Still in the middle of the black smoke a shiver, actually also can see a bit afraid of the meaning. Full text reading

Like a meteor, the dagger shot quickly. The black smoke kept changing its position in the air, but it couldn't get rid of it.

Finally, he was caught up by the dagger and stabbed at the black smoke..

There was a scream in the dark, after the black smoke was stabbed, the speed was a little slower, but finally left..

This group of black smoke fell in a nobody's place, showing his real body. Naturally, he met Liu Qian in the morning, the man who looked very ordinary..

There was a dagger on his belly. He bit his teeth and pulled out the dagger. The expression on his face was more painful, and there was a trace of resentment..

He whispered to himself, "Damn, this man has so many tricks.".

After he pulled out the dagger, the blood continued to flow. Although he continued to repair it with Zhenyuan, the blood could not stop.

He soon found something strange. There seemed to be a strange force on the wound, which was actually preventing him from healing the wound. What bothered him most was that he found that he had almost nothing to do with this force.

He took out a small bottle again, and then opened the stopper. His expression was very painful. The things in the small bottle seemed very precious. He sat on the ground and dropped a few drops of the black liquid in the small bottle to the wound.

The liquid dripped onto the wound and suddenly gave a "Z" sound, as if it was burning. He bit his teeth and gave a low cry of pain.

The contents in this small bottle are still poison. He has no way to deal with the mysterious power on the wound. In this case, he can only use the method of losing both sides. The poison he just used can kill all the life of that piece, which means he doesn't want that piece of meat. In this way, the mysterious power on the wound can't be spared.

The man in black took out a small knife and cut off the dead flesh at the wound, revealing the white bones. After dealing with everything, he started. When he walked out of the alley, he had changed his clothes and looked as if no one would know that he had just been an assassin.

After walking out of the alley, the man in black came directly to Dongcheng District. The fourth Prince's residence is also the core of Dongcheng District. He walked in calmly. The two guards who guarded the gate obviously knew him, so they didn't stop him.

The man in black came directly to Yin Guang's study and pushed the door. Yin Guang knew it was him long ago, but he was calm and asked, "what's the matter, have you got it?"

When he saw the man in black's self effacing manner, he thought he had succeeded. In fact, he was very happy, but after the last thing in baihualou, he was not happy now.

However, Yan Guang found that the standing posture of the man in black seemed to be a little wrong when he fell in love with him. He frowned and asked, "are you hurt?"

The man in black took a deep breath. Instead of speaking, he found a chair and sat down. Then he said, "I missed it."

There was not much disappointment on Yin Guang's face. He seemed to have guessed that the man in black would be defeated.

Seeing Yin Guang's appearance, the man in Black said with a bitter smile, "I didn't listen to you. This man is very strange. My poison to kill yuan Jiu failed. He overcame me me and pretended to be poisoned. In fact, it wasn't poisoned. I belittled the enemy and was preempted by him."

Yin Guang nodded and said, "since you have failed, even if you have, I don't think you can kill him by means of assassination, but you are OK. I think your posture is a little strange. How is your injury? " Yin Guang knew that he was sure of it, but he didn't know how serious the injury was. If it was serious, it would probably affect their martial arts performance. In this way, they really stole the chicken.

The man in black shook his head and touched his lower abdomen. It was still very painful, but it was only skin injury after all. He said, "it's nothing serious. It's just some skin injuries. Give me a few days to repair them."

Even ordinary people can grow slowly with less meat on their stomachs, not to mention those practitioners. There is only a little remnant of the power of the great emperor left by Liu Qian, so the process of growing meat will become longer.

There is Liu Qian left him some internal injuries, but they will not play until the third round of martial arts. At that time, they should have recovered.

Yin Guang was relieved, as long as it would not affect the performance of martial arts. Yin Guang said, "I'm not thinking about this. It's too rash for you to assassinate him. I'm sorry."

The man in black looked at Yin Guang strangely. They hadn't seen each other for several years. This kind of Yan Guang made him feel unfamiliar.

Although he was hurt a little, it didn't really matter. In fact, the poisons that hurt him were still those poisons, especially those used to deal with Liu Qian's killing yuanjiu. Those were all he had in stock just now.

