Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 188: Squad leader, are you blushing? (ten)

   "Okay, okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay? Just keep your voice down..." Father Bai was worried that his son upstairs would hear him, so he quickly reached out and pulled Mother Bai to sit down.

   Bai Mu snorted and suddenly remembered: "Hey, that's not what I'm telling you!"

  Father Bai looked at her: "Then which one are you talking about?"

   "I'm talking about Yiyan and Yueyue..."

   Before Mother Bai finished speaking, Father Bai answered and asked, "Then I will ask later?"

   "Forget it, as long as it doesn't affect his studies, he can talk about it. It's so big."

   After finishing speaking, Bai Mu added: "Also, I like that girl Yueyue very much, she is beautiful and sweet!"

   Father Bai shook his head helplessly and did not speak.

  The master of their family is not him, what can he say?


  Upstairs, Bai Yiran and Xia Xia didn't know it yet, but everyone thought they were in love.

   Obviously such a pure friendship, can't they see it?

   "This question, you don't know?"

  Xiamen shook his head and replied calmly, "No."

  White is the same: "…"

   Well, then he says it again!

  Summer knows that with such repeated and repeated explanations, everyone will lose patience.

  The same is true for Bai, who is really good-natured.

When    explained the fourth time, Xia Xia said: "I understand."

   Bai Yiran breathed a sigh of relief and finally understood!

   "Very good, in fact, there are many questions of the same type. As long as you understand the meaning and rules, you will be able to see such questions in the future. Wait, I will ask a few more questions for you to answer."

   "Well, good." Xia Xia responded, then looked at Bai Yiran with one hand on his cheek and asked the question.

  Bai Yiran lowered his head and asked questions on the notebook very seriously.

  Xiamen looked at his profile, looked at him, and felt sleepy.

  The eyelids start to fight…

   Waiting for Bai Yiran to finish the problem, when he was about to let Xia do it, he found out that Xia was already lying on the table and fell asleep.

   looked at the time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

   Bai Yiran wanted to wake up Xia Xia to end today's tutoring, but looking at Xia Xia's sleeping face, she seemed very tired.

   After hesitating for a while, Bai Yiran still couldn't bear to wake Xia.

   Putting the notebook aside, Bai Yiran decided to let Xia Xia sleep for a while and wait for him to finish the homework assigned by the teacher.

   took out the homework and was about to write, but Bai Yiran stopped.

   tilted his head and glanced at Xia Xia, he got up and went back to his room.

When    came back, Bai Yiran held a thin blanket in his hand.

   Gently walked over to Summer and covered her.

   I don't know if Bai Yiran's movements were too light, and he was not awakened in summer.

   Bai Yiran sat down beside her and began to concentrate on his homework—

   Summer was woken up by Bai Yiran, and when he woke up, he was still a little stunned.

   "What's the matter?" she asked Bai Yiran.

   Bai Yiran put the clock in front of her and said, "It's half past eleven, you should go home."

   Originally wanted to wake Xia Xia from sleep for a while, but after he finished his homework, it was already half past eleven.

  No way, today's tutoring can only end.

  Xiamen stared at the hands on the clock and asked Bai Yiran, "How long have I slept?"

   "One and a half hours." Bai Yiran said.

   She actually slept on the table for an hour and a half?

   Her insomnia, is it really cured?

   "Today's tuition is here, it's too late, I'll take you home." Bai Yiran said.

  Summer nodded and got up from the chair.

   "Are you taking these books with you, or shall I bring you to school tomorrow?" Bai Yiran asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen thought that it would be too much trouble to bring it home by himself, so he simply said: "You can take it, I'm too lazy to take it."

   Bai Yiran snorted: "Okay, let's go."

  Xiamen nodded and went out of the study with Bai Yiran.

   went downstairs and found that Bai's mother and Bai's father were still downstairs.

  Mother Bai was wearing pajamas and wearing a mask while watching TV, while Father Bai was watching something with a tablet.

   Seeing Xia Xia and Bai Yiran come down, Mother Bai looked away from the TV: "Huh? Is Yueyue going home?"

  Xiamen nodded: "Well, uncle and aunt, I'll go home first, I'll disturb you today!"

  Bai Mu smiled and waved her hand: "Don't disturb, don't disturb, come again tomorrow!"

  Father Bai raised his eyes, looked at Bai Yiran, and said, "You drive Yueyue home, it's a bit cold to ride a bicycle."

  In this novel world, the law of this country is that a seventeen-year-old can get a driver's license, so Bai Yiran already has his own driver's license.

   "Well, I see." In fact, he also wanted to drive to summer. After all, his home is a little far away in summer, and riding a bicycle is too slow.

   It's already so late, I guess we'll have another fight with Father Jiang when we go back?

  Well, he must explain it to Father Jiang, saying that he was studying in summer, and he didn't go out to fool around!

   "Let's go." Bai Yiran said to Xia Xia.

   Xia Xia hummed, and said to Bai's father and mother: "Goodbye, uncle and aunt!"

   "Goodbye Yueyue!"


  Xiamer and Bai Yiran came to the garage. There were four cars parked in the garage. Bai Yiran pointed to one of the white off-road vehicles and said, "This is mine."

   "Actually, I can also drive, or let me try it?" Xia Xia said with a smile.

   "That's not good, you are driving without a license!"

   "What does it matter, it's so late anyway. Just let me drive, my technique is very good, you trust me!"

   Looking at Xia Xia's pleading face, Bai Yiran really couldn't say anything to refuse.

   In fact, he can drive at the age of fifteen, otherwise, let him drive in summer?

   After hesitating for a moment, Bai Yiran nodded and agreed.

   Then, handed the car keys to Summer.

  Xiaomi took it over with a smile, and a seed called 'prank' crept up quietly in his heart.

   But poor Bai also did not know.

   When Bai Yiran was sitting in the driver's seat, he was still putting his summer bicycle in the trunk before getting in the car.

  Xiamen tilted his head to look at Bai Yiran, who was sitting in the passenger seat, and asked him, "Are you ready?"

   Bai Yiran nodded: "Well, drive slower."

   In fact, he was still a little worried, after all, he didn't have a driver's license in summer.

   "Don't worry, I will slow down." Start the car in summer, first drive the car out of the garage, and then exit the community smoothly and slowly.

   Bai Yiran is still very satisfied with the speed in summer.

   After observing, the technology in summer is still passable.

  After leaving the community, Bai Yiran just wanted to brag about summer...

  Xiamen raised a smile at him and asked him, "I'm going, are you ready?"

  Bai Yiran didn't quite understand the meaning of summer, and asked a little confusedly: "Ah? What?"

  Summer just smiled and said, "I'm going!"

As soon as the    voice fell, he slammed on the accelerator in summer.

  Bai Yiran fell backward, his eyes wide in shock—

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