Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 311: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (12)

  This disease has caused foot disease in summer for half a month!

  Actually, according to her recovery ability, she will recover in less than two days.

   It can be seen that Lu Jinshu guards her every day, and even sleeps by her side, so it's not good to delay in summer.

   But being 'ill' for half a month is already the limit.

   She pretended to keep it, and Lu Jinshu really couldn't do anything.

  So after being 'ill' for half a month, the summer finally got better.

   And Lu Jinshu was relieved, and then he started going to the barracks to train his soldiers every day.

   There is no need for Summer to come forward. Lu Jinshu always accompanies Summer to the military camp after having breakfast in the morning, and returns to Lu Mansion in the afternoon before dinner.

   And at night, Lu Jinshu didn't sleep with Summer again.

   After all, he was back at home, and he also realized that his niece was quite old.

   I can't sleep with him all the time, it's not good to hear it out!

   In summer, I didn't force Lu Jinshu, anyway, it would be nice to see Lu Jinshu every day.

  There are some tricks that cannot be used all the time.

  It's just weird, her age is still too embarrassing.

   When we say it is small, it is not too small, and when we say it is big, it is not too big.

  If she was seven or eight years old, she would still be ashamed to pester Lu Jinshu every day to share the bed with him.

   If she were fourteen or fifteen years old, she could show her admiration for Lu Jinshu!

   But she is twelve years old now!

  Lu Jinshu hired a husband for her, who specially asked her to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

   He didn't ask how well he studied in the summer, just to pass her time.

   After all, in the Lu family now, there are only her and him.

   On weekdays, there is no one around to talk to in the summer.

  Lu Jinshu is afraid of being too lonely in summer.

   This intention, although Lu Jinshu did not express it clearly, he could still know it in the summer.

  Since Lu Jinshu kindly found something to do to pass the time for her, then she should 'learn'!

   So, in summer, he learns piano and chess every morning, and calligraphy and painting in the afternoon.

  When I have nothing to do, I also go out for a walk.

When    was shopping, I was lucky enough to meet that Lian'er.

  She was sitting in the private room of the restaurant tasting wine and eating snacks, while Lian’er looked at the rouge in the rouge gouache shop opposite the restaurant.

   If I hadn't seen Lian'er, I would have almost forgotten her in summer.

   After returning to Ancheng, she seemed to have never seen Lian'er again.

   Originally thought that according to the way she sees people, this Lian'er should be obsessed with Lu Jinshu!

   But in the blink of an eye, they have all returned to Ancheng for half a year, and Lian'er hasn't moved.

  Looking at her dress and the maidservants around her, she thought she was having a good time.

   At this time, the bell next to him said: "Fortunately, Lord Hou didn't let this Lian'er come to the mansion before, otherwise I still don't know how to seduce Lord Hou!"

  Xia Tian raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to look at the bell: "When did this Lian'er come to the house to look for it?"

   Hearing Xia Xia's question, Bell quickly replied: "It's the second day after we return to Ancheng! That day..."

   The day after they returned to Ancheng, Lian’er came to the door.

  According to Lian'er's words, she came to know that those relatives were no longer there, and now she is really helpless.

   So Lian'er hoped that Lu Jinshu could take her in, even if she was a maid to serve him.

  The meaning of serving is not ordinary serving, which can be heard by smart people.

   But Lu Jinshu just didn't hear it!

   Hearing the bell, Lu Jinshu only asked Uncle He at that time, Lian'erfu was not suitable to be the servant girl in the family.

  Lu Jinshu couldn't understand that people came after him, but Uncle He could see it!

   You can tell from the look of the master that the master has no interest in this Lian'er at all.

   So, Uncle He replied, "It doesn't fit."

   So Lu Jinshu didn't even see Lian'er, so he directly asked Uncle He to give her some money, and didn't let her into the house at all.

  Just like that, Lian’er was sent away.

  Ling Dang is a person who likes gossip very much. She can say one, two, or three about any gossip in Ancheng.

  Because I didn’t ask about it in summer, the bell didn’t mention Lian’er.

   I happened to see Lian’er today, and Bell couldn’t keep her mouth shut, telling Xia all the gossip she knew.

   I heard that Lian’er seduced a certain businessman not long after she came to Ancheng.

   climbed into someone's bed and became someone's aunt.

  Lianer still looks pretty good now, at least on the surface.

   After listening to what the bell said, I was actually a little disappointed in summer.

   Originally, she thought this Lian'er would be such a powerful character.

   Maybe she will successfully enter the Lu Mansion, dangling under her nose every day.

   I just didn't expect that Lu Jinshu would not give people a chance to make moves at all, so he just solved them easily, it's really boring...

   Later, it seemed that I heard the bell mentioned again in the summer, saying that Lian'er was not doing well at the merchant's house, so she seduced a certain official who came to the merchant's house for the night.

   I thought I could follow the official to become the official concubine, but they didn't take her seriously at all.

   Later, at the suggestion of his original wife, the merchant directly treated Lian’er as a female branch and used it to greet those guests.

   The original wife had a grudge against Lian'er, so naturally it wouldn't make her any better.

   What happened to Lian’er after that, when the bell said it, I didn’t pay attention to it in the summer.

   It's none of her business, and she's not interested.

  Lian'er's matter has come to an end.


  Lu Jinshu lives between the military camp every day and the Lu Mansion. He doesn't like to socialize and drink with others, so naturally there will be no flowers and butterflies around him.

   The world has just been calmed down at this time, and it is absolutely far-fetched to say that it is a peaceful and prosperous world.

  People from Outland have always been very restless, not to mention after the troubled times, they will always offend the border town.

  Lu Jinshu is usually very busy, and gradually, he doesn't come back every day.

   As expected in the summer, after the favorability was increased to 88%, it never rose again.

   In summer, I thought she hadn't grown up yet, so don't worry.

   Even if she wants to lure Lu Jinshu with **** (harmony), she will have to wait until she has the capital!

   But Xia Xia didn't expect that she was not in a hurry, but someone was in a hurry!

   Three years after returning to Ancheng, Helian Yao in the capital passed the news that he wanted to give Lu Jinshu a marriage.

   Xia Tian suddenly remembered that Lu Jinshu's wife in my memory was given to him by Helian Yao!

   But this marriage seems to be a little earlier than I remember.

   In my memory, when Helian Yao gave Lu Jinshu a marriage, Lu Zijin had already entered the palace as a concubine.

   But now, summer is only fifteen years old, and there is still one year left before her and her.

   In the past two years, the height in summer has grown a bit longer.

   It used to be only 1.5 meters, but now it is about 1.65 meters.

   But before Lu Jin wrote it, he still looked very petite.

   Of course, the girlish charm is still shown.

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