Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 126: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (26

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows and said, "If you want to tell me how you disappeared that day, I'll tell you how I became a strong man after three months. How?"

When    mentioned disappearing that day, Li Xiaoxi thought of her farming space!

  Thinking of her farming more.

  Ahhhh! Going crazy!

  Li Xiaoxi's breathing became rapid, and his expression was instantly distorted.

   Those uncharacteristic eyes even started to turn red, revealing a maddening color.

  The cat Gu Yanyu, who had been at Xia Xia's feet, took a step forward without a trace after seeing Li Xiaoxi like this.

   Although she can't completely block the summer due to her petite size, it's okay to protect her.

   As long as Li Xiaoxi dared to move, Gu Yanyu would be able to scratch her aorta before Xia Xia shot.

   But Gu Yanyu's cat seems to be thinking too much. Even if Li Xiaoxi loses his mind again, he will not act so openly.

   She knew that she was no match for Summer, so she wouldn't be so stupid.

   took a deep breath, Li Xiaoxi did not speak any more, but turned and left.

  Xia Xia raised her eyebrows, it seems that Li Xiaoxi has not completely lost her mind~

   lowered his head and glanced at the cat Gu Yanyu.

   Don't think she didn't see the protective gesture of this little black cat just now.

   It's really strange to say that, even if I first met this kitten, it was a kitten, but it's been three months, how come it still looks like a kitten?

   Could it be that the family is not a small milk cat, but a pocket breed?

  The cat Gu Yanyu looked up at Xia Xia, walked to the door of the room with his catwalk, pushed the door with his head, and closed the door.

   After seeing Gu Yanyu's cat's movements, Xia Xia smiled and turned around to blow out the candles on the table.

   yawned and went to bed.

   Her front foot just went to bed, and Gu Yanyu's cat also went to bed.

  Sleeping on her side in summer, he sleeps behind her.

   Sleeping in the summer is really a big challenge.

  Because it was worn in was so refreshing.


   After returning to the Anhe base, in the summer, he maintained a cold image in front of outsiders.

   Someone came to ask what happened three months ago in the summer, and the summer did not answer at all.

  Li Xiaoxi was worried at the beginning, but gradually, she also felt relieved after seeing that Xia Xia was not going to speak out.

   But don't worry, Li Xiaoxi still can't bear to continue jumping under her eyelids in summer!

  Unfortunately, she never found a chance to solve the summer...

   Gu Ran is probably not at ease, so he will not arrange Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi together when arranging tasks or something.

  In the blink of an eye, the summer has been back to Anhe Base for a week!

  Li Xiaoxi has become more and more anxious these two days, it can even be said to be irritable!

   Since returning to Anhe Base in the summer, Gu Ran's attention has been on her, and she will be courteous whenever she has a chance!

  Gu Ran's attitude towards Xia Xia and her attitude is really too exciting.

   Excited, Li Xiaoxi wants to kill...

   Of course, Li Xiaoxi did exactly that, and his shots have been a little more frequent these two days.

   She must, she must upgrade quickly, she must be stronger than summer!

   As a result, Li Xiaoxi absorbed too much of the crystal nucleus at one time, which resulted in a bit of 'gods off' and felt very uncomfortable.

   So despite absorbing so much, her body couldn't handle it, and instead it affected her.


  Li Xiaoxi is looking for an opportunity to get rid of summer, and summer is also looking for an opportunity to dissipate the aura of the protagonist above Li Xiaoxi's head at one time.

  No, after spending a week at Anhe Base, summer finally found the right opportunity!

  Gu Ran confessed to her.

   "I hope that in the days to come, I can join hands with you to usher in a new world!" This is Gu Ran's confession.

   When he heard Gu Ran say this, Gu Yanyu cat was very, very angry - don't think you have the same surname as mine, the labor and management will not kill you!

   But the next moment, Gu Yanyu's cat disappeared.

  Because in summer, she... accepted Gu Ran!

   "Okay! Actually, I've always liked you, Senior!"

  嘤嘤~ His family wants to accept this Gu Ran for Mao in summer?

   Is it because he is more handsome?

   But compared to him, this Gu Ran looks like scum, right!

   Although he was full of resentment, Gu Yanyu did not dare to express anything.

   He could only watch Xia Xia promise to be Gu Ran's girlfriend, and then watched Gu Ran want to give Xia a hug.

  Fuck! Dare to hug his family in summer, don't die!



  Yes, the unbearable Gu Yan cat jumped up when Gu Ran wanted to reach out and hug Xia Xia, and a paw came to his neck.

   "Ah~ Senior, are you okay? I'm sorry, Senior, Xiao Hei probably thought you were going to attack me, so..."

   Actually, Gu Yanyu's cat's actions are only refreshing in summer.

   If it wasn't for the mission, she wouldn't want to accept Gu Ran's confession, let alone being hugged by him.

   So, Gu Yanyu's cat's behavior is exactly what she wants!

   Seeing the three scratches on Gu Ran's neck, Xia Xia said apologetically, "Senior, don't be angry. During the three months outside, Xiao Hei saved me several times when I almost died."

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, what else could Gu Ran say?

   Besides, even if he was so angry that he wanted to roast and eat this dead cat, it wasn't necessarily his opponent!

   Now Gu Ran is worried: "Do I need to do any disinfection measures?"

   There must be a virus on the cat's paw, right?

  Xiamen held back a laugh, coughed lightly, and said, "Don't worry, the resistance of superhumans is better than that of ordinary people, and Xiaohei is not an ordinary mutant beast."

  Gu Yanyu's cat has scratched others before, but it's fine, so it should be fine.

   Hearing what Xia Xia said, Gu Ran breathed a sigh of relief, there was no vaccine at this time.

  Gu Ran smiled towards Xia Xia and said, "It's okay, when Xiao Hei gets to know me well, he won't think I'm attacking you when I hug you next time."

  Xiaomi cooperated with a shy expression and hummed softly.

   Seeing summer like this, Gu Ran felt that his heart had been hit by someone, the feeling of love is very good!

  I want to hug Summer and even kiss her.

   But when Gu Ran was still one meter away from summer, Gu Yanyu's cat had already let out a low growl.

  Small, with fried hair, his eyes are still very oppressive.

   Gu Ran paused, and had no choice but to stay close to summer—

   The news that the base chief was in contact with 'Yuan Mengxian' quickly reached Li Xiaoxi's ears.

   "What did you just say?!" Li Xiaoxi grabbed Wang Lingling who said this.

  Wang Lingling is also very upset, but 'Yuan Mengxian' needs good looks and good looks, ability and ability, and is indeed a good match for the base chief.

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