "Sorry, without the consent of the owner of the house, I thought the owner of the house was long gone." Xia Xia said again.

  Gu Yanyu waved his hand, and then raised his eyes to look at Xia Xia's face: "It doesn't matter, I... Anyway, this place is so big, I don't mind you living here!"

   He originally wanted to say: 'You can stay as long as you want, just stay as you like'.

   But I felt that this sentence would be obvious, so I didn’t say it.

   "Thank you, but I won't be staying too long, I'll leave tomorrow."

   Xia Xia smiled politely and distantly towards Gu Yanyu, which was the same kind of smile he saw to the waiter in the real world.

   This kind of smile, Gu Yanyu doesn't like that Xia is facing him.

   Although it was uncomfortable, Gu Yanyu still didn't dare to show it.

   "Why did you leave so soon?...Oh no, I can stay as long as you want!"

   Gu Yanyu was a little bit incoherent.

   He is the best at talking, but in the face of summer, he becomes so stupid!

   Gu Yanyu pinched his thigh, wanting to give himself a mouthful.

   "I have somewhere to go." Xia Xia only answered this sentence.

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