"Grass Mud Horse, you have seed! It's a beautiful hand to play with Ah Qing spat out a mouthful of blood smelling fishy, lying on the ground, staring at Liu Qiandao

"You don't know who the Dragon boss is, do you! I'm his most proud son. I'll kill you all! Especially you, I want to grass your family "female" and "sex", I want to find that chick, let her live in front of you is not like death!!! Do you know him.. More visit: ШЩЩ 79。。”

Before ah Qing's scolding was over, Liu Qian raised a chain scattered on the ground and whipped ah Qing's left face to make half of her face swollen.

"Go on." Liu Qian's face was cold and gloomy. He looked down at ah Qing and circled the chain in his hand.

"I said, you don't have an asshole in your son.. My wife was killed by me

make love!

Liu Qian raised the chain and lashed at ah Qingdi's head!

Ah Qing covered his head and cried out with pain. Finally, he couldn't stand the fierce pain. Before he fainted, he begged for mercy and said, "big brother! Don't.. Stop fighting! I agree! I'm green! Please don't fight any more! It hurts.. It's killing me. "

"Well, it seems that I opened a ladle for you last night, and you still don't remember sex for a long time." Liu Qian sneered, "and it's still the same silly ratio."

"You.. What are you doing! " Seeing Liu Qian find an empty beer bottle from a corner of the alley, ah Qing finally collapsed

"I.. I've asked for mercy! How can you still be powerful and unforgiving! "

"Moral kidnapping doesn't work for me." With an empty beer bottle, Liu Qian walked up to ah Qing with a sneer and said coldly, "besides, do you think I need to talk about morality with such a dirty guy like you? Do you have too few fuckers? Do you think his "milk" and "milk" are very powerful? Are there still few of them

Ah Qing was speechless, half open mouth, just want to continue to beg for mercy, a "Yin" shadow fell from his head..


Back in the alley, there was a heart rending scream like a pig. Liu Qian didn't even look at ah Qing, who was covering his bleeding head. For Liu Qian, ah Qing had been punished as he should be.. The pain of going to the hospital to pull out the broken glass was enough for him to drink a pot.

With a few steps, Liu Qian easily climbed over the high wall and fell into another lane.

"You.. Are you ok? "

Zhang Ying stands in the corner with a worried face. When she sees Liu Qian turning over, a pretty face can't help crying. The pear "flower" brings rain. She runs over and hugs Liu Qian and "touches" him

"They, they didn't do anything to you. Even if you can beat them, but there are so many of them, you will be injured. Let me see where they are injured."

Enjoying the warm fragrance of Zhang Ying's nose, Liu Qian took a deep breath. Then he couldn't help stretching out his hand and "rubbing" Zhang Ying's hair and said, "silly girl, are you worried about me? Ha ha, I've already said that even if there are too many stinky fish and rotten shrimps, it's still not enough for me to plug my teeth. "

"Do you have such a big appetite?" Zhang Ying "poof Chi" a smile out, tears into a smile way "you people are OK.".. It's OK. "

Hearing that Liu Qian called herself a silly girl, Zhang Ying felt warm without any reason. After crying, her eyes were like water, which made Liu Qian stunned“ Those "Hun" and "Hun" youths have been punished as they should be. The scene is too bloody. I won't tell you too much. " Liu Qian briefly told Zhang Ying what happened just now.

"You.. How can you fight like this? " Zhang Ying's eyes were wide open, full of curiosity and surprise.

Bullshit, which mercenary can't fight? The grass on the grave is several meters!

He scratched his head and didn't answer Zhang Ying's question. Instead, he changed the topic and asked, "anyway, we all have one night stand. I don't even know what you do."

"I'm a teacher." Zhang Ying bowed her head in shame and said with a smile.

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