All of a sudden used up, naturally very distressed.

"Xinghun, go back and have a good rest. I'll send you the tonic later." Yin Guang was relieved.

Xinghun nodded, suddenly a pair of desire to talk and stop, he was thinking whether Liu Qian already know his identity things to say, this thing, in the final analysis, or because of his own greed, let Liu Qian seize the flaw.

After a little thought, Xinghun made a decision and said that he would still say it. In case Liu Qian exposed it later, his face would be even worse.

The star soul said, "Yin Guang, I think that person should have seen my origin and knew that we were successful."

He didn't say why Liu Qian knew, but just said a result, and Yin Guang didn't mean to study deeply. He sneered and said, "if you know, you'll know. Anyway, it's a never-ending situation with him."

Star soul will go to his room to have a rest after he says the consequences of his mistakes.

While Yin Guang was still sitting in his study, holding his chin in his hand, he didn't know what he was thinking

On the side of Liu Qian's residence, after they beat away the star soul, they stood in the courtyard and looked at the direction of the star soul's departure. Ruan said, "this man, with a strange means, broke through my ban so easily. It's a bit of a beginning."

Liu Qian snorted and said, "he's the man around the fourth prince. Yan Guang is such a powerful man. If he can follow him, he won't be a layman."

Ruan looked surprised. When she was practicing martial arts, he was also paying attention to all kinds of people, including the two people brought by the fourth prince. One of them looked careless and didn't look like someone who could do such things.

The other person, always with a overcast face, looks like he is very worried, but he seems to be the one who can do this kind of business.

"Is that the one who never talks, he did it?" She asked tentatively.

Liu Qian nodded and said, "yes, that's the man. He's a good sneaker and a good poison user. If he hadn't come near my room, I wouldn't have been able to find him." Ruan's face turned red because he didn't notice. She didn't wake up until Liu Qian's window broke.

Liu Qian suddenly said with a smile, "this man has a very strange method. Once his black spirit is contaminated with people's body, it will transmit a lot of negative emotions. Fortunately, with your Bing Xin, I soon wake up."

Liu Qian naturally wants to take this opportunity to flatter Ruan Xixi. In fact, even without Bing Xin, he will not be greatly affected.

Ruanxi snorted, looking very useful.

Liu Qian looked back at his broken gate. It seemed that he couldn't sleep well today.

"Today he smashed my door, tomorrow I'll hit him in the face, this person's courage is really big, but since he came here once, he should not dare to come again, go back to rest." Liu Qian Road.

Ruan Xixi nodded. Now that this man has seen Liu Qian's skill, it's impossible for him to come to the door to find trouble. The two of them sensed something and found that the servants were just sleeping and there was no life danger.

The next day, they would wake up naturally. They went back to their rooms and continued to practice.

Early the next morning, the housekeeper got up and saw Liu Qian's gate lying in the garden. Liu Qian looked at it and said, "help me change the door. Yesterday, a thief came and I beat him away."

The housekeeper was so scared that he said, "master, I'm incompetent. I let people slip in."

Liu Qian shook his head, relieved, and said, "this man is a successful monk. You don't need to blame yourself or take it seriously."

There was no bodyguard in Liu Qian's mansion. Originally, Yin Litian wanted to provide some bodyguards for Liu Qian, but Liu Qian refused. I'm kidding. The bodyguard's alertness was as high as Liu Qian's, so he didn't need it at all.

As for the other servants, they had no idea what happened yesterday.

Liu Qian thought that he should tell Yin Litian about this. After he had given the housekeeper the information, he quickly walked to Yin Litian's residence.

The guard at the door had been used to it for a long time. Liu Qian strode into Yin Litian's residence, and met the housekeeper at the intersection. He was told that Yin Litian was in his study now.

Liu Qian went to the door of Yinli Tianshu room and knocked on the door

Yin Lidian's voice came from inside

"Liu Qian, come in."

Liu Qian pushed the door in and saw Yin Litian practicing calligraphy. He stood in front of the table, carrying a brush and splashing ink on rice paper. Liu Qian knew nothing about calligraphy and painting. After a look, he just felt that the word was beautiful, but he seemed to be a little wild, not like Yin Litian's style.

End of this chapte

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