Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 189: Squad leader, are you blushing? (eleven)

   The scenery outside the car window is no longer clear, Bai Yiran feels like he is flying, oh no, he can fly out of the car at any time!

   " down...ah..."

   Watching the overtaking cars rushing on the road in summer, then turning left and right, is really... terrifying, isn't it!

   All the cars on the road were frightened by the summer cars, and they all pulled aside, for fear that she would crash into it when she couldn't control it.

   In fact, I think it's okay in summer. Compared with the speed of the suspension car, it is really much slower!

  While racing, he also took time out in summer to see Bai Yiran's expression.

   That expression is really... so cute.

  Xiamen grinned, reached for his mobile phone, and took a photo of Bai Yiran after unlocking it.

   Hearing the click, Bai Yiran stared at Xia Xia with wide eyes: "You are still playing with your phone!"

   "You can rest assured, squad leader, if you die, I will definitely die with you!"

   "Not touching at all!"

   Bai Yiran said so, but in summer, he heard a prompt: "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Bai Yiran's favorability for you is 75%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  In summer, I feel more and more that it is easy to fill up Bai Yiran's favorability.

   She didn't know, she also did the same to the dialogue, in fact, there was no resistance to other opposite sex...


   On the way back to Jiang's house, Bai Yiran changed from saying to drive slowly in the summer to later: "You stop and stop! I'll drive!"

   However, there are no plans to slow down or stop in summer.

   Originally, it would take 40 minutes to get from Bai’s house to Jiang’s house, but in summer, it takes less than 20 minutes.

  The car stopped at the gate of Jiang's villa, Bai Yiran leaned on the back of the chair, in a stunned state.

   "Monitor, I'm here!" Xia Xia reminded Bai Yiran with a smile.

   Bai Yiran took a while to react: "It's finally here!"

   That feeling of the afterlife is particularly obvious.

   Seeing that he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car in summer, Bai Yiran also unbuckled his seat belt and got off the bus. He had to go in and explain to Father Jiang.

   Seeing Bai Yiran following her into the yard in summer, he suddenly remembered that Bai Yiran still had a coat with her.

   Thought it was Bai Yiran who wanted to get the clothes, so he said, "I've worn that shirt of yours, I'll wash it and return it to you."

   Just got on the speeding car, and Bai Yiran was still a little dizzy.

   He waved his hand: "I'm not here to get clothes, I'm... here to tell your father that you didn't fool around, you went to tutor..."

   "Are you afraid that I will fight with my dad?" Xia Xia interrupted with a smile.

   Bai Yiran scratched his head embarrassedly, hehe smiled, it was the default.

  The two entered the gate of Jiang's house together. As soon as they entered, they saw Jiang's father coming downstairs.

  Although he had a dark face, he was relieved when Father Jiang saw that she was with Bai Yiran in the summer.

  Bai Yiran was very polite and greeted Jiang's father first: "Good evening, uncle..."

   However, Father Jiang interrupted him with a cold snort: "Hmph~ aren't you the monitor? Why did you bring my daughter back so late?"

   Bai Yiran opened his mouth: "We..."

   Still didn’t finish his sentence, Father Jiang snorted coldly again: “Where are you fooling around?! I don’t know how to call! You…”

   "Uncle, you misunderstood, we didn't go to fool around, I took Jiang Ziyue to my house..."

   Bai Yiran, who had been interrupted several times, still thought about interrupting Jiang's father's words, so he could explain it clearly, although it was rude to interrupt the elders.

   But he didn't expect that Father Jiang interrupted him again.

   "What did you say?! You actually brought my daughter home?! You stinky boy..." Father Jiang was so angry that he rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Bai Yiran.

  Bai Yiran quickly stepped back: "No no no, uncle, you misunderstood! I brought Jiang Ziyue home to tutor, and my parents are also at home! You don't believe that you can call my parents to ask!"

   Father Jiang braked suddenly and stopped in front of Bai Yiran.

   I looked at Bai Yiran and Xia Xia, obviously still very disbelieving.

   Xia Xia had an expression of "Do you believe it or not", instead of talking to Father Jiang, he turned to Bai Yiran and said, "It's getting late, you should go back quickly."

  Bai Yiran originally wanted to say something to Jiang's father, but after thinking about it, he had no choice but to say to Jiang's father: "Then uncle, I'll go first, it's a little late today, and I'll send Jiang Ziyue back early tomorrow!"

After   , Bai Yiran waved to Xia Xia and prepared to leave.

  But just two steps away, he was stopped by Jiang's father: "Wait!"

   Bai Yiran turned around and asked Father Jiang, "Uncle, is there anything else?"

   "Give me your parents' phone numbers." Obviously, Father Jiang still wanted to ask.

   Bai also has no opinions, but in summer, he can't be without opinions.

   She stood in front of Bai Yiran and stared at Father Jiang: "What are you doing?! Why give you the phone numbers of other people's parents?! Are you sick?"

   Bai Yiran saw that Xia Xia's hot temper came up again, so he hurried to pull her: "Jiang Ziyue, don't talk to your father like this, it's okay, my parents' phone numbers can be given..."

   In the end, Xia Xia shook off Bai Yiran's hand and yelled at him again: "Shut up! Hurry up and leave!"

  Bai Yiran innocently blinked, and then said obediently, "Then I'll leave first..."

  Xiamen turned his head to look at him, hummed, and looked quite calm.

   Bai Yiran bowed slightly to Father Jiang before turning around and leaving.

  Xiamen walked to the door and watched Bai Yiran start the car and leave.

  Father Jiang didn't mind being yelled at by Xia Xia just now, and went behind her to ask her, "Did you really go to that kid's house for tutoring?"

   Actually, Father Jiang already believed it. After all, he did not receive the consumption record tonight.

   own daughter, he still understands it relatively well.

   For example, if you go out with a friend, she must pay for it.

   He saw that the boy Bai Yiran was indeed not like the little ruffian that his daughter dated before, he should be a good student.

   If the daughter will study hard with him and change bad habits, it is not bad.

   Originally asked for the phone number, but just wanted to know something about the other’s family, and didn’t mean to disbelieve.

   is just Father Jiang's way of expressing it, it's really a little... not very good.

  Xiamen turned around and glanced at Father Jiang, and said, "Believe it or not."

   After saying that, she went upstairs.

   Father Jiang looked at his daughter's back and sighed.

   Since when did the attractive daughter become what she is now?

   Xia Xia really didn't want to do this to Jiang's father, but she knew clearly that only doing this would be the best fit for Jiang Ziyue's character.

   Take it slow, she will change slowly, and give Father Jiang a period of adaptation.


   went upstairs and went back to the room.

  Summer first went to take a bath, and then lay in bed in a daze.

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