Liu Qian is quiet. He wants to see what the unexpected guest wants to do when he comes here so late. Full text reading

The man in black slowly went outside Liu Qian's room. He didn't do anything else, so he stood quietly outside the door. Just when Liu Qian didn't know what this man meant, he suddenly took out something carefully.

It was a dark thing, and there was nothing strange about it. However, Liu Qian clearly felt a slight change in the air around him.

This black thing itself has no smell, but it releases a strange gas, mixed in the air,

Liu Qianyi was brave and didn't stop the gas, but he left a heart and closed all the orifices and acupoints. Most people only have nose and mouth to breathe, but these practitioners are absorbing the aura of heaven and earth all the time, and all the acupoints are open, so they can also absorb the gas.

After this strange gas got into Liu Qian's nose, it went to Liu Qian's limbs very covertly. At the beginning, the gas was very honest and seemed to be waiting for his companion. However, Liu Qian just inhaled a little and closed his mouth and nose, so there was no subsequent gas coming in.

Liu Qian guessed that it should be a kind of poison. At his present state, there are too few poisons that can hurt him.

This kind of poison lurked in Liu Qian's meridians for a period of time, but he didn't wait for reinforcements, so he launched an attack. Liu Qian was also surprised. The toxicity of these poisons was so fierce that he launched an attack on Zhen Yuan in his body.

They are very aggressive. Liu Qian's Zhenyuan has little room for resistance in front of them. For practitioners, Zhenyuan is everything. Without Zhenyuan, it is like a well without water.

However, for Liu Qian, his powerful physical body can play a very powerful combat effectiveness even without Zhenyuan.

When Zhenyuan met with the poison, it was like winter snow met the sun and melted one after another. However, the quantity of the poison was too small. Just as it broke out, it was strangled in the cradle by Liu Qian, which did not make them cause more damage.

At this time, Liu Qian also understood the idea of the person outside. He should want to use this poison to make himself lose the ability to resist. Then he should come in.

Liu Qian originally wanted to take the initiative to attack. Thinking of this, he suddenly had a plan in his mind and decided to pit this man.

The man in black was lying quietly in the dark, which was no different from a stone. He would not take the next step until Liu Qian's poison began to play a full role.

He is very confident in his poison. Once a person reaches the realm of transcendental supremacy, the common toxin will not play any role in the transcendental supremacy. However, there are always exceptions. There are some highly poisonous things between heaven and earth. Even if a saint is careless, he will be poisoned to death.

There used to be some poisons. Even if the emperor met them, they were very uncomfortable.

Although his toxin is not so powerful, it can be effective against the extraordinary saints. It is extremely precious. After this time, it will never be used up again. It is also painful.

He had intended to use this thing to deal with a saint. If the man behind him didn't ask for it, he really didn't want to use it.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the man in black stood up sharply. At that time, he had already gone to the room of other servants. All the servants were in a coma now. There was an extraordinary supreme in this room. However, since the other party could not find him, he was too lazy to go up and look for trouble. The man in black stood up and slipped into Liu Qian's room. Without even opening the door, he turned into a stream of black smoke and floated in.

Liu Qian seemed to know nothing. He was lying in bed, but his eyes were open. Everyone could see the fear in his eyes.

In the dark, the man in black gave out a night owl like laugh. Liu Qian immediately started acting, panicked and said, "who, who."

However, when the man in black came into the room, he had set a ban, which was doomed that no one would hear.

The man in black laughs and walks up to Liu Qian. He is dressed in black and has a black mask. He can't see his face clearly.

The man in black knows that Liu Qian can't move now. That's the power of his poison. First, he finishes all the real yuan on a man, then paralyzes his limbs and turns them into fish that can be slaughtered.

The man in Black said in a low voice, "it's a pity that someone asked me to use such precious poison for your life. Please go on the road."

Liu Qian sniffed at the words and said, "who, who wants my life? Let me be an understanding ghost. I can give you all my things as long as you tell me who that person is."

The red eyes of the man in black showed a trace of banter. He put down his raised hand and asked with interest, "what else do you have?"

