"Are you sure you want to do it with me?" Liu Qian stares at this so-called dandy with great interest, not to mention his son. Even if he is at a higher level, he won't have much scruples about beating him.. шщш 7910s。

In any case, there has been a strengthening company for those who have offended in recent years, one more company and one less company.

It's a pity that at this time, the sky seemed to be too painful to speak. He was biting his teeth and his face was turning red. Obviously, he was suffering a lot. He finally came out with the words "you, you... My finger is going to break..."

Seeing that he was so vulnerable, Liu Qian was not interested in playing any more. He kicked him in his belly and flew out.


There was a dull noise. Heaven usually only bully people, where tried to be beaten, pain to cover the belly kneel on the ground, even tears are flowing out.

Liu Qian walked over, picked up the Ferrari key that had fallen on the ground, raised it in front of him, and said with a smile, "since you've all knelt down, I'm sorry to have a younger brother like you. I'll take this Ferrari. I'll see you when I'm free. "

With that, Liu Qian completely ignored the dull eyes of the onlookers, nodded goodbye to Zhang Ying, and then walked toward the big gate.

After all, he has to go to work in Hanqing group, which is a serious job and can't be delayed.

Who knows, it's not too big to watch the crowd. These guys in the classroom even walked out behind Liu Qian. It seems that they want to see if he really dares to drive away the Ferrari. It's his son's car!

Turning around the corner, Liu Qian soon saw the Ferrari California 2014 parked on the side of the road. The red color of the car was very eye-catching.

Suddenly, the corner of Liu Qian's mouth gave a strange smile. Just when everyone thought he was going to drive through the door, he picked up a brick from the ground, weighed it in his hand and smashed it against the windshield


There was a huge dent in the windshield on the spot, and the onlookers immediately exclaimed, "that's nearly 4 million Ferrari!

Is this guy going to smash it like this?

you 're right!

Liu Qian is really going to smash it, and how happy it is! With a clattering sound, the bricks in his hands are just a destructive artifact, directly smashing a good Ferrari sports car to pieces, which makes people see that they don't even have the mind to repair it.

After that, Liu Qian threw away the bricks and seemed very satisfied with his masterpiece and whistled away.

Heaven, who had just been helped out, saw this scene. He was so angry that he almost fainted. He gritted his teeth and said, "if I don't kill you, I'll write heaven's name upside down!"


Before long, Liu Qian took a taxi to Hanqing building. Instead of directly looking for Han Zixin, he went to the security department to report.

It is estimated that Qing Guohua was afraid of being beaten. He didn't come out again and saved a lot of trouble.

After yesterday's event, almost all the people in the security department know that Liu Qian is an employee appointed by general manager Han. Therefore, the so-called report is just a passing act. Just sign two names like a ghost.

Hanqing group is a retail giant. Unlike those technology companies, it doesn't have many core secrets, so its security department is only responsible for ordinary security work, mainly including gate duty, parking lot and corridor patrol, which is quite easy. When Liu Qian came into the office, a group of "elite" and strong men were lining up to assign tasks in their security uniforms.

As soon as he entered the gate, a middle-aged man standing in front of the team turned his head, looked at him sharply and asked, "who are you looking for?"

"My name is Liu Qian. I'm a new security guard. Please take care of me." Liu Qian smiles and reaches out his hand to say hello to him.

However, the middle-aged man with a tight face did not make any movement, but just stared at Liu Qian.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qian could only withdraw his hand awkwardly and said with a forced smile, "cough... You've come so early. Are you distributing work?"

"You still know about work? Look what time it is now. I was late for work on the first day, and I was a full hour late! I heard that you beat manager Qing and dozens of candidates in the company yesterday. Do you think you are good at it The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

Liu Qian's eyes flashed by, and he glanced at him without moving his voice. He continued with a smile and said, "I dare not say if I can beat him. It's just that the guy really owes me a beating. I just want to satisfy his wish, hehe..."

"Be serious, stand up!"

Yang Zhanhong suddenly slapped his hand on the table next to him. He said coldly, "I don't care if you used to be a local ruffian or a soldier. As long as you enter this security department, you are in my charge! If I find out that you still violate the company's regulations in the future, even the relatives of President Han, I will kick you away. Do you understand? "

Liu Qian can't deny it. It seems that his glorious battle record yesterday fell into the eyes of Yang Zhanhong, the security captain. He thought he was a thorn in the head. That's why he first gave up his power when he met him.

Seeing Liu Qian's restrained smile and seriously listening to his lecture, Yang Zhanhong nodded his head with satisfaction, and his tone eased slightly. "Our duty schedule is very tight. Now you go to change your uniform with Zhou Peng. Remember to be worthy of the company's salary. "

With that, he turned and walked back to the captain's office. As soon as the door was closed, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. His face changed slightly. He said respectfully to the person on the other end of the phone, "Mr. Qing, what can I do for you?"

"Did the guy named Liu Qian come to report?" A deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

Yang Zhanhong's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, but he replied respectfully, "I've come. I'm going to arrange for him to guard the gate in a moment."

"I want you to find a way to kill him!" This deep voice is so strong that people can't refuse it at all.

Yang Zhanhong understood that he would be a villain again.

However, Liu Qian's background is not simple. If he can't deal with it properly, he is afraid that he will not be able to make ends meet. So he said with a stiff head, "Mr. Qing, this Liu Qian was recruited by Mr. Han himself. In case something happens, Mr. Han can't deal with it."

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly became cold. "It's not easy to treat? This guy hurt my brother, didn't he hit me in the face? Don't forget, if it wasn't for me, you are still farming in your hometown with a handful of excrement and sweat! "

Yang Zhanhong's face turned red in an instant. He bit his teeth and said, "I understand, Mr. Qing... Don't worry, I will help you out of this bad breath." Hearing Yang Zhanhong's promise, the voice on the other end of the phone also eased a little. "That's right. You can do it freely. I'm here. The girl surnamed Han can't move you. Go ahead... "

"Good bye, Mr. Qing!" Yang Zhanhong hung up the phone in a complicated mood. Leaning against the back of his chair, he exhaled a long breath of turbid air and fell into meditation. It wasn't long before the embarrassed look on his face faded away, and he was a little more fierce

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