
Liu Qian looked Zhang Ying carefully up and down. After sketching a picture of Zhang Ying breaking her shirt with a whip in her hand, he couldn't help laughing

"Teacher, your class must be very happy!"

"If you are interested, you can come and listen in. My university is Nanjiang medical college." Hearing Liu Qian's praise, Zhang Ying blushed, but a trace of sweetness was born in her heart.

In fact, what Liu Qian really wants to say is, teacher, you must be happier in class!

"Beautiful female teacher, if you want to teach me, I will." Liu Qian said with a smile.

"Sex" with some permission, love pure Zhang Ying, also can't detect Liu Qian deliberately take advantage of her, even with big eyes smile way "I'm just joking, you this skill, go to martial arts school is almost the same, as for medical school.".. The professional knowledge involved is not what ordinary people can know. "

"I tell you, I not only know a lot of medical knowledge, but also some medical skills." Liu Qian curled his lips and said faintly

"Once a friend of mine got a cold and had to pay no attention to it. He went to buy some Chongji. Later, I just poured two bowls of Chinese medicine into him. Since then, he has never had a cold again!"

"You're a funny person to talk to." Zhang Ying chuckled. In order to take Liu Qian's feelings into consideration, Zhang Ying didn't refute anything, but she didn't think much of Liu Qian's self righteous so-called "medical skills" in her heart.

"Those hooligans don't know if they will trouble you again." Liu Qian seems to think of something, suddenly frowned

"Or let me send you to Nanjiang medical college. Anyway, it's very early now, and I have nothing to do."

"It turns out that when you have nothing to do, you like to be a flower protector!" Zhang Ying's tone has a sour taste.

"Hey, hey, how did you say that.. Young people are strong, China is strong, and your teacher has always been a person I respect. Without your careful guidance, how can you become a pillar of youth. "

"Well, I'll let you come with me." With a smile in her eyes, Zhang Ying pretends to be impatient and interrupts Liu Qian's train running. In fact, her heart is full of flowers.

Liu Qian gave a smile, then made a stand at attention posture, with a serious face and said, "promise to complete the task, and don't let the gardener who cultivates the 'flower' flower of the motherland suffer any harm!"

"How to learn to be serious is still like a hooligan!" Zhang Ying covered her mouth and snickered, which made Liu Qian dizzy with the laughter.


Nanjiang medical college is not far from the alley. After they took a taxi to cross a river crossing bridge, Liu Qian, who got out of the taxi, followed Zhang Ying, who was as beautiful as a flower, with his pants in his pocket.

From time to time, people on the street cast envious and envious eyes, especially those self righteous male "sex" creatures. When they saw that Zhang Ying's delicate and full flower bud was protected by Liu Qian, a mediocre and strange guy, her eyes were so red that they could emit infrared rays.

Liu moved instead of looking at the eyes of those who were jealous of the grapes when they could not eat grapes. He kept talking to Zhang Yingliao and then flirted with each other.

After turning a cross street, a university named "Nanjiang Medical College" fell into Liu Qian's pupil. Walking into the campus, Zhang Ying looks at the "female" watch she is wearing on her slender "jade" hand and screams out "ah"

"Liu Qian, I have another class! Just now I was just trying to chat with you. Now I'm almost late! "

Liu Qian had already told Zhang Ying his name in the process of "communication" on the road. Otherwise, it would not hurt other people's "female" aura to ask Zhang Ying for her name?

"It's not too late yet. What's the hurry?" Hearing Zhang Ying's anxious words, Liu Qian shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"You don't feel lumbago when you stand and speak. It's light! I'm going to be late in two minutes. This is the first time I've been late since I was a teacher! Sobbing. "

Zhang Ying is anxious to cry out. She is very serious about her work. She is usually strict with herself. She has repeatedly stressed to the students that she should not be late for class. Now she is going to be late. Only Zhang Ying can understand the taste of that!

"Where is your classroom?" Liu Qian asked suddenly.

"In the southern teaching area of the college, the first teaching building after entering the teaching area is." Zhang Ying looked down at the "refined" watch

"It's only a minute and a half now! Sobbing.. Even if you run directly, it will take at least ten minutes! It's over. It's over. "

Looking at Zhang Ying with a worried face, Liu Qian shrugs. Then he hugs Zhang Ying's slender bee waist, which is so thin that there is no "flesh" on her face, and easily carries her.

"Which way?" Liu Qian also ignored the surprised eyes of teachers and students in the past and asked faintly.

"Well.. Over there. " Liu Qian was carried to the shoulder of Zhang Ying Leng after a moment, subconsciously pointed to a direction..


Liu Qian, like a gust of wind, ran at a high speed. His steps were very light, as if he had not dropped one foot and got up again. When others saw him, they mistakenly thought that he was flying!

Liu Qian's feet are full of wind, and he quickly arrives at a teaching building under the guidance of Zhang Ying. Just now, in the process of running, his clothes are all hunting. After stopping at this time, his short hair is standing up like a roller coaster.

Zhang Ying is really like sitting in a super sports car with "sex" and "color". On Liu Qian's shoulders, Zhang Ying is very stable without any bumps. His pace is surprisingly steady.

After resting for less than three seconds, Liu Qian started the "engine" again, like an indefatigable machine, carrying Zhang Ying's body up the stairs of the teaching building.

He almost stepped half a floor of the stairs in one step. At this time, Zhang Ying finally couldn't help screaming!

This kind of feeling is really too exciting, just like taking a boat ride in an amusement park!

Because it was so thrilling, Zhang Ying didn't even know that she was dawdling on Liu Qian's shoulder.

Liu Qianzheng savored the soft and greasy feeling of the two "meat" balls colliding with his own skin. From a distance, he heard a angry voice.

"That's him! It's the poor guy who wants to take Mr. Zhang away! Stop him, everyone

Hearing this voice, Liu Qian did not stop. He was racing against the clock. How could he give up all his previous achievements at the last moment?

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