As soon as Han Zixin walked out of the elevator, she found that her secretary Xiao Yun was waiting with her tablet computer. She quickly came up and said, "Mr. Han, you've finally come back. It's going to be a mess here. Fastest update access: щщщ 79。”

Because he didn't give any details on the phone just now, Han Zixin went to the conference room and comforted, "don't worry. What happened? Where is Xu Qing? Didn't she come back first? "

"There seems to be something wrong with sister Xu Qing's family."

Xiaoyun steady steady mind, continued to say, "I saw her answer a phone call and then left in a hurry, only said something at home. I also asked her if she could help, and she didn't say

After a while, Han Zixin finally took out her cell phone and made a call to Xu Qing. Unfortunately, the tip of the phone was not in the service area. She frowned slightly and said suspiciously, "not in the service area? Xu Qing seldom has such a "Jiao" generation. Even if there is something urgent at home, she will say hello to me first. It's strange... "

However, the current situation is more urgent. Han Zixin has no time to think about it and continues to ask, "don't care about this. Xiaoyun, please tell me what happened first. Why do the employees of Xinnuo department store come to make trouble with the suppliers? "

"I just went to find out that the group's 17 supermarkets have not paid wages for two months, and they are still in arrears with the payments of several suppliers, so they are going to discuss with the group headquarters today. Because many of them are old employees of Hanqing group, the people in the security department are embarrassed to stop them. I can only arrange them in conference room 1 for the time being. Now it's going to be a mess. "

"Isn't Mr. Deng always in charge of the business of Xinnuo department store? Where is he now? " Han Zixin asked suspiciously.

Xinnuo department store is the foundation for Hanqing group to make a fortune. It almost monopolizes the whole retail industry in Jianghai city. Even foreign retail giants such as Carrefour and Wal mart are forced to leave one after another. This business has always been in the charge of Deng Weichao, the senior manager of the group, and it has not gone wrong for five or six years.

"On your way back, I have called manager Deng, but the number is not in the service area. The personnel department said that manager Deng asked for personal leave yesterday, and now no one knows where others are. " Xiaoyun weakly said, she also realized that this thing is a bit abnormal.

"Well, forget it. You can go to the conference room with me first."

Han Zixin looked back at Liu Qian, hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Liu Qian, you also go with me."

Liu Qian knew that she was worried that the staff would make trouble later. There are so many similar news these days that she had to guard against it. So he said, "well, don't worry. As long as I'm here, there won't be any danger."

Han Zixin has just stepped out of conference room No.1 and pushed the door. There are hundreds of people sitting inside, smoking, fighting and playing with mobile phones. It's like a talent market. It's really going to be a mess.

"Here comes the steward!"

See Han Zixin they come in, also don't know who yelled, noisy conference room a little quiet. But soon someone yelled, "Mr. Han, won't your Hanqing group go bankrupt? I'm two months behind with your wages! "

"Yes! My family, young and old, live on the 4000 yuan salary. When will the "girl" be paid when she is still in primary school

"Stop talking to her and call the police! I see on the news that those unscrupulous bosses who default on their wages have to call the police! "


Someone started, and the meeting room was in a state of chaos. It was so noisy that I didn't know who was talking. Fortunately, Xiaoyun is clever. She takes out a microphone from the counter and hands it to Han Zixin. Han Zixin took a deep breath, calmed down, took the microphone and said loudly, "cough! Let's be quiet and listen to me first

The effect of the microphone was good. As soon as she opened her mouth, she covered the whole audience, and the crowd was quiet.

So she went on to say, "Hanqing group is a famous enterprise in Jianghai City, with sufficient funds, it will never go bankrupt. There must be something wrong with the two months' salary arrears. After our internal investigation, we will give you a satisfactory answer. "

As soon as her words were finished, Liu Qian, standing behind her, shook his head with a bitter smile. It seems that Han Zixin is still too young. If these words are so official, it's a ghost for someone to buy them.

Sure enough, the crowd began to roar again, and someone yelled, "fart! At the beginning, manager Deng made such a mistake. He also said that the group wanted to raise everyone's wages, and the financial department needed to settle the accounts again. What happened? As soon as the settlement is completed, it will be delayed for a whole month. If we are not here today, we may not be cheated by you for how long. "

"Mr. Han, you are the general manager of Hanqing group. Since the group has sufficient funds, we should pay the wages in arrears first today."

"Yes! Don't talk about useless things, just say when you can get paid. "


Han Zixin looks hard. Looking back at Xiaoyun, he asks in a low voice, "I've read every month's salary report of the group's employees. There's no problem. Where's Su in charge of the finance department?"

Han Zixin's mind now is like a swarm of bees, buzzing. In fact, it has been less than half a month since she officially took over the affairs of the group, and many of them have not had time to take a close look. During this period of time, the operation of the group is safe and sound, but once there is a problem, it will be troublesome.

Just like now!

Xiaoyun took out her mobile phone and made a call, and soon said helplessly, "President Han, Director Su, she asked for leave too..."

"What a coincidence Han Zixin suddenly froze, how things are crowded together. And then she found that she was not familiar with any other senior executives in the group, not to mention that someone would take the initiative to help solve the problem.

At this time, Liu Qian couldn't see it any more. He pasted it up quietly and whispered to her, "just tell them it's Friday and the bank doesn't work at the weekend. Everyone's wages will be paid next Monday. Let me have the rest."

"But now things are not clear. Is that ok?" Han Zixin asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it." After that, Liu Qian did not wait for Han Zixin to answer, but quickly flashed into the crowd.

Looking at Liu Qian's inexplicable behavior, Han Zixin was speechless.

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