On the other side, Liu Qian has put on a new security uniform under the guidance of Zhou Peng. Fastest update access: щщщ 79。

Zhou Peng is a lap older than Liu Qian. Looking at Liu Qian, who has changed into a smart security uniform, he says with a smile, "it's good to be young. His muscles are so strong. Don't you usually take less exercise?"

Liu Qian took out a cigarette box from his pocket and handed it to him. He said, "once in a while, let brother Zhou laugh."

Tobacco and wine are often the best communication bridge between men. After Zhou Peng lit the cigarette Liu Qian handed over, he took his shoulder and said, "team Yang usually has this temper. In fact, there is no malice. Don't worry about it. Just work hard. By the way, we were just talking about whether you really beat dozens of people down by yourself yesterday. You didn't use to be a special forces soldier, did you

Liu Qian laughed with disapproval. He walked out with him and said, "the rural children are stronger. If I were a special forces soldier, would I come here to be a security guard? I've been invited to be a bodyguard by those star rich women for a long time. "

"That's right, ha ha..."

Just as the two of them were going to change shifts, there was a loud engine roar in the distance. More than 20 of the latest Lamborghini cars roared through the big "gate" and stopped directly in front of the fountain in the center of the square.

Before the reaction of the people around, two young men came down from each Lamborghini. They quickly took out a bunch of fresh roses from the trunk. In just a few seconds, they put a huge heart-shaped pattern in front of the fountain!

A heart-shaped pattern of 9999 roses!

This scene was so shocking that it aroused the exclamation of the surrounding crowd. Even Liu Qian and Zhou Peng couldn't help squeezing in to join the fun.

Just as everyone was talking excitedly about what was going on, a young man in a white "color" suit came out of the last Lamborghini. He stood on the edge of the heart-shaped pattern and looked at the entrance of the building. It seemed that he was waiting for someone.

"It's this guy. No wonder he's making such a big noise..." Liu Qian muttered softly. The young man in front of him was Sufei, the prince of the Su group, whom he met yesterday.

However, he obviously didn't bring people to find Liu Qian to return to the show today. I'm afraid he came to pick up girls.

Sure enough, before long, the direction of the entrance of the building suddenly moved, and the onlookers clattered out of the way.

Liu Qian calmed down and saw that the man who came was Han Zixin. But instead of the "flower" craziness of the young women around her, she said to Sufei, "Sufei, what are you doing?"

Of course, Sufi didn't forget what happened yesterday, but he knew that it was not the best time for him to retaliate. When he caught Han Zixin, he would take a lot of opportunities to trample her.

He kept his anger down and showed a smile that he thought was very attractive. He slowly came to Han Zixin, knelt down on one knee and said affectionately, "Zixin, although we had some misunderstandings before, they are all over. Be my girlfriend. I will make you the happiest girl in the world... "

It turns out that this is a big advertisement!

All the onlookers screamed at the same time, especially the group of young girls who were pregnant with spring just a few years after graduation. They were almost crazy. If there was a man who would give them such a grand confession, not to mention throwing himself in arms on the spot, I'm afraid even the chrysanthemum flowers would come out together!

"Oh, my God... I remember that he was the only son of the chairman of Su's group, Su Fei, one of Jiang Hai's four children!" There was a cry of surprise in the crowd, and it was obvious that he recognized the protagonist with sharp eyes. The screams and exclamations around her made her smile more confident. For this big "wave" confession, he planned for several days, believing that no normal "woman" could resist such an attack.

Weather, location, and people, today is destined to hold the beauty!

Unfortunately, he miscalculated one thing. Han Zixin is not an ordinary woman.

"Sufi, I made it very clear yesterday that I already have a boyfriend. I have to go out to inspect the shopping mall. If there's nothing else, I'll go ahead... "Han Zixin refused mercilessly.

The smile on Sufei's face suddenly solidified, and she twitched awkwardly. She forced her anger down, looked at Han Zixin and said, "I know you must be deliberately angry with me. Yesterday, the boy looked like your boyfriend and said that he was a little fellow. Zixin, stop it. Uncle Han called me last night and told me to treat you well. "

As soon as his voice fell, Han Zixin's face sank and he said in a low voice, "Sufi, if you are still a man, don't take my father for granted. No one can interfere with my feelings!"

Just at this time, a white Maserati suddenly came out of the crowd, stopped in the middle of the huge heart-shaped pattern, and rolled bundles of fresh roses into puddles of clay

Then, the window came down slowly. Liu Qian, who was sitting in the cab, poked his head out and said with a smile, "Zixin, get on the bus quickly. We'll be late."

Han Zixin was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted. With a smile at Liu Qian, he resolutely pulled the door of the car and sat on it.

Without delay, Liu Qian stepped on the oil door and drove Maserati away. When the onlookers came back to their senses, there were only roses crushed by the wheels, and Sufi gritting his teeth on the side

Seeing in the rearview mirror that Sufei is furious but helpless, Han Zixin's heart is quite relaxed. Originally, she had a little bit of affection for this guy, but now after a lot of hard work, she has become "dissolute".

If it wasn't for the delicate relationship between Su's group and Hanqing's group, I'm afraid she would have turned over a long time ago.

"By the way, how did you suddenly show up?" Han Zixin turned his head and looked at Liu Qian on the side. If it wasn't for him just now, he probably didn't get away so easily.

Liu Qian said with a smile, "don't forget, I'm your temporary boyfriend now. Of course, I'll show up in time when you need me. What about? Did I do well just now? "

"Yes, yes... If you can continue to perform like this, I will consider giving you a promotion and a raise." Han Zixin rarely "reveals" a smile, just like summer's "flowers" are blooming, bright and moving.

Liu Qian was a little drunk for a moment. He was just about to take advantage of the opportunity to make fun of him. Unexpectedly, when they were passing through a small tunnel, the van that was coming suddenly swung its tail!

With the screech of the tires rubbing against the ground, the van crossed the middle of the road, blocking both lanes.

There is only half a parking space left on both sides. It seems that we can't get through. Liu Qian frowned. Based on years of mercenary experience, he had smelled the unusual smell in the air.

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