However, the dead fat man suddenly changed his tone and screamed, "you are shameless, boy!"

Liu Qian was stunned. Is this man ill.

The fat man continued to scream, "we qingguohua look up to you, ready to help you two steps, you actually..."

Liu Qian curled his mouth. This man is not insane. He turned to leave.

"Stop!" The shrill voice behind became louder. "You don't have to stand outside. Come in and beat this shameless boy for me. I'll not only hire him, but also give him a 5000 yuan red envelope."

Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men. Besides, these people are basically forced by life. As soon as they heard this fat man say so, they gathered around one after another.

Liu Qian's face became ugly. These people in front of him were basically ordinary people, so it was not difficult to defeat them.

But after all, they are all forced by life, and they have done nothing wrong. If they hurt or even maim them, they may be destroying a family.

After making up his mind, Liu Qian is going to leave today. This fat man will clean up another day. With his own speed, these ordinary people can't catch up.

Just as Liu Qian was about to flee, a sweet voice came from behind him.

"Stop it, all of you!"

Liu Qian looked back and saw that she was a very mature beauty. She was about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old. She was wearing a pair of gold glasses, a black professional suit and a good face. She was very sexy as a professional woman. But he looked serious, as if he would never laugh.

The fat man's eyes brighten when he sees the beauty. The beauty in front of him is also an executive of the company. Qing Guohua has been in love with her for a long time, but Xu Qing has been ignoring him.

Immediately a pair of obscene smile to welcome up, "Miss Xu, how did you come ah, also don't say in advance with me!"

Dead fat man's smile almost made Liu Qian spit out, which was really disgusting.

The beauty looked at him in disgust and said coldly, "manager Qing, I'll just tell you something. This gentleman, I'm going to employ him!"

Then he pointed to Liu Qian.

Liu Qian was also surprised. Does this beauty know herself? No, if you have seen a beauty of this level, you will remember it. But you don't have any impression on her. Do you like yourself?

But a cursory look, 34d is not right, there should be 36d, the standard version of Yu Jie fan, if she really likes what she wants to do, she is quite happy.

On the other side of qingguohua, when she heard the beauty's words, she narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "this little thing

"Miss Xu, does this boy have anything to do with you? You came to me early. We have nothing to do with each other!"

Stop stop, qingguohua's eyes secretly looked at the beauty's chest, "well, tonight you accompany me to have a meal, after dinner to go crazy, I promise to arrange this boy's work."

This qingguohua's eyes seem to eat the beauty in general, but also stretched out his hand to pull the beauty's little hand.

Obviously, qingguohua thinks that the beauty is Liu Qian's relative. This time, she is looking for the back door, so she wants to take advantage of it.

The beautiful woman pushed qingguohua's fat palm away and said coldly, "qingguohua, pay attention!" Qing Guohua's face also changed. "Xu Qing, our position is at the same level. How can you interfere in my work?"

With that, he immediately glanced at the crowd and yelled, "I just told you to beat this boy! Why don't you do it. If you don't do it again, you won't get the job. "

Xu Qing also took a look at the crowd and cheered coldly, "this is Hanqing group, not underworld. I see who dares to do it."

"Xu Qing!" "What do you mean! Interfere with my work, believe it or not, I'll go to the chairman to complain about you! "

Qingguohua is indeed fearless. Although he is the personnel manager and Xu Qing is the assistant to the chairman of the board, they are at the same level in the company.

But after all, Xu Qing was born in the grass roots, and his brother is qingguoliang, the second largest shareholder of Hanqing group. It's Xu Qing who has suffered a lot.

And Xu Qing did not flinch, clear drink to "is the first lady told me to come over!"

"Ah Dead fat man suddenly a Leng, opened the mouth not to close to stay there.

"Qingguohua, the first lady just told me to keep this man." Xu Qing said coldly.

"Since the first lady has spoken, I'm sorry to say anything!" Qingguohua slowly spit out a few words, obviously, this young lady is not what he can afford.

"Come with me!" Xu Qing took a look at Liu Qian and found that Liu Qian's eyes were not right. "What are you looking at?"

Because Liu Qian is staring at her chest seriously.

"I wonder if it's 34d? Or 36d! " Liu Qian whistled and grinned.

"Shameless!" Xu Qing suddenly blushed and covered her chest with the paper in her hand.

I didn't expect that this man was so shameless that he said such things like this. I really want to dig out his hateful eyes.

Liu Qian said with a serious face, "a woman's chest is so big that it's meant to be seen by men. The longer a man stays, the more beautiful he is! Beauty, I have to say your breasts are perfect. "

"Stop it!" Xu Qing's face flushed with anger. Where is the neuropathy coming out.

Ding Ling Ling's mobile phone rang suddenly.

"Hello! Miss I found him, but he I! Me OK, I'll take him up right away

"The first lady told you to follow me up!" Put down the phone, Xu Qing reluctantly said to Liu Qian.

What's the relationship between the sex wolf and the young lady? It seems that she is eager to see him.

Some can't stand Liu Qian's fiery eyes, Xu Qing glared at her fiercely, turned his back to him, and didn't want him to look at his chest again.

Liu Qian smiles and frowns slightly, but he also follows up quickly.

He left qingguohua standing there in a daze, completely unable to understand what was going on.

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