Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 312: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (thirteen)

  People who propose marriage also come to the door.

   In the past three years, Lu Jinshu was busy with the barracks, and the Lu Mansion was managed in summer.

  So those who proposed relatives were invited away by Xia Xia's Uncle He on the grounds of keeping filial piety before they even entered the door.

   She really wants to keep filial piety, this reason is very reasonable.

  Although, the three-year period of filial piety will soon pass.

   I have been thinking about it in the summer, she is no different from adults now, and she has grown up.

   Then should she work hard to get closer to Lu Jinshu?

   Anyway, the favorability level that hasn't moved for three years, I have to make it move!

   It's just that Xia Xia didn't expect that Helian Yao's marriage would come faster than her...

   It seems that these three years, Helianyao is still very worried about Lu Jinshu, and wants to find someone to watch him!

  According to what Xia Xia knew, the object of marriage was the woman named Kong Qiuyun.

   In my memory, it was Kong Qiuyun who killed Lu Jinshu!

   Not to mention the femme fatale that this woman Helian Yao deliberately arranged beside Lu Jinshu, can Lu Jinshu marry someone else in the summer? !

   So after knowing that Helian Yao was going to marry Lu Jinshu, Xia Xia immediately went to find Lu Jinshu.

   At that time, Lu Jinshu was in the study, telling the military adviser and staff that Helian Yao was going to give him a marriage.

   In summer, she is standing in front of the study in a light blue brocade dress. The chubby and cute baby fat has already faded away. She has an oval face with willow eyebrows, a small and erect nose, and pink lips like peach petals.

   Lu Zijin's facial features are indeed very delicate, and there is no place to be picky.

   She stood there, slim.

   She asked him: "Uncle, do you really want to marry someone else?!"

   After hearing Xia Xia's questioning tone, everyone was stunned, including Lu Jinshu.

   If it wasn't for the word 'uncle' added in front of Xia Xia, the people next to her would think that Xia Xia was the girl who was lost by Lu Jinshu!

   Of course, Lu Jinshu was stunned, not because of Xia's tone, but because he didn't expect Xia to know so quickly.

   Seeing that Lu Jinshu didn't answer right away, Xia Xia walked up to him and asked him, "Uncle, do you really want to marry someone else?"

  Lu Jinshu looked at Xia Xia and nodded: "Yes, but not so fast."

   He doesn't want to get married so early...

   Well, in fact, according to his age, it is already very late.

  Many people are like him at the age of 30 now, and their children are almost grown up.

   Just don't know why, he doesn't want to marry someone else.

   But, after all, he is the only male of the Lu family, and it is definitely necessary to inherit the lineage.

   So there is nothing wrong with Lu Jinshu's answer.

  Summer drooped his eyelids, made an oh at the bottom, and then turned and ran away.

  Lu Jinshu was confused about her performance.

   The military advisors and staff next to him could only look at each other.

  Lu Zijin only came to the Lu family when she was three years old, so she was the adopted daughter of the Lu family, and the locals in Ancheng knew it.

   Lu Jinshu's military advisers and staff, of course, also know about it.

  Lu Jinshu is slow to respond and is a creature with low emotional intelligence, but his military advisers and staff are not!

  Looking at the appearance of summer, everyone is not stupid.

   Although they felt that it was inappropriate for Lu Jinshu to have such thoughts in summer, they had no position to remind Lu Jinshu, so they had to pretend they didn't know.

   "Is she angry?" Lu Jinshu asked his military advisor.

   He thought to hear the tone, summer doesn't seem to be very happy.

   But Lu Jinshu was not sure, so he had to ask the military advisor.

   The strategist blinked, thought about it, and said hesitantly, "Maybe, yes."

   "Why?" Lu Jinshu asked again.

   The military division didn't know how to answer this time. He had been 'eum' for a long time, but he didn't have any reason to 'e'.

  Lu Jinshu asked again: "Is it because I want to marry someone else?"

   The strategist was startled, thinking that his general had finally come to his senses!

   Just wanted to answer 'yes, yes', but Lu Jinshu's next sentence was: "It shouldn't, forget it, I'll ask."

   Military division: "..."

   He still overestimated the emotional intelligence of his general, really.


   When Lu Jinshu left the study to look for summer, he was feeding fish by the fish pond in the back garden.

  Beside the fish pond, there is a peach blossom tree that is very old.

   At this time, pink peach blossoms are blooming all over the trees.

  The wind blows gently and the petals fall, as if dancing around the summer under the tree.

   The peach blossom tree is very beautiful, but the people under the peach blossom tree are even more beautiful in Lu Jinshu's view!

  Lu Jinshu raised his feet and walked to Xia Xia's side.

   Xia Xia knew that Lu Jinshu was here, but ignored him.

  Three years, does she want to be a little more obvious?

   In fact, she has already made it quite obvious.

   At least Lu Jinshu's military advisers and those aides can see something more or less.

  Unfortunately, Lu Jinshu is a piece of wood. If you don't break it, he will never know.

   Seeing Xia Xia ignore him, Lu Jinshu sat down beside her and lowered the sight distance between the two.

   Then, he asked Xia Xia directly: "Zijin, what's the matter with you?"

  Summer's hand feeding the fish paused and looked up at him.

   Although Lu Jinshu was sitting, it was a little hard to raise his head in summer.

   She stood up without a trace, so that she didn't have to look up at Lu Jinshu.

   "What's wrong with me?" Xia Xia asked Lu Jinshu.

  Lu Jinshu nodded: "You don't look happy."

  Xiamen didn't speak, just looked at him.

  Lu Jinshu spoke again and asked her, "Are you unhappy because the emperor gave you the marriage?"

   Summer shook his head: "No."

   "Did someone bully you?" Lu Jinshu asked again.

   Summer still shook his head: "No."

  Lu Jinshu frowned, this time he really didn't understand: "Why is that?"

   Xia Tian took a step forward and gently held Lu Jinshu's hand.

   Her affection for Lu Jinshu, Lu Jinshu is used to it.

   also gently, holding the fair and beautiful little hand in summer in his own.

  Lu Jinshu's palm has many calluses, and there are knife scars on the back of his hand. Xia Tian's hand is placed in his hand, which is in sharp contrast.

   Xia Xia asked Lu Jinshu: "Will my uncle marry someone else in the future?"

   This question, Lu Jinshu remembered that he seemed to have answered it in the study just now, right?

   But since Summer asked again, he answered again.

  He nodded: "Well, yes."

   And this time, the sentence is a little longer.

   After all, three years of training is not for nothing.

  Lu Jinshu said, "I am the only one in the Lu family now, so I can't let the Lu family end. What do you think, Zijin?"

  Xiamen nodded in agreement: "Well, it's natural."

   "But... does uncle have to marry someone else?" She looked at Lu Jinshu, trying to convey the affection in her eyes.

  Lu Jinshu only felt that Xia Xia's gaze made his heart soften.

   But affection, he really... didn't receive it.

   And he didn't understand what Xia Xia said, so he asked in a daze: "If you don't marry someone else, who will you marry?"

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