The campus of No.1 middle school is very big. Different classes are distributed on different floors.

Yi Kexin, Lin Shan and the timid girl from the student union are not in the same class. They choose to separate at the intersection.

Shuinen's little face is as cold as usual, and Yi Kexin walks quietly to the classroom.

Some men and women around the road point to this side from time to time and talk in a low voice. Boys have yearning in their eyes, while girls are envious.

Yi Kexin is recognized as a great beauty in the whole school. Many people even privately say that she is one of the three school flowers, and many people have a secret love for her.

However, Yi Kexin belongs to the kind of girl who is indifferent in nature. Although she is the president of the student union, she has a wide range of contacts, but she has few intimate friends. One is Lin Shan. Another is

She's here now!

"Xin'er, are you ok?" A graceful figure trotted over from afar, hugged Yi Kexin tightly and said with concern.

"Kiki, don't do that!"

Yi Kexin struggles to get away from the embrace of this figure, but the indifference in her face has disappeared, with a smile on the contrary.

In front of her is an equally pretty girl, looking at Yi Kexin with concern on her face, with tears in her eyes.

Xue Mengqi is also one of the three school flowers in the rumors of the masses. Her appearance is not inferior to that of Yi Kexin.

A head of long yellow and black hair neatly draped behind, a pair of light green eyes is hook people heartstrings.

It is said that she has a quarter of white blood, mixed race beauty is often very good-looking, and Xue Mengqi is the best of mixed race beauty.

Moreover, I don't know whether it's because of her blood or because she likes to exercise. Xue Mengqi's figure is much better than that of other Chinese girls. She should be convex and warped. There is hardly a piece of fat on her whole body. Even Yi Kexin will feel inferior when she stands with her.

"Kiki, why are you crying?" Yi Kexin found the tears in front of the girl's eyes and asked softly.

"Xin'er! I just heard that you were blocked by some hooligans outside the school. Who is it? They didn't do anything to you, did they? " Xue Mengqi wiped the tears that wipe canthus of the eye, concern of ask a way.

Yi Kexin's mouth smile, whispered, "it's OK! It's Wang Chao from No.11 middle school. "

Xue Mengqi's face was better at last. She murmured, "thank you for being OK. I was worried about you. I knew I should have met you..."

Yi Kexin touches Xue Mengqi's face and smiles gently. Although Xue Mengqi is only a few months older than her, she has been caring for her like her elder sister.

But they and Lin Shan have been good friends for so many years, and Yi Kexin has long been used to it.

"Xin'er, don't refuse! After going to school every day, I'll pick you up at your house! " Xue Mengqi said solemnly.

Yi Kexin lightly shakes her head. Xue Mengqi mentioned it a long time ago, but even her best friend doesn't want to owe so much, so she never agrees.

"It's OK. Now my brother will take me to school. He will take care of me. Today, it was my brother who helped to get rid of the hooligans who blocked me

"Brother? When did you have a brother? " Xue Mengqi asked with a puzzled face. Yi Kexin curled her lips. "I don't know where he came from. His name is Liu Qian. He came to my house last night, but he hates it so much..."

Yi Kexin told Xue Mengqi a little bit about last night and this morning. Xue Mengqi listened to her quietly, with a strange look.

Around began to gather some boys, two school flowers are here, but also so close. They began to whisper about which was more beautiful.

A few people also heard what happened in the morning, and the crowd began to talk about it, making a few surprised voices from time to time.

"Kiki, it's noisy here. Shall we go to the classroom? " Yi Kexin saw more and more people around her, and said in disgust.

Xue Mengqi and Yi Kexin have been in the same class since the first day of junior high school, and they have been at the same table all the time.

So their relationship is very good, even better than the relationship with Linshan.

Xue Mengqi's mouth flashed a smile, "you go first, I'll make a phone call, and then I'll go back to the classroom."

Yi Kexin nodded and went to the classroom alone.


A small forest near the playground, the environment is very good, because it is early in the morning, generally there is no one here, it is very quiet.

Xue Mengqi's graceful posture appeared in the woods, and her pale green eyes flashed a trace of fierce. She took out a small cell phone from her pocket and gently dialed a phone.

"Uncle fan, do me a favor! There is a rogue named Wang Chao in No.11 middle school. Can you check it out? "

"Is he Wang Xia's brother? Who is Wang Xia, uncle fan? Can't you move him? "

"Good! Since you can't do it openly, do it secretly! "

"What to do with him!" Xue Mengqi's face showed a trace of ruthlessness. "Since Wang Chao almost did that, you go to break his three legs!"

This bastard Wang Chao, unexpectedly wants to do that kind of thing to my Xin'er. You can do it to such a lovely girl as Xin'er. In that case, pay a price! Xue Mengqi's pale green eyes became a little terrible.

"Wait, uncle fan! My best friend Yi Kexin, you know? She said that her family recently went to a brother of unknown origin, whose name is Liu Qian. Would you help me to check it? "

After thinking for a moment, Xue Mengqi added a sentence to the phone.

Hang up the phone, Xue Mengqi look back to the usual peace. Put the mobile phone in your pocket and walk to the classroom like nothing happened.


Safety will Yi Kexin to the school, Liu Qian random walk in the streets of Jianghai City, some do not know what to do. Boring walking in the noisy street, Liu Qian is seriously thinking.

