Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 125: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (25

Do not! She is not reconciled! Absolutely not reconciled!

  Li Xiaoxi turned a corner and went to the place where Gu Ran arranged for Summer.

   On the way, Li Xiaoxi met Gu Ran.

  Gu Ran stopped to look at Li Xiaoxi and asked her, "Are you going to see Mengxian?"

  Li Xiaoxi paused and nodded: "Well, I..."

  Gu Ran interrupted Li Xiaoxi: "Mengxian has already rested, so don't disturb her, let's talk about it tomorrow."

  Li Xiaoxi raised her head and looked at Gu Ran's handsome face.

   After a few months of polishing in the last days, Gu Ran became even more handsome.

   At least in Li Xiaoxi's view, he is the most attractive and handsome man in the world!

   "Senior, do you like dreams...Mengmeng?" Unable to bear it, Li Xiaoxi still asked.

  Gu Ran was stunned for a while, but did not expect Li Xiaoxi to ask such a question suddenly.

   But thinking about it, he seems to be acting a little bit obvious.

   So, Gu Ran did not deny it: "Yes, I think I like Mengxian. So Xiaoxi, no matter what happened before, I hope everyone is a member of the base and should get along well."

   When he heard Gu Ran admit it, Li Xiaoxi was quite excited.

   In this life, she was by Gu Ran's side, accompanied him, guarded him, and helped him.

   She thought that one day, Gu Ran would accept her.

   But why, why is she still unable to enter Gu Ran's heart no matter what she does? why! ?

  Yuan Mengxian...

   Yes, it's Yuan Mengxian's fault, everything is Yuan Mengxian's fault!

  Why didn't she die? Why is she still showing up?

  Mingming... She clearly felt that Gu Ran was going to accept her...

   Doesn't matter what happened before?

  Why does Gu Ran say this? Did 'Yuan Mengxian' say something to him just now?

   Did 'Yuan Mengxian' tell Gu Ran everything that happened that day?

   "Xiao Xi, are you listening to me? Xiao Xi? Xiao Xi!"

   "Huh?!" Li Xiaoxi came back to her senses and looked up at Gu Ran: "Senior, what did you say?"

  Gu Ran seems to be impatient, and doesn't want to repeat what he just said.

   So he paused, and he just said, "It's nothing, don't go to Mengxian, let her have a good rest."

  Li Xiaoxi nodded, replied "Okay", and tried to smile at Gu Ran.

  Gu Ran was satisfied and raised his feet to leave.

  Li Xiaoxi really listened to Gu Ran's words and didn't go to Xia Tian immediately.

   She felt that at this time, she needed to go back to her room to calm down and think about what to do.

   Let her give up everything she has now, she can't do it.

   What she couldn't do was to see 'Yuan Mengxian' and Gu Ran together!

  So, she definitely... definitely can't sit still!


   At one o'clock in the morning, I was a little upset when I heard a knock on the door in the summer when I was already asleep.

   turned over and touched Gu Ran's cat's soft fur, and didn't really want to open the door.

   But she knew that it must be Li Xiaoxi who would come to her so late.

  So...she has to get up and open the door!

   After a pause, he still picked up the lighter in summer and lit the large white candle on the bedside table.

   She took the candle and went to the door to open it.

   He turned around and walked inside without looking at the people standing outside the door.

   It seems that he already knows who the person at the door is.

  Go to the table in summer and light all the candles on the table.

   Pointing and talking: "Come to me at this time, do you know something that is very immoral to disturb people's clear dreams?"

The tone of    is nothing like the original Yuan Mengxian would say.

  Li Xiaoxi looked at Xia Xia's back and wanted to kill her just like that.

   But she is not a fool, knowing that she dares to face her with her back in the summer, she is not afraid of her sneak attack.

   pursed his lips, Li Xiaoxi closed the door with his backhand, and asked Summer in a low voice, "Why are you alright? How did you get out of the zombie group?"

   She came to ask the question of summer.

   After a row of candles were lit, the room lit up instantly.

  Xiamen turned back and looked at Li Xiaoxi.

   She was wearing a white chiffon suspender nightdress, and her fair skin was exposed, as if she had been smeared with a layer of pearl powder.

  The long hair is slightly messy, lazy and sexy, indifferent and casual.

   The corners of her mouth raised a shallow arc, as if she was smiling, but she didn't seem to be smiling.

   Such summer is summer itself.

   In Li Xiaoxi's opinion, it is that 'Yuan Mengxian' has changed, and it has become different from before.

   But in Gu Ran's view, it's just that he didn't disguise himself in summer.

   "Then what about you, Xiaoxi? Why are you okay? How did you get out of the zombie group?" Xia Xia asked Li Xiaoxi back.

  Li Xiaoxi frowned, didn't speak, just looked at Summer.

  Xiaomi chuckled and asked, "Xiao Xi, why are you so nervous? Are you afraid? Are you afraid that I should say something that shouldn't be said?"

   "I... what am I afraid of, don't you have a secret?" Having said this, Li Xiaoxi raised his chin and continued to speak.

   She asked Xia Xia: "Why did you appear so coincidentally today? Why are you suddenly so powerful that even the ninth-order zombies are no match for you? Or, are you actually no stranger to that ninth-order zombie?"

  Yes, these are the things that Li Xiaoxi thought out in the room that was not right.

Can    three months really make a person so strong?

   She didn't do it, she didn't believe others could do it.

   Therefore, Li Xiaoxi doubts summer.

   even suspected her that she was with the ninth-order zombie Agui!

   I have to admit that Li Xiaoxi is still a little brainy.

  But...will you admit it in summer?

   She chuckled: "I didn't expect to see you in three months, Xiaoxi, your imagination has improved a lot!"

  Li Xiaoxi opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Xia Xia spoke again.

   She crossed her arms around her chest, leaned against the table, and said, "I've been thinking a lot in the past three months, thinking about what you said that day, and what kind of hatred there is between us."

   "If it's not a deep hatred, why would you say such a thing to me? Xiaoxi, don't you explain to me?"

  Li Xiaoxi's eyes flickered unnaturally, and then he coughed lightly.

   She opened her mouth, not knowing how to speak.

The secret of   's rebirth, she must not let Summer know.

  The two of them are destined to be either you die or I live.

   "You don't have any abilities, how did you win the ninth-order zombies?" Li Xiaoxi changed the subject.

   Of course, that's what she's curious about.

  Li Xiaoxi originally thought that if Xia Xia had an ability, then she could kill Xia Xia and take her crystal core to absorb it.

   A power user can perceive whether the other party is a power user, strong or weak.

   But in summer, she didn't feel that she was a power user at all.

   Then it can only be explained that there is no ability in summer!

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