Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 313: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (14)

   Yes, if you don’t marry someone else, who will you marry?

   This question is problem!

   Well, Xia Xia knows, she must not have too much hope for Lu Jinshu.

   After all, his emotional intelligence is really low... a little sympathetic!

   Summer feels that there are very few people with such low emotional intelligence.

   Gu Yanyu's future host, no matter how low his EQ, should be no less than Lu Jinshu, right?

   Of course, the future facts proved that she was wrong——

   But what about the future, summer doesn't know yet, she only knows one thing now.

   That is, if she hadn't directly stated that 'niece actually admired her uncle for a long time', Lu Jinshu probably would never have 'niece' fall in love with her!

   So, Xia Xia answered Lu Jinshu very directly, she said, "Marry me."

The word    made Lu Jinshu lean back and almost fell into the fish pond.

  's always paralyzed face also showed a surprised expression: " said...what?"

  Lu Jinshu thinks, maybe he heard it wrong.

   His niece, how could he let him marry her...

  Xiamen took a deep breath, and seemed to have plucked up a lot of courage: "I said, if my uncle must get married, can you marry me? I am willing to marry my uncle!"

   Now, is it clear enough?

  ——Lu Jinshu fled, which was expected in summer.

   But she didn't expect that Lu Jinshu would run so fast.

   As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Jinshu let go of her hand and left quickly as if he were running away.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Lu Jinshu's favorability for you is 89%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Very good, after three years of not moving the favorability, I finally moved.

  Although it only added 1%, it’s not bad!

  Xiamer turned around, but Lu Jinshu was nowhere to be seen.

   She knew what she said just now, and all the servants nearby heard it.

   and she was 'rejected', she naturally wanted to pretend to be 'sad'.

   So Xia Xia lowered her head to hide the smile in her eyes.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Lu Jinshu's favorability for you is 90%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

Um? added again?

   Could it be that Lu Jinshu went and came back?

  Xiamen didn't look up, because she knew that if Lu Jinshu came back, she would definitely be hiding in the dark to watch her secretly.

   And the 90% favorability rating now should not be enough for Lu Jinshu to accept her.

   After all, she is his 'niece'!

   As Xia Xia thought, Lu Jinshu really left and came back, and then hid in the dark to watch Xia Xia.

   Mainly, Lu Jinshu is a little worried about summer.

  Although Lu Jinshu was shocked by what Xia Xia said, he ran away as a conditioned reflex.

   But soon he began to worry again, whether his actions just now would make Xia Xia sad.

   Now it seems that summer is really "sad".

  Lu Jinshu felt a little distressed, but did not dare to go forward.

   He didn't know when it started that this 'niece' he loved so much had the idea of ​​marrying him.

   How is this possible! He is her uncle!

   He and her are both surnamed Lu!

   Moreover, he was fifteen years older than her!

  ... At this time, Lu Jinshu completely ignored the fact that Xia Xia didn't have the surname Lu, nor was he his niece.

   Or what worries him the most is that he is fifteen years older than Summer.

   But anyway, Lu Jinshu was frightened by Xia Xia's confession.

   After that, Xia Xia began to count with her fingers, how long did Lu Jinshu hide from her?

   However, the fingers are finished, but Lu Jinshu has not avoided enough...

  Lu Jinshu rejected Helian Yao's offer of marriage on the grounds that he didn't want to get married yet.

   Helian Yao had no choice, at least temporarily let go of this thought.

  Of course, only temporarily——

   In the blink of an eye, spring went to summer, and autumn came, and Lu Jinshu even avoided her for a few months!

   For several months, Lu Jinshu lived in the military camp and never came back.

   Even secretly, I have never had it!

  I didn't even send a letter to Summer.

   After waiting so long in summer, I finally got a little impatient.

After the    favorability level was increased to 90%, it never went up again. After three years, the favorability level increased by 2%.

  Although she has a lot of patience, the premise is that she must be able to see Lu Jinshu!

   During this period, I actually thought of many ways in summer.

   For example, when he went directly to the military camp to find Lu Jinshu, he stubbornly asked him for an answer.

   said: "To marry or not to marry, it's a matter of one sentence! Just give it a go!"

   She also thought about it, guarding outside the military camp every day, without mentioning the confession that day.

   In the end, the most suitable and possibly the most effective way she thought about away from home!

   It has been three years since the troubled times ended, and the border has been peaceful under the protection of Lu Jinshu.

   So An Cheng left Lu Jinshu for the time being, and nothing major would happen.

   If she ran away directly from home, she would scare Lu Jinshu!

  Humph~ Who made him hide from her for so long! Not happy!

   Xia Xia has already decided on one thing, that is, when Gu Yanyu regains her memory, she will definitely take revenge.

   Otherwise, wouldn't it be a loss for her these past few years?

   Xia Xia had already thought about how to fix Gu Yanyu, and then... she couldn't wait, and wanted Gu Yanyu to restore his memory!


  Autumn is the harvest season!

  Anseong has another bumper harvest this year, and the people are very happy.

   That night, there was a shout from outside the Lu family's barracks: "Master Hou!! Master Hou is not good!!"

   Lu Jinshu vaguely heard that it was the voice of the servants of the Lu residence.

   Let the soldiers let people in, and the servants of the Lu Mansion knelt on the ground as soon as they entered the main tent: "Your Majesty is not good!"

  Lu Jinshu's face was not very good-looking, and he quickly asked, "What happened?"

   The servant's voice trembled and said, "Miss...Miss she...leave a letter and go!"

   During the conversation, the servant had already handed over the letter that Xia Xian had left in the room, tremblingly.

  Lu Jinshu stood up abruptly and looked at the letter held high by the servant in disbelief. away from home? !

  Lu Jinshu stretched out his hand to get the letter, his hand trembling a little.

   What trembles more than the hand is the heart.

   For the past few months, he has been hiding from the summer, even if he really misses it, he endures it.

   In fact, in the past few months, he has also vaguely realized that he actually likes summer.

   But it was because he realized his intention that he was even more afraid to see Summer.

  Because he was afraid, he was afraid to do something wrong to his brother and sister-in-law!

   He is not afraid of the eyes of the world, nor of the public opinion of the world.

   He was only afraid that his brother and sister-in-law would think he was... a beast.

  The envelope left by Xia Xia read "Uncle personally opened", Lu Jinshu knew that this was her word.

   He opened the envelope, and the letter inside contained only a few words: Zijin is just the adopted daughter of the Lu family, and uncle has not returned to the house for several months to avoid Zijin.

  The Lu Mansion belongs to the uncle. Since the uncle did not come back because of Zijin, then Zijin will leave!

  Leave two words at the end: don't look for it!

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