Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 185: Squad leader, are you blushing? (seven)


  By the time I arrived at school in summer, there was only one last class left.

   When she went, Bai Yiran was already sitting in the classroom.

   He glanced at Xia Xia and raised his lips to give her a smile.

  Xiaomi winked at him, then returned to his seat as if nothing had happened.

   As soon as he sat down, he saw a stack of books in his drawer.

   Take it out and see that it is brand new.

   Her name is already written on the cover of the book.

  Xiamen looked up and glanced at Bai Yiran who was sitting in the first row.

   The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his smile undisguised.

   Bai Yiran is really a good boy who speaks his mind!

  This class is a Chinese class. In summer, take out the Chinese textbook and read it according to what the teacher said.

   On the podium, the Chinese teacher saw that Xia Xia was actually listening carefully, and thought that his eyes were dazzled.

   But after observing a class, the Chinese teacher was surprised to find that 'mouse shit' was really listening to the class!

   After class, Bai Yiran ignored everyone's strange eyes and came to Xia Xia: "Let's go to the cafeteria to eat together?"

   Summer was a little surprised by Bai Yiran's performance.

   After all, her reputation... well, it doesn't sound good.

   At least those who claim to be good students will never be willing to approach.

   The same is true for Bai, who has been a classmate for more than a year and can count what he said with his fingers.

  I didn't expect that after sleeping together all night, Bai Yiran developed a friendship with her?

  Someone whispered, saying, 'Why did the squad leader invite Jiang Ziyue to the cafeteria? ' and the like.

   However, Bai Yiran turned a deaf ear and just looked at Xia Xia, waiting for her to answer.

   After getting along last night and this morning, Bai Yiran felt that 'Jiang Ziyue' was not as bad as others said.

  Sometimes people’s words are scary, and rumors cannot be fully believed.

   He felt that since he promised to help Xia Xia, he should help her well.

  The first step is to become friends with Summer.

   "Okay!" Xia Xia did not refuse, and under the envy and jealous eyes of many girls, he walked side by side with Bai Yiran to the cafeteria.

   The two were walking and talking, in fact, it was Bai Yiran who was talking to Xia Xia.

   He asked Summer: "Can we start tutoring after school this afternoon?"

   After all, there is still half a month before the monthly exam, Bai Yiran thought that since he agreed, he must hurry up and improve his grades even a little in the summer!

  Xiamen nodded: "Anytime!"

   However, she still has to think about how to act as a scumbag, and what knowledge does Jiang Ziyue not understand?

  Tsk~ This is her first time as a scumbag.

  Whether it's the real world or the fictional world, she's like a scholar...

   "Then, where is the tutoring?" Bai Yiran asked again.

   "Whatever." Summer replied casually.

   Bai Yiran thought about it and said, "Actually, my house is not very far from the school, or else, come to my house?"

   Bai Yiran asked this question cautiously.

   He was actually worried that he might misunderstand something in the summer, so he was very embarrassed.

   However, Xia Xia didn't think much about it at all, and nodded simply: "Okay, then go to your house!"

  In this way, the two of them decided on the time and place of tutoring.

  Bai Yiran is already imagining how surprised everyone will be when 'Jiang Ziyue' is no longer the last one in the next monthly exam——


   The two of them arrived at the cafeteria, and Bai Yiran thoughtfully asked what he liked to eat in summer.

   Then, let Summer get ahead of him.

   The two had a meal and found an empty seat to sit down.

   Just as soon as they sat down, several girls sat down beside them.

   "Monitor, why are you having dinner with Jiang Ziyue?!" One of the pretty girls looked at Xia Xia with **** eyes.

   Summer didn't respond, just smiled and ate indifferently.

   And Bai Yiran smiled distantly and replied, "Who am I going to eat with, is there any problem?"

   "Of course there is a problem! How can you be with a girl like Jiang Ziyue who changes boyfriends a week..."

   Before he finished speaking, a soup bowl had already been covered over the girl's head.

  The soup in the soup bowl was all poured onto the girl's hair, and then slipped down her face and clothes.

   "Ah~~~ Jiang Ziyue, what are you doing?!" The girl was furious.

  Xiamen tilted his head to look at her: "Can't you see? I want to hit you."

  The girl also saw that Xia Xia beat up several boys by herself. Although she doesn't like Xia Xia, if they really fight... She and her friends together are not opponents.

   So, the girl started crying: "Woooooo monitor~ Look at how Jiang Ziyue bullied me~~ I'm going to tell the teacher to go~~"

   Bai Yiran was a little embarrassed. He actually felt that what the girl said was a bit ugly.

  If Summer doesn't stop her, she will definitely say something more ugly.

   In fact, Bai Yiran is a person who protects his shortcomings.

   This girl usually chases him very tightly, and he is very disgusted.

  It is different for summer, he thinks he is friends with summer.

   So in the face of this girl and summer, Bai Yiran is undoubtedly on the side of summer.

   So, when the girl said she wanted to tell the teacher, Bai Yiran said, "I think...Student Jiang Ziyue, you should have poured the soup on your head accidentally because of slipping hands, don't mind..."

  Summer almost couldn't hold back, the curvature of the corners of his mouth deepened, and there was a smile in his eyes.

   This white is the same, too funny!

   The girl who was poured into soup by Xia Xia couldn't believe that Bai Yiran would actually speak for Xia Xia!

   "Squad leader!? You're not dating Jiang Ziyue, are you?"

   Originally, the girls’ voices were not small, and in addition to Xia Xia’s actions just now, many students couldn’t help but watch.

  Bai Yiran is a sophomore in high school, and even the male protagonist who is a scholar is always behind him.

   is also the school grass. He is naturally famous in the school, and many people know him.

   As for Jiang Ziyue, the seniors have also heard of it.

   Those people were surprised to hear the girl say that.

Bai Yiran was very unhappy, and his face became ugly for a moment: "Why am I so fond of Jiang Ziyue that I'm falling in love with her? As a second-year high school student, can't my thinking be a little more simple? Can't there be simple friendship between men and women?! "

  The girl was frightened by Bai Yiran's seriousness. After all, Bai Yiran is notoriously gentle, and even rejecting people is very euphemistic.

  The girl opened her mouth to speak, but Bai Yiran spoke again, but she said to Xia Xia, "Let's go to the table over there to eat?"

   He totally doesn't want to pay attention to these boring girls.

  Summer shrugged indifferently and stood up with his plate.

  No one dared to get close to Xia Xia and Bai Yiran anymore, including the girl who left crying.

   Many people are paying attention secretly, carefully observing whether the relationship between two people is too intimate.

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