With Xu Qing, Liu Qian walked into the elevator. Xu Qing brushed a white card and pressed the button on the 21st floor. The elevator quickly went up.

On the elevator, Xu Qing, just like the hooligans, stares at Liu Qian with alert eyes.

But Liu Qian is like Liu Xiahui who is not in a hurry. He doesn't look at her, which makes Xu Qing think that it is an illusion.

The reason why Liu Qian was so fond of Xu Qing just now is, on the one hand, a habitual molestation of beautiful women, on the other hand, a kind of trial.

In broad daylight, a beautiful woman can speak for you, and it's tolerable to tease you. There must be something inside. As for what the inside story is, Liu Qian is certainly not clear at present. Anyway, it's a step by step.

Taking the elevator, Xu Qing took Liu Qian to an office on the top floor.

"Go in? The first lady is waiting for you in there! " Standing at the door, Xu Qing said coldly to Liu Qian.

"Won't you go in?" Liu Qian asked suspiciously.

"The first lady told you to go in alone!"

Could it be that this legendary young lady is really interested in herself, so she asked herself to go in alone and do something shameful with her, so I hope this young lady's face will be higher.

Liu Qian's imagination is full of fantasy.

The office is spacious and elegant.

There are many bonsai on the side near the window, a computer desk and an office desk in the middle, and a bookshelf full of books on the side near the door.

A beautiful girl was sitting between two tables, looking down at the document.

Beautiful face, give a person a kind of amazing feeling. There is no make-up on the face, but the skin is as white as tallow, and a pair of big eyes are extremely watery, sometimes emitting a charming luster.

Black hair vertical down, its perfect features set off more beautiful.

Dressed in a lady's suit, he raised his head and gave Liu Qian a smile.

"It's you..." Liu Qian said with a smile.

This girl is the one he rescued from the group of people in black yesterday.

"Just now I saw you in the crowd of security recruitment, so I asked sister Xu to bring you here." The girl gave Liu Qian a smile.

"My surname is Han, and my name is Han Zixin!" The girl said softly.

"My name is Liu Qian!" Liu Qian casually said, suddenly thought of what "wait, your name is Han?"

Han Zixin nodded, "yes, my father is Han Qianye, the chairman of Hanqing group. Now I am the acting general manager of Hanqing group."

Liu Qian finally understood what had happened before.

Why is Qing Guohua so afraid of this young lady? It turns out that this young lady is the general manager of the group and his immediate superior.

The reason why this young lady helped herself was that she helped herself yesterday;

She is only in her twenties. She has already held such a high position. Although she has a father's relationship, this girl is still not simple.

Suddenly, Han Zixin seemed to think of something. He blushed slightly and said softly, "yesterday, thank you!"“ Little things, little things Liu Qian immediately remembered that he felt embarrassed when he pressed Han Zixin under him in the car yesterday.

In an instant, they looked at each other speechless.

"Did you call the police! Do you know who kidnapped you yesterday? " Liu Qian is very cold and has no words to ask.

Han Zixin shook his head. "I called the police. The police said that when they got there, there was no one there. I'm afraid they have other accomplices."

Liu Qian nodded. Yesterday, he didn't know Han Zixin's identity. He thought it was just an ordinary kidnapping.

Since Han Zixin is the successor and general manager of Hanqing group, I'm afraid that the kidnapping is not simple, but more likely the internal struggle of the commercial group.

"I've been looking for someone to help me lately!" Han Zixin said suddenly.

"But I couldn't find anyone I trusted until last night..."

"And I happened to meet you again today..."

Ah, Liu Qian said, "you don't want me to kill anyone. I can't do that. I'm a good law-abiding citizen!"

"Puff!" Han Zixin relaxed her frown and laughed.

"Where do you think you are? You won't be asked to do anything against the law!"

"What do you want me to do?"

Han Zixin lowered her head and whispered, "can you be my temporary boyfriend for three months?"

"What! Temporary boyfriend! "

Liu Qian screamed in the room!

"Keep your voice down, it's so loud that people outside can hear you!" Han Zixin blushed and said in a delicate voice.

"Oh Liu Qian felt a heat flow from his nose.

Do you really have good luck? Do you want Chinese girls to be so open now? It's the second day of meeting! No, I can only sacrifice myself to satisfy you.

"Your nose... Is bleeding..." Han Zixin said weakly. His face turned pale. He took out a bag of tissue from his pocket and lost it.

"It's all right, it's all right! Have you got a room yet? " Liu Qian took the tissue and wiped his nose clean. Then he said eagerly.

"What's the room for?" Han Zixin looks puzzled.

Nani, so hungry and thirsty that the room couldn't be opened, Liu Qian said obscenely, "isn't that good? When this meeting is finished, there is no place to wash it... "


"Hooligans!" Han Zixin understood what Liu Qian meant, blushed and smashed the documents in his hand like Liu Qian.

