Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 438: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (Thirteen)

   It doesn't matter if the trouble is not implemented, she is still very good at tutoring? !

   What the hell? !

  No, she can't 'fallen'!

   Gu Yanyu said that after dinner, she would have to teach her mathematics.

  Since this is the case, then she must implement her plan well——

   After dinner, Gu Yanyu tutored in summer.

   When I went to the study, Xia Xia was still thinking about how to fix Gu Yanyu.


   I don't know if Gu Yanyu has any magic power, and he even took summer away!

  Let her put all her status on her studies, and she is still very attentive.

   It wasn't until after the tutoring was over that she realized that she forgot to fix Gu Yanyu again!

   But there is no way, today's tutoring is over, her plans are completely in vain...

  Tomorrow is Saturday, Gu Yanyu said that he needs to study in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening... more! Tutoring!

Xia Xia felt very broken, and couldn't help but said: "Are you planning to let me study 24 hours a day?! My head is about to explode, right?! Can I hold so much knowledge in one day?! Relax If you don't give it, are you going to be my sponge?!"

   Gu Yanyu thought for a while, and said, "Well, let's change the environment and play while tutoring? Take a break when you are tired from tutoring."

   "Huh? What do you mean by playing while tutoring?" Xia Xia tilted her head and looked at him.

   "I'll take you to the beach tomorrow to stay for two days. At this time, you can still play at the beach, otherwise it will be cold after a while."

   Hearing Gu Yanyu say that, there seems to be no reason to refuse the more fun summer!

  The Li family has a villa by the sea, which is very beautiful.

  Not only is the villa beautiful, but the beach is also very popular because it is white, and many people usually go there to play.

   Of course, I have been there in the summer, but not much.

   It would be nice to go there for vacation, but with Gu Yanyu...

After   Xiamen hesitated for a moment, he nodded and agreed: "Okay!"

   So, it was settled so happily.

   went to the beach for the weekend. Li's father and Li's mother said that he would not go. Xia Zimu had to go to the company on the weekend because of some problems in the company.

   Then, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu were left.

   Whether it's Xia Zimu or Summer, it doesn't seem like there is anything wrong with this.

   Instead, it was Li's mother, and she was talking to Gu Yanyu late at night. The content... It means that Xia Xia is still young, let him control it, don't be disrespectful and so on.

   Gu Yanyu just wanted to laugh when he heard it. Now his favorability rating is only 50%, he doesn't even dare to confess, how dare he do anything?

  Although ahem...he really wanted to do it.


   At half past eight the next morning, Gu Yanyu came to Xia Xia's house, ready to go to the beach with her.

   But at this time, summer has not yet gotten up.

  Because she watched the drama too late last night, she didn't go to bed until 3am.

   When Gu Yanyu came, Xia Zimu was about to go to the company. When he saw Gu Yanyu, he also told Gu Yanyu to take good care of Xia Xia.

   After receiving Gu Yanyu's assurance, Xia Zimu let Gu Yanyu enter the house with great confidence.

   Looking back many years later, Xia Zimu only blamed herself for being too careless in the first place!

  Brother once became brother-in-law, it was exciting...

   Gu Yanyu went upstairs after knowing that he was still sleeping in the summer.

   He has been to Xia's house, and he knows where Xia's room is, so he walked to her room without a nanny.

   Standing at the door of Summer's room, Gu Yanyu raised his hand and knocked on the door.

   Although it was his wife's room, out of courtesy, Gu Yanyu thought it was better to knock on the door first.

  What if you are changing clothes in summer?

   However, after knocking on the door, Gu Yanyu got no response from Xia Xia.

   After a pause, Gu Yanyu pushed open the door and entered the room.

   The pink and tender princess room, although childish, does not make people feel tired.

   On that princess bed, with the quilt in her arms in summer, she slept very sweetly!

   Standing beside the bed, looking at Xia Xia's peaceful sleeping face, Gu Yanyu leaned over carefully, and kissed her gently on the forehead.

   The unconcealed affection and doting in her eyes were not discovered by the sleeping summer. If she found out, she would be shocked, right?

   Looking at the sleeping summer, Gu Yanyu did not wake her up immediately.

He sat down beside her bed, stroked her long hair lightly, and whispered softly: "Why haven't you given me a good feeling? Even 1% is fine! You are too shocking. Bar!"

   Anyway, he has been here for a few days.

   Of course, Gu Yanyu's complaints were not heard in summer.

  Gu Yanyu sat by the summer bed for a while before he started to wake her up: "Little slacker! Get up soon! It's getting late! Get up!"

  Wake people to get up, so the sound can't be quieter.

   Xia Xia was very annoyed when she heard someone arguing in her ear.

   raised his hand and waved, humming impatiently, then turned over and continued to sleep.

   Gu Yanyu went around to the other side and continued to call her: "Little slacker get up~~"

   "Oops~ I still want to sleep~ Don't disturb me~ Annoying~"

   However, Xia Xia's complaints failed to stop the alarm clock Gu Yanyu.

   It was really annoying in the end, Xia Xia simply hugged Gu Yanyu by the neck and pulled him onto the bed.

   used both hands and feet, hugging Gu Yanyu like an octopus, trying to shut him up in this way.

   These conditioned reflex actions, I didn't pay attention to whether they were inappropriate in the summer.

   She doesn't even know who wakes her up!

   He closed his eyes and never opened them, frowning impatiently.

   Summer is confused, but Gu Yanyu is sober!

   Early in the morning, so close to my wife...

   reacted, which is normal!

   took a deep breath, Gu Yanyu endured and endured.

   He raised his hand and patted Xia Xia's shoulder: "Xia Xia, I'm getting up soon, I'm welcome if I don't get up again?"

In the last half of the sentence, Gu Yanyu said something special.

  Summer was almost awake, but he didn't want to open his eyes.

   But after barely realizing that the speaker was Gu Yanyu, Xia Xia finally opened his eyes.

  It is probably because they grew up together, so even when he found himself entangled with Gu Yanyu like an octopus, he didn’t feel that something was wrong in the summer.

   Just let go of Gu Yanyu's hands and feet, and burrowed into his arms unconsciously, and muttered in a coquettish tone: "I still want to sleep~"

   Inexplicably felt that it was quite comfortable to fall asleep in Gu Yanyu's arms.

  Summer closed his eyes again, drowsiness struck again, and almost fell asleep.

   "Okay, it's getting late, didn't you say you want to go to the beach? Don't you want to go?"

   In fact, Gu Yanyu also wants to sleep with his arms around Summer!

   Think about it, his favorability is only 50%, so he has to control himself!

   The feeling that the lady is pregnant but can't do anything is so sad...

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