Liu Qian is like a coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He even said, "many people know that I robbed the fourth Prince's Grassland a few days ago. There are many treasures in it, such as anti emptiness grass, ethereal grass, and tonifying heaven grass. Now they are all in my storage space. As long as you tell me who is going to kill me, I can give them all to you."

With that, Liu Qian showed a trace of ruthlessness on his face and said, "if you don't tell me, I will kill myself now and destroy my storage space."

The man in black's eyes flashed. He knew that the poison was powerful, so he didn't doubt him. He didn't think that Liu Qian wanted to be an understanding ghost.

Liu Qian robbed the fourth Prince's grassland. Of course, he knew about it, because he was the fourth Prince's man.

He is the other person who is following the fourth Prince today. Liu Qian would not think that the silent man would become a terrible killer in the evening. If an extraordinary supreme was here, he would be taken.

"Well, well, then I'll let you be an understanding ghost. You're fine. The person who wants to kill you is the fourth Prince Yin Guang. Now you're satisfied."

Finally, he got the man's words out. In this way, Liu Qian didn't have to continue to play. He nodded and said with a smile, "it's him. I should have thought of it. Thank you."

When the man in black heard the tone of Liu Qian's speech, he suddenly had a bad feeling. A Black Dagger appeared in his hand and stabbed it. The dagger pierced the air, bringing a series of wind breaking sounds. At the same time, a faint black air wrapped on the blade of the dagger. This kind of black air gave Liu Qian a very uncomfortable feeling, which was accompanied by a lot of negative states.

Liu Qian gave a horizontal sound, put his right hand in front of the dagger, and held the dagger between his two fingers.

But that strange black air was attached to Liu Qian's right hand. I don't know why, Liu Qian suddenly felt that he had a nameless anger. His finger loosened and almost let the dagger stab him down.

At the same time, there are many negative emotions, Liu Qian's eyes appeared a trace of blood.

But at this time, Liu Qian's chest lit up slightly, a cool feeling spread all over Liu Qian's body, these negative emotions disappeared from Liu Qian in an instant. The man in black exclaimed, this kind of blackness is an effect brought by his practice. People who are infected with this blackness will have a lot of negative emotions in their hearts, which will affect their normal performance. If they can take advantage of it, they can even affect other people's mind and make them hallucinate. It's very powerful. He has been running around for many years with this skill, It's hard to meet an opponent in the supreme.

In fact, the impact of this thing on Liu Qian is not so big. The impact is just a wave of things. Liu Qian can recover soon. However, since Bing Xin has played an effect, it is naturally the best.

Liu Qian tried to break the dagger with his fingers. Unexpectedly, the dagger was so hard that he didn't break it.

At present, there are few weapons in the super supreme level that can surpass his fingers. This dagger should not be an ordinary one.

Liu qianfei had a quick castration, and even the man in black didn't respond. He had no choice but to let go of the dagger, put his hands in front of his chest, and ate Liu Qian's foot.

Liu Qian sweeps on the hands of the man in black. The man in black flies out and breaks through Liu Qian's door. He falls to the ground, but he is not hurt. He stands up and leaves here. However, as he gets up, a blue light curtain suddenly appears on his head. The man in black bumps into the light curtain and doesn't break through.

Unfortunately, if his dagger was not buckled by Liu Qian, he could get away with it.

A cold voice sounded in the courtyard.

"This is where you come and go as you like." It's the voice of Nancy.

The man in black snorted and saw that Liu Qian in the room was about to rush out. He knew that Liu Qian was very strong. If he faced him head on, he would not have much chance of winning. What's more, another extraordinary supreme was also watching. If he didn't leave, he would be in trouble today.

The man in black turned into a cloud of black smoke and pasted a blue light curtain. The blue light curtain was corroded into a big hole in this way, and then black smoke planned to escape.

Liu Qian knew that he could not stop him, but it was too cheap for him to leave without damage. Liu Qian turned his right hand and a dagger appeared. The bone of emperor Liu Qian launched the dagger. The dagger was plated with a light golden light, and Liu Qian threw it away.


End of this chapte

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