Liu Qian hurriedly dodged to one side and said, "don't be impulsive, then don't wash it! Do you have a condom? Do you want me to go down and buy it? "

Outside the door, Xu Qing listened to the noise in the room with a strange look. That smelly hooligan, shouldn't be acting on the first lady! If such a lecherous person is not good for the first lady

Do you want to go in and have a look, but the first lady said before that no one is allowed to go in.

Xu Qing is holding the door handle. She doesn't know what to do.

"Xin'er, I'm just joking. Is it necessary to be so cruel?" Liu Qian sat on the sofa and said in a sad voice.

"Don't be so numb! Hooligan

Han Zixin is also sitting on the sofa, rubbing one foot. He accidentally twisted his foot when he was chasing Liu Qian.

"I'm not your boyfriend! That's for the sake of truth! "

"You hooligan..."

"Don't you mean I'm your temporary boyfriend now? What do you mean by calling me a hooligan? Why do you have to call me brother Qian?"

"You A black high-heeled shoe came at Liu Qian.

"Hey, it's going to kill you!" Liu Qian narrowly escaped.

"You deserve to be killed by such a rascal!"


After quarreling for a long time, they finally calmed down.

Sitting on the sofa, Han Zixin gently tells the reason for recruiting Liu Qian as a "temporary boyfriend".

"Han's group is the family business of our Han family. It was founded by my grandfather and passed down to my father Han Qianye. Since my father has only one daughter, I am theoretically the only heir to the Han group! "

"Han group? Isn't your company called Hanqing group? " Liu Qian wiped his mouth.

"Because five years ago, in order to meet the needs of development, my father took the initiative to merge the Han group with the Qing group and several other smaller family businesses to form the Han Qing group. Our Han family was the first shareholder, and the Qing family became the second largest shareholder of the company.

"My father, Han Qianye, the chairman of the Han family, used to be a first-class person in the Huaxia shopping mall, and he also had a lot of market heroes under him; And Qing Guoliang, the owner of the naqing family, has a very strong relationship at home and abroad. The two are united, and the reputation of Hanqing group has increased dramatically in recent years. "

Liu Qian smile, understand what? As expected, it was the uneven distribution of stolen goods that led to the internal struggle of the enterprise. It seems that more and more money is earned, and the honeymoon period between the Han family and the Qing family is now beginning to break up.

Not aware of Liu Qian's expression, Han Zixin continued

"More than a year ago, the Qing family received financial support from a mysterious force from abroad. The industry under it is developing very fast, and its output value is almost no less than that of our Han family. It has a great potential to rise and sit with us."

"Of course, my father is still in office now, so the strength of our Han family can still live in the Qing family. Unfortunately, in a few years, my father will retire."

"And he has only one daughter. When he retires, he worries that I can't suppress the Qing family and other directors!"

At this time, Han Zixin had a sad face.

Liu Qian nodded, "so? So you want me to assassinate the senior members of their Qing family, so that your Han family can continue to be the leader of the group. "

"Why do you like to make such low-level jokes so much?" Han Zixin gave Liu Qian a dull look. Liu Qian's words suddenly stopped... Isn't that so. After many years of mercenary career, my thinking is different from that of ordinary people!

"I don't know what you do!" With his mouth bulging, Han Zixin murmured.

"I'm a mercenary! Some countries will be afraid of the most powerful one! " Liu Qian said with pride.

"You know how to brag!" Han Zixin gave him a white look.

Alas, Liu Qian shakes his head. Nowadays, telling the truth can only be taken as a joke or boast

"So my father thought of a way to get married. He had an old man with a surname of Su for many years. His family power was similar to that of our Han family! The Su family has only one son! So if we get married, our strength will be far stronger than that of the Qing family, and we won't be unable to suppress them after my father retires! "

"My father is also forced to, not purely for his own interests, he just wants to help me pave the way ahead of time, and get a firm foothold in the company in the future! I don't hate him very much

Han Zixin said lightly

"Unfortunately, he didn't take my client's opinion into account!"

"So you asked me to come?" Squinting, Liu Qian asked.

"I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend and cheat my father these days." Han Zixin said coldly word by word.

"Oh! I understand, "Liu Qian said confidently." the Su family is very wild? Ugly? A bunch of women around? So you don't look up to people and ask me to help you. "

Han Zixin shook his head.


"We've known each other since childhood. He's three years older than me. He's very smart and takes care of me. He's much more handsome than you, and there's nothing wrong with his private life!"

Han Zixin said lightly.

"It's just that I'm the only one in charge of my life! I don't want to entrust the rest of my life to others! "

Liu Qian nodded, but he could not see that Han Zixin was so stubborn in his heart.

"Why did you choose me?" Liu Qian suddenly asked, "with your identity and beauty, if you let out words, I'm afraid there will be a lot of people who want to chase you!"

"Each of them looks like a gentleman, but in their heart they are greedy for my property and my appearance!"

Han Zixin looked at Liu Qian, "instead, you can give me a sense of security!"

"A sense of security!" A bad smile appeared on Liu Qian's mouth.

But you, the beautiful president, made me interested.

"All right! It's a deal Liu Qian said decisively.

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