Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 437: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (twelve)

   Gu Yanyu asked where Xia Xia wanted to tutor. Xia originally wanted to tutor at her own home. After all, she was still thinking about how to trick Gu Yanyu.

   But as soon as he got home, he was stopped by Li's mother in the summer.

   I heard that Gu Yanyu is going to tutor in the summer from today, and Li's mother said that she should tutor at their house in the summer, and they can have dinner together in the evening.

   Xia Xia refused, and Mother Li said that Xia Zimu would eat alone at home or eat with Xia Zimu in Xia Xia. The two of them were strangely deserted, and it would be more lively if the family had dinner.

  Xia Xia's face was already hesitant. Mother Li continued her efforts, pretending to be pitiful, and said, "Xiao Xia has grown up and is no longer close to us, so sad..."

   In the face of such a mother Li, summer is completely unable to parry.

  So, she chose to compromise.

   "Then... well, I'll disturb Auntie."

   "Auntie is willing to disturb you every day!"

   After agreeing to tutor at Li's house and have dinner, Li's mother took Xia Xia's shoulders and entered Li's house together, and turned back and gave Gu Yanyu a wink.

   Gu Yanyu knew that Mother Li was helping him!

   Xia Xia probably never thought that after he was trapped by Gu Yanyu, he was trapped by Li's mother.

   And she not only jumped into Gu Yanyu's pit, but also jumped into Li's mother's pit—

The location of    tutoring was arranged in Gu Yanyu's study.

  Gu Yanyu is still very responsible for preparing tutoring for summer, but in summer he has no attitude towards tutoring at all.

  Gu Yanyu was taking out the textbook, and she was there with her mobile phone.

   Seeing Xia Xia looking at her phone and smiling straight, Gu Yanyu also stretched his neck to look, and found that Xia Xia was actually swiping Weibo.

   Gu Yanyu raised his eyebrows and asked her curiously, "Is Weibo good?"

  Xiamen hummed as a response, without raising his head.

   Seeing that Xia Xia ignored him, Gu Yanyu got closer and watched the funny video on Weibo with her next to Xia Xia.

   Just when Xia Xia was laughing, Gu Yanyu said, "I think you look better!"

When    just heard this sentence, Xia Xia was stunned and looked up at Gu Yanyu.

   Then, she didn't understand what Gu Yanyu meant, she just thought he was just complimenting her on her beauty.

   Hmm...I didn't think about that at all!

   Don't look at the fact that he likes Ouyang Tianhao for a few years now. He usually has suitors around him, but she was intimidated by her and ran away.

   But in terms of emotions, summer is still very rough.

   In addition, she had always regarded Li Jingxia as her brother, so she didn't feel that this sentence was similar to love words.

   She also raised her chin slightly arrogantly, raised her hand and brushed the broken hair in front of her forehead, and said, "Of course I look better! Anyway, I look better than you!"

   Just before Xia Xia could react, Gu Yanyu suddenly reached out and grabbed Xia Xia's mobile phone, and said with a smile, "Okay, the mobile phone is also swiped, let's start tutoring now!"

   Don’t do it in summer, go grab your phone.

  Gu Yanyu stood, his hand holding the phone was just raised high and not for her.

  Summer is also standing, jumping up and wanting to take it.

   However, despite being 1.7 meters in summer, she is a head shorter than Gu Yanyu.

   In front of Gu Yanyu, he was still a little petite.

   "Li Jingxia! Give me your phone back!" Xia Xia hugged Gu Yanyu's arm with one hand, and held the other hand high to get his phone back.

   "The tutoring was agreed, and I will pay you back after the tutoring is over." As he coped with the summer, Gu Yanyu looked relaxed.

  Summer quit, his eyes rolled, he jumped up suddenly, one hand hooked Gu Yanyu's neck, and his legs were still wrapped around his waist.

   She suddenly jumped up like this, Gu Yanyu didn't stand still.

   The two of them collapsed on the sofa next to each other…

   Then, a dramatic scene happened.

  Because it was a conditioned reflex to worry about falling into the summer, Gu Yanyu just lost his mobile phone and wrapped his arms around the summer.

   Then he fell on the sofa, Gu Yanyu was on the bottom, and Summer was on top.

   Coincidentally, Xia Xia's mouth just hit Gu Yanyu's mouth.

   When the surprised eyes met, the door of the study was opened.

   Mother Li, who was holding fruit, was standing at the door, almost not holding the fruit plate steady.

   After she was stunned for a while, she quickly closed the door quietly again.

   stood at the door and patted his chest, taking a long breath.

   She didn't expect the progress of her son and Xia Xia to be so soon...

   ah ah ah ah!

  Although the future daughter-in-law is a little younger, she must have to wait a few more years to hold her grandson, but she likes this daughter-in-law very much!

   Wait a few years just wait a few years!


   In the study, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia still maintained that posture.

   In the face of his wife, Gu Yanyu, a normal man, was still a little uncontrollable.

   But he still has some measure, let go of Summer, and sat up from the sofa.

   Seeing that Xia Xia was still in a daze, Gu Yanyu couldn't help but joke: "Did you just eat my tofu on purpose?"

   Hearing Gu Yanyu's joke, Xia Xia's face suddenly turned red.

   That was her first kiss!

  Because I hit it, my lips hurt a little.

   But at least it didn't break the skin, otherwise it would be ugly.

  Xia Tian wants to go crazy and criticize Gu Yanyu for being a hooligan.

  's words came to his lips, but he remembered that just now... She was pressing Gu Yanyu, not Gu Yanyu.

   So it seems inappropriate to call Gu Yanyu a hooligan.

   muttered "who would like to eat your tofu", and got up in summer to pick up his mobile phone.

   However, her hand was one step slower, and Gu Yanyu had already picked up the phone.

   After checking that there was no damage, Gu Yanyu put the phone in his trouser pocket.

   Then tilted his head to look at Xia Xia and said with a smile, "I'll return the phone to you after the tuition is over."

   Xia Zhi was angry when she heard it, but she went to sit down at the desk and waited for Gu Yanyu to tutor her.

  Gu Yanyu also sat down on the chair next to her, and started tutoring.

  Gu Yanyu is a language teacher, so he decided to give supplementary language for summer first.

   But before the tuition, Gu Yanyu checked her foundation.

  The foundation of summer is really bad, so bad that he can't believe it.

   He remembers that every summer's host is a scholar, right?

   But how come summer without memory is a scumbag?

   Fortunately, although the summer is gone now and the memory has become a scumbag, it is because she did not study hard.

   As long as she studies seriously, it is very easy to become a scholar.

  Gu Yanyu is a good teacher. In the summer, he originally wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble so that Gu Yanyu could not give her tuition.

   But I didn't expect to hear Gu Yanyu tutoring her, it was quite interesting!

   Then, without knowing it, Xia Xia started to follow Gu Yanyu's train of thought.

   The two slowly entered the state, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

   It wasn't until Xia Zimu knocked on the door and asked them to have dinner that Xia Xia realized that she was studying hard just now!

  This is learning, she forgot to do the so-called trouble in her plan!

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