Now that we are back in the world of ordinary people, what should an ordinary person do?

Yes, work, earn money, support your family.

Now Liu Qian has billions of dollars in his private account in Swiss bank.

But if you use the money, how can you be an ordinary person. Moreover, I'm afraid many people are staring at my Swiss bank account. It's rather troublesome to withdraw money safely. It seems that what I have to do now is to find a job. Since I have come back, I can't stay at home every day.

There are a lot of job advertisements on the roadside. Liu Qian is walking and watching here.

"Programmer? No, watching too much computer is bad for your health! "

"Cleaner? Isn't this street sweeper? Will Liu Qian do it? "

"Accounting? I'm tired of living with numbers every day. Besides, I haven't seen mathematics for many years! "

There are a lot of job advertisements, and there are a lot of jobs that can be done, but few of them can make Liu Qian's eyes. Although he decided to be an ordinary person, how could he be interested in those ordinary jobs?

"Forget it. I'll look for it tomorrow."

With this sentence just finished, Liu Qian suddenly found an advertisement for security guards, which indicated that as long as the height is not less than 1.7 meters, men under the age of 45 can go to the company to apply, and the salary is good, with a monthly salary of 5000 yuan.

security staff? It seems to be quite suitable for you.

If you think about it again, you should be quite relaxed. This Hanqing group is also a big company, right? It's estimated that there are many white-collar beauties sitting in the guard's office and watching the beauties in professional clothes walk around. How comfortable is life?

Yes, it's up to you.

Tearing down the advertisement, Liu Qian goes to the address of Hanqing group written in the advertisement.


Hanqing group is worthy of being a giant in Jianghai retail industry. Even if it is just recruiting security personnel, it also attracts a large number of people to apply for it.

Liu Qian only saw that the door of the company was full of people. Many people were talking about something. It was very noisy.

"Uncle, did you come to join the recruitment?" Liu Qian went to a middle-aged man and handed him a red river.

The middle-aged man politely took the cigarette from Liu Qian, put it behind his ears and nodded, "Hmm! A friend of mine introduced me here. He said that the threshold here is low, the salary is high, and the high-level people are also very good, but... "

It's true that not all companies can afford a security guard's salary of 5000 yuan a month. Perhaps only a company as rich and powerful as Han Qing can afford such a large sum of money.

But Liu Qian heard the middle-aged man's implication, gently asked "just?"

The middle-aged uncle looked around and said in a low voice, "my friend told me that their HR manager is very mean. I don't care about middle-aged people like me. You are young and energetic, so I remind you!"

Liu Qian frowned, "is the personnel manager mean? Uncle, you just said that the senior people of Hanqing group are very good. Now you say that the HR manager is very mean. This... "

"I don't know exactly!" Uncle shook his head

"My friend told me that the Hanqing group, originally called the Hans group, was in power by the Hans, and the Hans were good to their subordinates; However, more than a year ago, the Qing family, the second largest shareholder of the group, received financial support from a mysterious force and suddenly developed, so... "

After a pause, the uncle said, "the Qing family is more and more powerful. Now even the name of the group has to be changed. It is said that the personnel manager is also a member of the Qing family." Liu Qian nodded. It turned out that it was a struggle within the group. These big companies have never lacked the ability of intrigue.

Just about to ask Uncle a little more about the application information, upstairs suddenly came a fat man in a suit. Long belly, looks like a ball, stood on the stage.

The fat man's face is full of meat, and his eyes are small. It seems that there are only two stitches left on his face. When he smiles, he feels that the fat on his face is shaking.

Uncle pulled Liu Qian's sleeve and said softly, "this seems to be the personnel manager of the Qing family..."

Liu Qian nodded to show that he knew and continued to look at the fat man on the stage.

The fat man glanced at the crowd in front of him with disdainful eyes, raised his hand to signal the crowd to be quiet, and said in a strange voice

"Are you all here for security?"

As soon as I heard the fat man's words, many people below said it out loud, hoping to make a good first impression

Unfortunately, the fat man did not pay attention, but continued to say in a dying voice, "since you are all here to apply for security, go to the open space of the back door."

There was a lot of noise under the stage. I don't know what the fat man meant.

It's summer, and now the sun has been high in the sky, the weather is very hot, go to the sun for a while, most people estimate that it won't take long to get heatstroke.

"Hum!" The fat man snorted coldly and said in a sharp voice, "you are a group of rubbish. You don't understand. We Hanqing group don't accept everyone. Even the security guards should be strong and strong. Let's go and stand. Let's see how your constitution is!"

The person who came to apply for the job was slightly stunned. I don't know who called "line up" first, and then everyone rushed to the back door.

Most of these applicants are from poor families, and the treatment here is so good that everyone has a try. If they are selected, they will suffer a little.

The middle-aged uncle smiles at Liu Qian and goes to the back of the queue.

Naturally, Liu Qian is not prepared to go. Unlike these people, he did not come because of lack of money. Since it's so harsh here, it's better to change.

Just as Liu Qian was about to turn and leave, he was pushed behind.

A strange voice came from behind: "I see your boy is in good health. I'm optimistic about you. Why don't you go to line up?"

Liu Qian felt a chill. Looking back, he found that he was the fat man's HR manager.

The strange voice almost made Liu move into goose bumps and said, "I'm ready to give up, so I won't go!"

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