Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 476: Admiral Brother, Go Go Go Tangle (11)

   Summer responded to Sharon: "I see."

   Then, Xia Xia stared at Gu Yanyu with wide eyes, as if taken aback: "Big brother?! Are you,,, you, are you a human or a ghost?!"

When    asked Gu Yanyu like this, Xia Xia also looked at Gu Yanyu's virtual body, and then looked at Nangong Tianyu lying in the carriage.

   As if realizing that Gu Yanyu was a 'ghost', she ducked back, looking so frightened that she was about to fall off the carriage.

  Gu Yanyu was also surprised when he realized that he could see him in the summer.

   A surprised expression appeared on his face, and he couldn't believe it: "You, can you see me?!"

   It has been almost two days. Although Gu Yanyu often talks to Xia Xia, Xia Xia has never seen him.

   How could he suddenly be able to see him?

   Hearing Gu Yanyu asking her, Xia Xia nodded and said hesitantly, "I...I can see...Brother you..."

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Nangong Tianyu's favorability for you is 65%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   "Brother, why are you like this? You, are you out of your body?"

   Gu Yanyu looked at Nangong Tianyu and then at himself.

   He couldn't see what he looked like now, and naturally he didn't know that he was his original appearance at this time, not Nangong Tianyu's appearance.

   Hearing Xia Xia asking him, Gu Yanyu nodded hesitantly: "Probably."

   He is still very happy to see him in the summer.

   In this way, at least many of his doubts can be answered.

   Gu Yanyu asked Xia Xia directly: "Why do you disguise yourself? Do you still know martial arts?"

   Now that we can see Gu Yanyu, of course we will continue to play in the summer.

   Like a child who did something wrong, she lowered her head and said weakly, "I'm sorry, brother, I lied to you..."

   Speaking of this, she raised her head and looked at Gu Yanyu sincerely: "But I didn't mean to lie to you! Really!"

   "What's going on?" Gu Yanyu asked Summer.

   Who can't make up stories? Gu Yanyu would definitely ask her these questions after Xia Xia knew that he could see Gu Yanyu.

   So the story, she has already made up.

  Xiamen said that she met a very powerful mysterious person ten years ago.

   The mysterious man taught her these skills, and then the mysterious man told her not to tell anyone about it.

   So all these years, she has been disguised.

   Well, this is a very cliché novel plot, and summer just borrowed it.

   It doesn't matter if it's cliché, as long as it's useful.

  The story of summer was made up, and Gu Yanyu also believed it.

  Because it seems that apart from this explanation, there is no reasonable explanation for why Nangong Qingqing has these skills.

   Gu Yanyu never thought about whether the Nangong Qingqing in front of him might not be the original Nangong Qingqing...

   "So, you've been hiding it all these years? No one told it?"

  Xiamen nodded: "Well, I'm used to it..."

  Gu Yanyu really had too many doubts that he wanted to answer in summer, and he didn't care whether he was a person who cherished words like gold before.

   He asked Xia Xia: "How did you know I was there?" He could still come to save him in time.

   If he hadn't eaten something in the summer, he might have really died.

   Although he is in this state, it is actually almost dead.

  Er... This question is really a bit difficult.

   What is a better answer?

  Xiamen thought for a while before answering, "Actually, I was woken up when you were going out."

   "I see you in a hurry, as if you have something urgent to deal with."

   "So I hesitated for a long time before looking in the direction you left."

   "As soon as I went over, I saw you lying on the ground..."

   "By the way, big brother, what does the person who hurt you look like? Do you know who he is? I can go to him to avenge you!"

   Xia Xia changed the topic at the right time, and Gu Yanyu's attention was shifted to the person who hurt him.

   Gu Yanyu recalled it carefully and said, "The person who hurt me dresses strangely. It seems that he is around 30 years old, and his skills are very good. The most important thing is that he is fast and ruthless."

   "I barely reacted and was injured by him."

   "But I also wounded him badly. He was shot in the stomach."

   Not just in the abdomen, the man was shot in the legs and arms.

   If the man hadn't done a lot of work, he could have shot him in the heart.


   Actually, Xia Xia already knew the details of that person, where he came from, and where he is now.

   The person who injured Nangong Tianyu was Lin Wei, who was indeed thirty years old.

   came from an ancient novel world, and is considered the villain of that novel world.

  Sharon specifically checked the novel world. The exact reason is unknown, but the novel world collapsed.

   And it was precisely because the novel world collapsed that there were loopholes in the novel world, causing Lin Wei to cross over.

   Now Lin Wei has the aura of the protagonist, and Song Ruanruan, the heroine of this novel world, also has the aura of the protagonist.

   The two protagonists' halos collide together, and there must be loopholes.

  If Xia Xia wanted to kill Lin Wei, he had to dissipate the aura of the protagonist above his head.

  Otherwise, she really couldn't do anything to Lin Wei.

   But I'm not busy looking for Lin Wei in the summer now, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future...

   "You don't have to avenge me." Gu Yanyu said to Xia Xia.

  How good is Lin Wei, he has seen it before.

  Gu Yanyu didn't know how good Xia Xia was, so he instinctively thought that Xia Xia would not be Lin Wei's opponent.

   Xia Xia knew that Lin Wei was just an ancient martial arts master with profound internal skills.

   It is easy for him to deal with Nangong Tianyu who is not skilled in ancient martial arts and has no internal skills, but it is not easy to deal with her.

  Xiaomi smiled and said, "Don't worry, big brother, I'm more powerful than you think!"

   "Since you are so powerful, why did you escape from marriage and come to me?"

   Gu Yanyu's words made Xia Xia stunned for a while.


  Xiamen noticed that Gu Yanyu had a smile in his eyes, so he realized that Gu Yanyu was joking with her!

   She cracked open her mouth and smiled at Gu Yanyu: "Isn't this thinking that my eldest brother will definitely protect me! Why waste material resources if I can find a backer!"

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Nangong Tianyu's favorability for you is 70%. In order not to affect the energy upgrade, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   "Unfortunately, I can't protect you like I am now." Gu Yanyu said something mockingly.

  Yeah, he still needs summer to protect him as he is now.

   Looking at Nangong Tianyu's body, I don't know... Can he return to his body?

   "It's okay, now I'll protect you, eldest brother! When you get better, eldest brother, it's up to you to protect me!"

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