Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 184: Squad leader, are you blushing? (six)

   By the time the two of them finished breakfast, it was already half past six.

   Their school rule is that you must be at school at seven o'clock. If Bai Yiran sends her home and then goes back to his own home, she will definitely be late.

   She is an old fried dough stick. It doesn't matter if she is late or not, and she just doesn't need to be in a hurry.

   "Okay, monitor, I'll just go back by myself. Hurry up and take a shower and go to school! As a class leader, you can't be late!"

   Bai Yiran frowned and looked at the time, knowing that Summer was thinking of him.

   But I said that I want to send people home, so I have to keep my word!

   "It's alright, I took sick leave yesterday, and today is a big deal... Say... I'm not completely well today, so I woke up late..."

After   , Bai Yiran said more and more quietly because of Xia Xia's laughter.

   Bai Yiran is very embarrassed, after all, he is the squad leader and a role model.

   "Since the squad leader, you have already made a good excuse, then please send me home!" Xia Xia said with a smile.

   Bai Yiran nodded, quietly relieved, he thought that Summer was going to make fun of him.

  The two of them rode their bicycles again and walked towards Jiang's house.

  Summer is a long way, but it is indeed a little distance.

   By the time they got back to Jiang's house, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

   "Thank you, squad leader for sending me back!" He threw the car in the yard and waved at Bai Yiran in summer.

   Bai Yiran nodded, just about to leave, but his eyes fell behind Xia Xia.

   Then, he politely said behind Xia Xia, "Good morning, Uncle!"

  Xiamen turned his head, and, unsurprisingly, saw Father Jiang with a dark face.

   Jiang Ziyue looks more like Jiang's father, but Jiang's father is too busy with work, looks old, and is a bit middle-aged and blessed.

  In Jiang Ziyue's memory, Jiang's father was never kind to her.

   Jiang Ziyue has been thinking many times, how wonderful it would be if her parents divorced and she followed her mother!

   But she never knew that Mother Jiang didn't want her at all.

   Jiang's father undoubtedly loves Jiang Ziyue.

   It's just that this middle-aged man is not good at expressing his love. He just thinks that using material to satisfy his daughter and making her live better than others is love.

   But Jiang's father did not expect that the older the daughter, the more rebellious she would be.

   In the dead of night, Jiang’s father would also smoke a cigarette, thinking about what to do with this daughter.


  Although Xia Xia can understand Jiang's father, but she is now a rebellious Jiang Ziyue, but there is no way to be kind to Jiang's father.

   Father Jiang snorted coldly: "You still know how to come back! What time is it now? Where did you go last night?!"

   Father Jiang was actually very worried, but he changed his phone number in the summer and he couldn't find anyone at all.

   I just saw the information of a consumption record sent, but I don’t know where the consumption is.

   Father Jiang wanted to find each bar, but there are too many bars in this city...

   Seeing that Jiang's father was so fierce towards Xia Xia, the family was harmonious, and Bai Yiran, whose family did not even dare to say heavy words to him, quickly got off the bicycle.

   put the bicycle aside and walked into the yard: "Uncle, you misunderstood, yesterday Jiang Ziyue she..."

  Before Bai Yiran finished speaking, he was yelled at by Jiang's father: "Shut up! Where are you from? A new boyfriend?!"

In the last sentence of   , Father Jiang was asking about Summer.

   Xia Xia's face was not good-looking, and he stood in front of Bai Yiran and shouted at Father Jiang: "Can you not be so bad to my friend? You look like a good student! You are blind!?"

  The attitude of the father and daughter was worse than the other, and Bai Yiran's eyes widened in fright.

   But obviously, Father Jiang was used to his daughter yelling at him, although he was still very angry.

  Fortunately, Father Jiang has a good heart. Otherwise, in the summer, he would be worried that he would be so popular that he would have a heart attack.

   "A good student can stay with you all night?! A good student..."

   "That uncle, I can explain this." Now Bai Yiran has learned to be smart, so he speaks quickly.

   Father Jiang choked and stared at Bai Yiran: "You say it!"

   That fierce look, as if Bai Yiran would beat him up if he couldn't say why.

  Bai Yiran raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and introduced himself at the fastest speed in his life: "My name is Bai Yiran, I'm Jiang Ziyue's classmate and the monitor."

   Hearing that Bai Yiran was the squad leader, Jiang's father's anger was instantly suppressed.

   Then he looked at Bai Yiran and motioned him to continue with his eyes.

  Bai Yiran breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained: "Last night I was with classmate Jiang Ziyue, make sure she didn't fool around outside, just the two of us..."

  This time, Father Jiang interrupted him.

   He looked at Xia Xia and asked her, "Did you get your monitor as well?"

  White is also the same: "???"

  Summer: "…"

   was stunned for a while, but Bai Yiran finally realized what Jiang Fu meant.

He blushed repeatedly and waved his hands to explain, but Father Jiang didn't give him a chance at all: "Okay, since you are the squad leader and you look good, I won't say anything this time. Time It's getting late, can the monitor also skip class?"

   Being reminded by Jiang's father, Xia Xia turned around and looked at Bai Yiran: "Go quickly, you can't be too late."

   Bai Yiran was also in a hurry, looked at his watch and nodded.

   Just as he was about to leave, he leaned into Xia Xia's ear and whispered, "If I leave, your dad won't hit you, right?!"

   The distance between the two people is too close, and the summer instinct wants to shrink back.

   Her body stiffened for a few seconds before she answered Bai Yiran in a low voice, "Don't worry, my dad can't outrun me."

  Bai Yiran thought so too, he retreated, and politely bowed to Father Jiang: "Then uncle, I'll go first."

   After Father Jiang nodded, Bai Yiran rode his bicycle and left.

   Standing in the yard in the summer, only after seeing Bai Yiran's figure, he turned around and entered the house.

   She walked directly past Jiang's father and didn't stop for half a second.

   When I went upstairs, I heard Father Jiang snort coldly: "Since you have already found a squad leader to be your boyfriend, restrain yourself! You have to be worthy of others!"

  Summer: "…"

   Actually, she didn't quite understand Father Jiang's brain circuit.

   Is it because Jiang Ziyue has talked too many boyfriends that Jiang's father has no feelings for her puppy love?

   Forget it too lazy to think about it, it’s okay if Father Jiang doesn’t object, after all she wants to attack Bai Yiran.

   ignored Father Jiang and went upstairs to take a shower and wash his hair.

   By the time she changed into her school uniform, Father Jiang had already gone to the company.

  The nanny gave a card to Xia Xia, saying that it was given by Jiang’s father.

  Xiamen just remembered that the card on her body was maxed out by her last night.

   took the card handed over by the nanny, feeling a little uncomfortable in summer.

   Jiang Ziyue could not understand Jiang's father's love for her, and Jiang's father would not express his love for his daughter.

  This father and daughter are really...

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