Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 448: Master Bamboo, what are you doing? (twenty-three)

   Qian Qianqian shook her head and said, "Auntie, I'm not kidding you, I'm really Tianhao's girlfriend. If you don't believe me, you can ask Tianhao!"

When    was talking, Qian Qianqian pointed to Ouyang Tianhao who was walking towards them.

  Ouyang's mother tilted her head and looked at Ouyang Tianhao: "Okay, son, what are you talking about? Who is she?"

   In front of so many people, Mother Ouyang didn't want her son to admit that this ugly woman was his girlfriend!

  Ouyang Tianhao wanted to stop Qian Qianqian, but he didn't want her to say that she was his girlfriend.

   It is not that she dislikes her, but that she is worried that her appearance will give his mother a bad first impression.

   But now that Qian Qianqian has introduced herself, as her boyfriend, it is impossible for him to deny her identity in front of everyone.

   So he nodded and said, "Yes mother, Sissy is my girlfriend, I..."

   Before he finished speaking, Ouyang's mother interrupted him: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

  Ouyang's mother didn't doubt Qian Qianqian's words, she just didn't want to believe it.

   And today, not only in front of many people, but also in front of Xia Zimu and Xia Xia.

   What would Xia Zimu think when she found out that Ouyang Tianhao had a girlfriend?

   So when Ouyang's mother asked Ouyang Tianhao, she kept winking at him.

   Unexpectedly, her son was directly ignored!

  Xia Zimu, who was standing beside Gu Yanyu, couldn't believe his eyes: "I didn't expect Ouyang Tianhao's taste to be like this, and it really doesn't match my little sister."

   Gu Yanyu grinned, his wife, of course, only he deserves it——

   It's not too big of a deal to watch the fun in summer. He put down his violin and walked to Ouyang's mother, and said to Ouyang's mother, "Auntie, Qian Qianqian is indeed Tianhao's girlfriend."

  Ouyang's mother was speechless, if she could comfort herself just now and wink Ouyang Tianhao to make him deny it...

   Now, Mother Ouyang can't help but accept this fact.

   The fact is that his son found an 'ugly geek' as his girlfriend!

  Ouyang Tianhao looked at his mother's face to the extreme, he knew that Qian Qianqian's makeup made her unacceptable.

   He spoke quickly and said, "I'll take Qian Qian to remove her makeup and change her clothes."

   said, Ouyang Tianhao took Qian Qianqian's hand and prepared to go outside.

   "Stop!" Ouyang's mother called Ouyang Tianhao.

  Ouyang Tianhao turned back and looked at Ouyang's mother.

   Mother Ouyang took a deep breath, and the expression on her face eased a lot.

   She softened her tone so that she still looked approachable.

   "You are the birthday star today and the protagonist here, but you can't just leave, let me take her there." Ouyang's mother said.

  Although she was very upset, Ouyang's mother, who had seen the world, still squeezed out a smile.

  Those who don't know think that Ouyang's mother has accepted Qian Qianqian!

   Hearing what Ouyang's mother said, Ouyang Tianhao was actually a little worried about handing Qian Qianqian to his mother.

   But he felt that there was no reason not to trust his mother, and his mother would never lie to him.

   So Ouyang Tianhao nodded and said, "Then trouble mother."

  Ouyang's mother walked over hotly and held Qian Qianqian's hand, still with that kind and decent smile on her face: "Let's go, child, go and change with me."

  Actually, everyone knows that Qian Qianqian's clothes are fine, but the problem is that the clothes are obviously not suitable for her.

   However, Qian Qianqian didn't quite understand why Ouyang Tianhao and Ouyang's mother asked her to change clothes?

   She shook her head and said, "No need to change, I'm fine in this dress."

   She really likes this dress, and she can only wear it for one day today, and if she wears it, she will have to give it back to summer.

  So, she was reluctant to change it.

   Ouyang Tianhao was a little speechless about Qian Qianqian's stubbornness.

   He walked to Qian Qianqian's side and asked her in a low voice why she didn't change her clothes, and where she came from.

   Qian Qianqian glanced at Xia Xia, not wanting to say that Xia Xia kindly lent her clothes.

   Seeing Qian Qianqian's thoughts, Xia Xia smiled and said, "It's me, I lent it to her."

The people next to    couldn't help but talk when they heard Xia Xia's words: "I said why this skirt looks so familiar! It turned out that Mr. Xia took it for his sister half a year ago!"

   "My God~ the global limited edition is really worth it in summer. I just lent it to Qian Qianqian like this. What if the hook is broken there?"

   "The fall Qian Qianqian just fell did not break her skirt, did she?"

   "But such a beautiful dress doesn't fit Qian Qianqian!"

  Ouyang Tianhao was a little surprised, he didn't expect that it would be Qian Qianqian who lent the dress in summer.

   He even wondered if Xia Xia deliberately borrowed ill-fitting dresses for Qian Qianqian, and he also suspected that Xia Xia's motive for doing so was to make Qian Qianqian embarrassed at his banquet.

   Such doubts instantly turned Ouyang Tianhao's favorability toward Xia Xia into a negative number.

   His face turned cold, looking at Xia Xia: "You did it on purpose?"

   Xia Xia raised her eyebrows. She was deliberately waiting for Qian Qianqian to make a fool of herself at the banquet, but she did not force Qian Qianqian to choose this dress.

   But no matter what Ouyang Tianhao said and asked her on purpose, she was not ready to admit: "Ouyang Tianhao, what are you talking about? What is it on purpose?"

  Ouyang Tianhao opened his mouth and was about to speak when Gu Yanyu and Xia Zimu had already walked behind Xia Xia in a tacit understanding.

   Don't wait for Gu Yanyu to speak, Xia Zimu has already spoken first.

   He still smiled, but sneered: "I hope Ouyang Tianhao can tell you clearly, my little sister kindly borrowed clothes...for your girlfriend, what did she do on purpose?"

  Ouyang's mother saw that the situation was not good, so she quickly pulled Ouyang Tianhao's sleeve.

Qian Qianqian next to    finally reacted. It turned out that everyone except herself thought she looked bad in this dress.

   She thought about it and thought of a way.

   Today's ugliness cannot be made by herself.

   Qian Qianqian also went to pull Ouyang Tianhao, but it was his hand.

   "Tianhao...Is it really ugly to wear it like this? But yesterday...Yesterday I said it looked good in summer...I thought it was pretty..."

   That aggrieved tone, if the smoky makeup is removed, the effect should be better.

   At least, except for Ouyang Tianhao, hearing Qian Qianqian say that would not be shocking.

   Qian Qianqian's words, although it did not directly indicate that it was the summer that let her wear this obviously ill-fitting dress, but said that the summer 'tell her' she looked good in this dress.

   If you dare to talk nonsense in front of your own face, you will laugh in summer.

   So she always disliked Qian Qianqian, because Qian Qianqian was not the innocent and ignorant that Ouyang Tianhao thought!

  Although Qian Qianqian's style and her wronged words are a bit shocking, basically everyone knows that Summer likes Ouyang Tianhao.

   So it seems reasonable that she would treat Qian Qianqian.

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