Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 477: Admiral Brother, Go Go Go Tangle (12)

   Under the sun, the smile in summer is brighter than the sun.

   Gu Yanyu was in a trance for a while, as if he was infected by her, and a small smile appeared on his face.


   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Nangong Tianyu's favorability for you is 75%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"


   After being able to see Gu Yanyu and communicate with him, Xia finally no longer has to be silent or talk to himself.

  Gu Yanyu also asked Xia Xia, what did she do to bring him back to Tongcheng?

   Summer's answer is that Huitong City is closer to Nangong's house, so that it is convenient to know some of the situation of Nangong's house in time.

   Now they definitely can't go back to Nangong's house, but if they stay in Tongcheng, they can handle any emergency in time.

   Of course, what Xia said about the emergency was just that Nangong Tianchen caused the Nangong family to go bankrupt.

   She was worried about the Fourth Madam and Nangong Tianxiao.

   As for Father Nangong, she is not worried——

   After another long journey, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu finally arrived in Tongcheng before dark.

   I found a housing introduction center in summer and rented a house close to Nangong's house.

  Although the rent is a little expensive, and almost all the money in the summer is used up, but everything inside is complete and new, so you don’t need to do it yourself.

  The house has two rooms, just in summer and Nangong Tianyu one room per person.

   After we settled down, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

  I went to get something to eat in summer, and then went back to my room to sleep.

   She hasn't rested very well these past few days, so she should get a good night's sleep tonight!

  When he was sleeping in the summer, Gu Yanyu went back to Nangong's house to see the eldest lady and Nangong Qingtong.

   He is an avatar, similar to a ghost.

   When he returned to Nangong's house, naturally no one could see him.


   The next morning, I slept until I woke up naturally in summer.

   She made her own breakfast and was ready to go grocery shopping.

   Eating and eating, Xia Xia noticed that something was wrong with Gu Yanyu.

  Although Gu Yanyu, who only remembers Nangong Tianyu, has never been very talkative, he could feel his mood swings in the summer.

   "Brother, what's wrong with you?" Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu.

  Gu Yanyu stood by the window and looked at the busy traffic outside the window: "It's okay."

   When he returned to Nangong's house last night, he saw that the eldest lady and Nangong Qingtong were crying, and Nangong's father was also sad.

   Only then did he know that it was the officer under his command who called back to tell him about his situation before he returned to Nangong's house.

The officer    probably said that his life or death was unknown. The eldest lady and Nangong Qingtong were arguing to go to Rongcheng to find him, but was stopped by Nangong's father.

   Gu Yanyu wanted Xia Xia to tell Da Furen and Nangong Qingtong that he was not dead yet.

   But he still held back, because he still had reason.

  If he took him back to Nangong's house in summer, others would suspect her.

  Why is she, a weak woman, capable of saving him back? And why does he look unscathed?

   Xia Xia rescued him, he couldn't let Xia get into a dilemma.

   Seeing that Gu Yanyu doesn't want to say anything, she won't ask in the summer, she can wait until Gu Yanyu is willing to say -

   After having breakfast and going out to buy vegetables in summer, Gu Yanyu stayed in the house.

  When I went shopping in summer, I called Nangong Tianxiao's school by the way.

   Nangong Tianxiao was still in class at the time, and when he heard his pen pal Xia call looking for him, Nangong Tianxiao jumped up from his seat.

   He ran as fast as he could to answer the phone, still gasping when he spoke: "Hu... Huhu... Qing... Dear Summer..."

   On the other end of the phone, Xia Xia heard Nangong Tianxiao's reaction quite quickly, and grinned: "It's me, how is your family these days?"

  Nangong Tianxiao glanced at the person next to him and said, "It's okay, you, where are you?"

   "I'm out of town." Summer replied.

  Nangong Tianxiao opened his mouth and wanted to ask Xia Xia, 'Where is the out-of-town! ? ’

   But he was worried that if he asked this question, he would be suspected by the people next to him.

   So he held back and could only say: "I'll tell you something in summer!"

  Xiamen hummed: "You said."

   "You know my sister, right? It's my twin sister, I mentioned it to you in the letter."

   "A few days ago, didn't my sister escape from the marriage, and then our family sent people to look for it everywhere! But I can't find it."

   "Yesterday, my family received a call from Rong Cheng, saying that my eldest brother is missing, and his life and death are unknown, and then the Miss Nangong family who went to defect to him is also missing."

   "That lady of the Nangong family is my sister Nangong Qingqing! In other words, Qingqing disappeared with my elder brother!"

   "Summer, do you think my eldest brother will be with Qingqing?"

   Xia Xia knew that Nangong Tianxiao was asking if she disappeared with Nangong Tianyu.

   This time, he chose to deceive Nangong Tianxiao: "Not together, I ran away after knowing that the eldest brother disappeared. I was afraid that someone would tell the family that I was there."

   "I'm safe in another place now, you don't have to worry."

   Xia Xia's voice was not finished, Nangong Tianxiao shouted: "Can I not worry?! That's my sister?! Where do you think my sister is?! I really want to find her!"

   "You don't have to look for me, I'll be back soon."

   "How long will it take?" Nangong Tianxiao asked again.

  Summer thought for a while and said, "It will probably be a month or two."

   Anyway, after Gu Yanyu can return to Nangong Tianyu's body.

   "Okay, I won't tell you more today. It's class time, right? I'll hang up first and call you another day."

  Nangong Tianxiao replied "Okay" and waited for Xia Xia to hang up before hanging up.

  Last night, Nangong Tianxiao didn't sleep all night after knowing that he went to Nangong Tianyu's general's mansion in summer and disappeared again.

   Now that he has received a safe call from Summer, he is finally relieved.

   It's just that he can breathe a sigh of relief at the moment, but the fourth lady can't.

   After all, she is her own daughter, and her daughter is missing, can she not worry?

   Fortunately, the fourth lady was worried, but she should eat and sleep.

  Er... It can be said that the heart is a little big.

   In comparison, the eldest lady's heart is not so big.

   Knowing that her son's life or death is unknown because she went to pay the bills, she couldn't sleep or eat at all.

  If the son is really alive and dead, the eldest lady doesn't know if he can live or not——

   After the phone call with Nangong Tianxiao, Xia Xia knew why Gu Yanyu was unhappy.

   She went back to the house and said to Gu Yanyu, "Brother, please bear with me for a few more days, and I will take you home in a few days."

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Gu Yanyu didn't react.

   Then he heard Xia Xia say: "Although you shouldn't wake up after a few days, your injuries have almost recovered, and I won't arouse suspicion by taking you back."

   "It's just that I can't go back as Nangong Qingqing..."

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