Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 137: The overbearing president fell in love with me (7)

   In that detailed document, where did the mentioned Shen Qingxi live, what background, what kind of people were in the family, including the basic situation and information of those family members.

   So I know Shen Qingxi well in summer.

  The security work of the military compound is very good, but none of the security personnel and monitoring equipment have noticed that they have sneaked in in summer.

   Arrived outside the Shen residence, and in the summer, I briefly observed before entering.

  On the second floor of Shen's house, Gu Yanyu was standing on the window sill of the bedroom in a daze.

  Suddenly, Gu Yanyu looked sideways in a certain direction, as if he was feeling something.

   That direction is where you stood a second before the summer...

  Gu Yanyu lowered his eyes and pondered, thinking about the original plot and loopholes in this world.

  According to the habit of observing in the dark in summer, Gu Yanyu believes that this evening, summer should come to Shen's house.

  I don't know, can he see her?

   Forget it, let’s not see you anymore.

   If Xia Xia noticed that he found her, he might not come to the Shen family again.

   So he, it's better to pretend he doesn't know.

   sighed, Gu Yanyu went back to the bed and lay down on the bed to sleep.

  Although, he didn't sleep at all...


  Sneaked into Shen Qingxi's room in the summer and found that Shen Qingxi had not slept yet.

   She was on the phone, and she knew she was angry just by looking at her expression and the tone of her voice.

   "Are you an idiot?! Don't you delete the call log after you talk to someone?!"

  Summer raised his eyebrows, call records?

   Could it be that Shen Qingxi was talking to the candid photographer in the morning?

   Well, it should be.

   But why is Shen Qingxi so angry? Did someone check her head?

  Looking at Shen Qingxi's appearance, it seemed that he was just angry and didn't mean to be too scared.

   So what does it mean?

   Explains that even if she is found to be in contact with the candid shooter, she will not be involved.

   Sure enough, the background is different!

   "It's useless to let you track individuals and they will be discovered! Are you a professional or an amateur?! Can I still trust you to do things for me just like you are now?!"

   "...Okay, okay, please pay attention during this time, don't contact me again, I will contact you if there is anything!"

   After saying this, Shen Qingxi hung up the phone.

  Before, she was too careless and forgot to change her mobile phone when talking on the phone.

   Actually, Shen Qingxi didn't expect that his own people would be found, and he didn't expect to be caught by the police.

   After all, she has done so many things before...

   Fortunately, it was Shen Qinghua who found out, and even more fortunately, when she was questioned, her mother helped her.

   Shen Qingxi turned off the newly bought mobile phone and put it in the drawer of the dresser, then looked at himself in the mirror.

   "I'm so beautiful, but it's so unfair that I'm only a female supporting role!" Shen Qingxi murmured.

The next moment, Shen Qingxi's eyes became vicious: "Li Nuan! Don't think that this time you find out who I sent, I'll give up! I won't... I won't let you have a good life. !"

  She will definitely counterattack and become the heroine!

   Xia Xia heard Shen Qingxi say this in the dark, and the corner of his mouth habitually raised a shallow arc.

   It's good to have a counter-attack mentality, but the bad thing is that Shen Qingxi's blackening is too serious.

   The former female supporting roles were all blackened because they died or didn't end well, but Xia Xia remembered that Shen Qingxi's ending was not so tragic!

   In addition to not getting Huo Leng's love, her family loves her very much, and it makes her worry-free throughout her life.

   Well, if Shen Qingxi didn't turn black, there would be no loopholes.

   So it is normal for Shen Qingxi to turn black.

  Xiamen watched Shen Qingxi in the dark and muttered to himself in the mirror. The more he murmured, the more jealous and hatred he felt in his heart.

   The unwillingness to make Li Nuan feel better became stronger and stronger.

   Shen Qingxi felt that she couldn't just let it go, she had to do something.

   Do something?

  Xiamen's eyes suddenly changed when she saw Shen Qingxi, she seemed to be, thinking of something——

   Shen Qingxi took out the phone from the drawer, turned it on, and made a call.

   Xia Xia heard her say to the person on the other end of the phone: "Help me do something..."

   After listening to Shen Qingxi's explanation of the people over there, Xia Xia's eyes darkened, but the curvature of the corners of his mouth deepened a lot.

  Do you want to move ahead?

very good……

   She stayed in the dark in the summer, until Shen Qingxi fell asleep, she checked every room of the Shen family.

   Shen Qingxi's grandfather, Shen Qingxi's father and mother, Shen Qingxi's uncle and aunt, Shen Qingxi's cousin Shen Qinghua.

   Also, Shen Qingxi's half-brother, Shen Qingsui...

   At this time, everyone slept.

  When he left in the summer, he didn't notice that Gu Yanyu quietly opened his eyes on the bed.

  Although he didn't dare to open his eyes to look at Xia Xia, Gu Yanyu still felt inexplicably satisfied when he noticed Xia Xia came to see him.

  Hey... In the face of summer, he is really greedy and easy to satisfy.

   Even if it was just one look from her, he felt satisfied.

   But he doesn't want just a look in the summer, he wants more...more!


  After leaving the Shen family in the summer, he returned to his own home.

   It's still very early, lying in bed thinking about things in summer.

   Shen Qingxi is indeed vicious enough that he doesn't even take human life as his life.

  Because she handed over the candid shooter to the police today, many things have changed.

   This also made Shen Qingxi want to kill Li Haicen's ex-wife Lin Liyun in advance.

  Lin Liyun's current lover is a second-rate who doesn't do a proper job, but she looks a bit like a little white face.

   In order to keep this little white face by her side, Lin Liyun used to use Li Haicen's money to support her little white face, but after she got divorced, she worked hard to make money to support her little white face.

  Lin Liyun was raised by Li Haicen in the past, and when she was taken care of as a baby, she was still a bit beautiful, but after the divorce, Lin Liyun got up early and worked in the dark every day, how could she still have the moisture before.

   If he hadn't thought about taking money from Lin Liyun every month, Xiaobai Lian would have dumped Lin Liyun long ago.

  Shen Qingxi had already investigated the eighteenth generations of Li Nuan's ancestors very clearly, and her not letting Li Nuan feel better was not just a physical torture to her.

   Knowing how important Li Nuan values ​​her family, so Shen Qingxi chose to start with the family around her——

   On this day, Shen Qingxi found someone to contact Lin Liyun's little white-faced lover, and gave him a sum of money that was tempting enough to let him kill Lin Liyun.

   Killing Lin Liyun is equivalent to being able to get rid of Lin Liyun.

   Not only can he get rid of Lin Liyun, but he can also get a sum of money that he can spend for half his life, which is simply too worth it!

   Of course, Xiao Bailian was also afraid at the beginning, after all, murder is a crime.

   If he is caught, he will be condemned to death.

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