Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 447: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (twenty two)

When    walked into the banquet hall, Qian Qianqian was very nervous. After all, it was the first time she met Ouyang Tianhao's parents.

   But when she saw the summer on the stage dressed up like a fairy, and Ouyang Tianhao, who was as handsome as a prince from a fairy tale, she was not nervous.

  Because, she is unhappy now.

   How can Ouyang Tianhao play together with Summer!

   It was his birthday!

   In front of so many people!

  Those who don't know think that he and Xia Xia are a couple!

   Taking a deep breath, Qian Qianqian summoned the courage to shout, "Sorry, I'm late... ah!—"

   Before he finished speaking, it was interrupted by a scream from her.

   Qian Qianqian's volume is not small, especially the scream.

   Everyone followed the voice and saw Qian Qianqian lying on the ground in a daze.

   Xia Xia watched Qian Qianqian the whole time, but she didn't know whether Qian Qianqian was tripped by the skirt? Or is it because of that 14-centimeter height?

   Anyway, no matter how embarrassed Qian Qianqian is, Xia Xia wanted to laugh at this time.

  While holding back his laughter, Xia Xia was thinking in his heart what a pity that Luo Ke didn't come.

   Originally, Luo Ke was going to come, but she couldn't get out of bed because of the stomachache today.

   So even though I really wanted to come, I couldn’t come.

   Such a wonderful picture can only be shared with Luo Ke later in the summer——

  Everyone was frightened by Qian Qianqian's solid fall.

  Everyone is thinking, who is the person who fell?

   Even though Qian Qianqian was lying on the ground, people who knew the goods felt that the skirt she was wearing looked familiar.

   asked the person next to him: "Hey, isn't that the dress ChaCha designed half a year ago? It seems like there are only two in the world, right?"

   "It looks like that one! But who is that person?"

   "One of them was auctioned half a year ago. Who bought it? I suddenly can't remember."

   In fact, Qian Qianqian's fall was really bad.

   She not only twisted because the shoes were too high, but also stepped on the skirt when she was about to fall and try to stabilize herself.

   Then there was the scene where she was lying on the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

   She was lying on the ground, so naturally no one could immediately see what she looked like.

   Curiosity drove the onlookers to guess which wife Qian Qianqian should be, otherwise how could she wear such a skirt!

   Looking at Qian Qianqian's hairstyle, no one really guesses which daughter she might be, but only guesses which wife she is.

   Because of Qian Qianqian's fall, Ouyang Tianhao and Xia Xia's ensemble was also forced to stop.

   Summer put down the violin, Ouyang Tianhao sat in front of the piano and turned his head to look at Qian Qianqian.

   He didn't recognize the person who fell, it was his girlfriend!

  Like everyone else, he thought it was the lady of the house!

  The quickest response was Ouyang's mother, she thought that no matter which wife she was, it was best to help her up quickly.

   In order to appear more approachable, Ouyang's mother also stepped forward and helped Qian Qianqian up.

   also asked her very gently: "This lady, are you alright!"

   A few days ago, Qian Qianqian asked Ouyang Tianhao to show her photos because she was worried that she would not know Ouyang's parents.

   So as soon as she looked up, she recognized the person who came to help her up, Ouyang's mother.

  Because it was Ouyang's mother who came to help her up, Qian Qianqian directly ignored Ouyang's mother calling her "Mrs.".

   She was a little nervous, and a little shy, she said to Ouyang's mother, "Thank you auntie, I'm fine!"

  Ouyang's mother was first taken aback by Qian Qianqian's makeup, and immediately heard her call her Auntie.

   The whole face was almost distorted.

   If a girl in her twenties called her auntie, she would happily answer.

   But the makeup is so thick that Qian Qianqian can't tell her age, and Ouyang's mother directly defined Qian Qianqian as over thirty-five years old.

   Calling her aunt at such an age makes her a little bit unbearable.

  So after hearing Qian Qianqian call her that, the decent smile she maintained on her face was almost distorted.

  Ouyang's mother froze there as if she had been struck by lightning, but Ouyang Tianhao and Gu Yanyu could hear Qian Qianqian's voice.

   Seeing Qian Qianqian's makeup, Gu Yanyu couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

  In the original plot, although Qian Qianqian came in a summer dress, she also wore a height of 14 cm and even fell.

   But in the plot, Qian Qianqian didn't wear such heavy makeup that even ghosts can be startled!

  Oh my god~ This heroine is so bad!

   Gu Yanyu felt that he couldn't even watch the plot.

   Originally, the plot line was very nonsensical and Mary Sue, but what happened now is really...

   Hearing Qian Qianqian's voice, Ouyang Tianhao was so frightened that he quickly stood up.

   "Qian Qian?" He called Qian Qian Qian somewhat uncertainly.

   Hearing Ouyang Tianhao calling her, Qian Qianqian immediately grinned at him: "Sorry Tianhao, I'm late, there is a traffic jam on the road!"

  It is gratifying that Qian Qianqian's teeth are very white and neat.

  But that makeup... Where is Qian Qianqian, who is pure and lovely in his eyes?

  Tianhao? !

   Called so affectionately? !

  The corner of Ouyang's mother's mouth, who was still supporting Qian Qian, twitched. Why did she have a bad guess?

  Ouyang Tianhao on the stage saw that his mother's face changed, and he knew something was wrong.

   He quickly got off the stage and walked towards Qian Qianqian's side.

   However, he was still a step too late.

   Qian Qianqian has introduced herself to Ouyang's mother very shyly: "Hello auntie! My name is Qian Qianqian! It's Tianhao's girlfriend, nice to meet you!"

   Her expression that she couldn't wait to show that she was Ouyang Tianhao's girlfriend, coupled with her makeup, was really dumbfounding.

   seems to want everyone to know her 'identity', so Qian Qianqian's self-introduction volume is not small.

The people who heard it, except Ouyang Tianhao and his classmates, couldn't believe their ears.

   "My God~ is Ouyang Tianhao's taste like this?!"

   "Does this woman look ten years older than Ouyang Tianhao?"

   "Where did this girl come from?!"

   "That's Qian Qianqian?! My God, this makeup look is too awesome!"

   "Spicy eyes, hot eyes!"

   "It really is a pheasant. Even if you wear a skirt that is limited in the world, you can't become a phoenix!"

   "Limited edition? A treasure with the same style! Can she afford the limited edition?"

   "Yes, it is estimated that it is the same style of a certain treasure!"


   After Qian Qianqian introduced herself, Ouyang's mother had already let go of her hand.

  If it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, Ouyang's mother might directly shake her face.

   Of course, her face is not very good-looking now.

   "This...Ms. Qian Qianqian, are you kidding me?"

The whispers around    made Qian Qianqian feel embarrassed. She didn't think that Ouyang's mother would directly slap her face.

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