Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 136: The overbearing president fell in love with me (6)

   In Shen Qingsui's mind, more memory began to appear!

  The memory came too violently, causing him some headaches.

   Originally wanted to get off the bus, but couldn’t get off because of a headache.

   He frowned, not seeing Xia Xia leaving in the opposite direction...

   Xia Xia, who had just walked a few steps, paused and looked back at the luxury car that seemed out of place in this civilian area.

   whose car is that? Shen Qingxi's?

   Probably not, even if Shen Qingxi had no brains, it would be impossible to drive such a flamboyant car to spy on her.

  I didn't bother about who the person in the luxury car would be, and continued to go to the grocery store in summer.

   She came downstairs to buy soy sauce...

   When I come back after buying soy sauce in summer, the luxury car is still there.

   She only glanced out of the corner of the eye and went upstairs.

   In the summer with his back to the luxury car, he did not see at all, the person sitting in the co-pilot looked at her with fiery eyes!

  Shen Qingsui... Oh no, it should be Gu Yanyu!

   Yes, the current Shen Qingsui is Gu Yanyu who chased after Xia Xia to the novel world!

   And the real Shen Qingsui died of serious injuries before Gu Yanyu came.

   Every time he first arrived in the novel world, Gu Yanyu had no memory of himself.

   At the moment when I saw Summer, my feelings for her were too strong, so I regained my memory so quickly.

   Before coming to this world of novels, Gu Yanyu learned to read the information of the summer host and the plot of this world.

   Including this host was chosen by him personally, so Gu Yanyu still knew the world very well.

   His goal is very clear!

  ——Help Summer complete the mission!

   As for after that...

  Gu Yanyu knew that in the summer, because there are relatives in the host, he must stay in the world of novels for decades.

   He does not expect that he can successfully pursue her, but he will work hard to accompany her for decades!

   As Aunt Xiaowu said - keep it!

   No matter if the heart is stone or iron, he will put it on his heart and cover it...

   "Brother, are you alright!?" Shen Qinghua's voice on the side made Gu Yanyu return to his senses.

   He paused and shook his head: "It's okay."

   was originally an idol male **** at the level of an actor, Gu Yanyu's acting skills are of course so good that there are no flaws.

   At this time, there is no difference between him and Shen Qingsui himself.

   That temperament is just beyond that.

   Seeing Gu Yanyu's face as usual, Shen Qinghua breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Then, I will take you to the airport now?" Shen Qinghua asked Gu Yanyu.

  Gu Yanyu looked at the location on the third floor, but he really wanted to go upstairs to find Summer.

   he thought, staying by her side.

   But he can't, he can't go directly to Summer.

   He can't even let Summer know who he is!

  If Xia Xia knew who he was, he would definitely be rejected thousands of miles away.

   Even though I don't know who he is, the result is no different...

   But what Gu Yanyu is worried about at the moment is that he is not around Xia Xia, and Xia Xia should have insomnia again.

How to do it? !

   "Don't go to the airport, go home." Gu Yanyu said expressionlessly.

  Here in the summer, what kind of troops does he return?

   He came to this novel world not to experience life, but to guard the summer!

   "Ah?! Why didn't you go to the airport?!" Shen Qinghua expressed her curiosity.

  Gu Yanyu just glanced at him, still showing no emotion.

  Shen Qinghua shrugged and stopped asking, just said, "Okay, if Grandpa knew you weren't busy returning to the army, he would be very happy!"

   While speaking, Shen Qinghua had already started the car and turned around——

   Grandpa Shen was really happy when he knew that Gu Yanyu would not return to the army for the time being.

   After all, Gu Yanyu was injured so badly before, and he was given three months' leave from above, and he only rested for less than a month.

   Grandpa Shen is patriotic, but he loves his grandson even more!

  What if you don’t take good care of your body and leave sequelae? !

   This eldest grandson is so like him, he fights very hard!

   When Grandpa Shen was young, he rushed forward desperately!

   Even if he walked outside the gate of **** countless times, he still ignored it.

   Now that he is old, well, there are countless root causes.

   Now when the weather changes, his whole body hurts.

   Grandpa Shen didn't want his grandson to grow old in the future, just like him now.

  Gu Yanyu did not return to the army, no one asked him why.

   is just curious, curious about why Gu Yanyu stayed.

   The most curious person is Shen Qinghua.

   After all, they went to see the girl named Li Nuan before Gu Yanyu temporarily changed his mind and did not return to the army.

  Why change your mind temporarily? Is it because of that girl named Li Nuan? !

  Why because of that girl? Could it be that his cousin who had been single for 30 years fell in love with him at first sight when he saw that he was beautiful?

   But it doesn't make sense, it's not that his cousin has never seen someone more beautiful than that girl.

  Before, the diligence of beauties was directly ignored, why this time...

  Tsk! No matter how you think about it, it feels very abnormal!

  Shen Qinghua has always been a person with great self-control, but in the face of his own abstinence tough cousin, he really couldn't hide his curiosity.

   Of course Gu Yanyu knew that Shen Qinghua was very curious, but he wasn't going to say anything, it would kill him!

   After returning to the room and changing out of the military uniform, I went to play chess with Grandpa Shen.

   Shen Qingxi was not at home, so he didn't know where he went.

   knew that she was the loophole, but Gu Yanyu didn't plan to do anything immediately.

   He can't see the aura of the protagonist, so he can only match the summer.

  Anyway, he just needs to wait and see what happens, and become a **** teammate in the summer when necessary——

   Li Haicen and Li Huan left after having dinner at the summer home. It was already dark outside when they left.

   After Li Haicen and Li Huan left, they washed up in summer and watched TV dramas with Mama Li.

  Because there are two more people at home today, it is a lot busier than usual, so Mama Li seems to be in a good mood.

   After watching TV for a while, I asked Mama Li to go to bed in summer.

   "Good night Mom~" Xia Xia stood at the door of his room and smiled at Li's mother.

  Mama Li also gave Xia Xia a smile, and then nodded: "Good night baby~"

  Close the door, instead of going to bed in summer, I went to open the closet to look for clothes.

   She wanted to find a more inconspicuous outfit.

   That's right, she wanted to explore at night again.

   I just came to this novel world, so I have to meet Shen Qingxi anyway and see how the protagonist's halo is on her head.

  Because it is different from the original plot, in Li Nuan's memory, he has never seen Shen Qingxi.

   So I was also curious about what Shen Qingxi looked like in the summer.


   At eleven o'clock, Xia Xia sneaked into Mama Li's room first, and went out after seeing that Mama Li was fast asleep.

  The military compound, although a bit far away, is still relatively easy to find.

  Although Shen Qingxi's family background was not mentioned much in the original plot, there is a detailed profile of Shen Qingxi in the summer.

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