But in the end, she had to deal with the matter in front of her, so she pretended to be all right, raised her right hand to signal everyone to be calm, and then said aloud

"I really understand your feelings at the moment. Just now my secretary has made it clear that there is something wrong with the settlement of the finance department., visit: ШШШ 79。 We should be able to pay your wages tomorrow, but tomorrow is the weekend, even if we work overtime, the bank will not work... So please rest assured that your wages will be paid next Monday! "

Although her words were a little unfounded, someone in the crowd soon responded, "Mr. Han, we are all old employees of Hanqing group. We must believe you emotionally. Now that we've said that, we'll wait another two days. I hope you'll live up to your trust. "

Han Zixin also wondered why they had suddenly become so talkative. Following his reputation, he saw Liu Qianzheng standing next to a middle-aged man blinking at him.

Then, several people around him also said, "since President Han has promised us, let's wait two more days. After all, Hanqing group is one of the top ten companies in Jianghai City, so there's no reason to default us thousands of yuan."

"Let's go, let's go... Let's not delay Mr. Han's work any more. If she handles this matter earlier, we can get our salary earlier."

Before Han Zixin could react, the crowd went to the gate spontaneously! By the side of the small Yun push arm, she just returned to God, na na na said "small Yun, you first take everyone out.". By the way, take elevator three and pay attention to the influence. "

"All right." Xiao Yun promised, and quickly followed the crowd out.

The crowd came and went quickly. After a while, the huge conference room No. 1 became empty.

However, Han Zixin found that Liu Qian and the middle-aged man were still standing in the same place, so he went out and asked, "brother, why don't you go back? Is there anything else?"

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man looked up at Han Zixin, but he said, "Mr. Han, i... I can't move!"

After seeing the last person walking into the elevator, Liu Qian finally drew back his right hand on the middle-aged man's shoulder, found a chair beside him and sat down. He said with a smile, "OK, you can move. Tell me... Who in the world ordered you to incite people to make trouble? "

"Liu Qian, what are you talking about?" Han Zixin took a look at Liu Qian and asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry. Listen to him first. I told you just now. I'll take care of the rest." Then Liu Qian glared at the middle-aged man and said with a smile, "I don't have much patience. Don't force me to do it."

When the middle-aged man heard this, he immediately softened his feet and said, "don't, don't... I said that manager Hu told me to do this, and he also said that he would give me 50000 yuan as a hard work fee after it was completed. Just now, those two people on the side are also my brothers. There are only three of us

"Manager Hu?"

Han Zixin was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "are you talking about Hu Jinpei from the second market department?"

"Well! Mr. Han, that's all I know. It's really none of my business. Please let me go... "The middle-aged man obviously suffered a lot under Liu Qian's hands just now, and honestly told him everything he knew.

"I absolutely don't want a fourth person to know about our conversation just now. Do you know what I mean?" Liu Qian clenched his fist and made a burst of joint explosion sound, which was full of strength.

"I know, I know..." the middle-aged man immediately nodded like a chicken eating rice“ All right! Your shoulder is just dislocated. Just go to see a bruiser. " Liu Qian waved to him, indicating that he could go out.

If the middle-aged man was granted amnesty, he quickly covered his shoulder and ran out.

After his back completely disappeared, Han Zixin calmly asked, "Liu Qian, can you tell me what's going on now?"

She is really a bit "confused", why Liu Qian can see at a glance that this person is the prick who incites employees to make trouble.

Liu Qian cocked up Erlang's "legs" and said with a smile, "the one who yells the most is the most suspect. Other people are just honest supermarket employees, otherwise they won't be delayed for two months. Until now, they have begun to complain. If no one incites them, they will definitely not come to you to negotiate terms instead of calling the police for help. "

"How did you get him to tell the truth?" At this time, Han Zixin was like a little girl full of curiosity.

"Haha... My hand with the wrong tendons and bones is just an artifact of" forcing "to supply. It's estimated that few people can last more than 30 seconds." With that, Liu Qianyang raised his right hand and scared Han Zixin back a few steps involuntarily.

At this time, the Secretary Xiaoyun came back.

Han Zixin stares at Liu Qian angrily, turns around and asks, "Xiaoyun, please help me to call the rest of the people in the financial department! I'd like to see where the salary has gone and why it hasn't arrived yet. "

Before Xiao Yun could answer, Liu Qian said, "don't go. Think about it with your toes and you know that it's manager Deng and Director Su. They must have embezzled public funds and absconded."

Han Zixin and Xiao Yun took a cold breath almost at the same time, and exclaimed in surprise, "how is this possible? They don't have the guts

"There's nothing impossible, otherwise there would be so many coincidences, and they all happened on the same day. The urgent task now should be to get them back quickly, and then recover the public money and pay the wages in arrears. "

"Xiaoyun, you still have to go to the finance department to confirm whether the matter is like what Liu Qian said."

Xiao Yun nodded and went out quickly.

Liu Qian and Han Zixin are left in the huge conference room. However, Han Zixin is deeply worried. She naturally knows that the current working capital of Hanqing group is running out.

In recent years, the pace of development of the group has been a little too fast. Although there are huge profits in real estate investment, the initial investment is just a waste of money. Several new projects are financed from banks. So far, the group's total debt is 2.7 billion, and the debt ratio has reached 33. If manager Deng and the two of them really take away more than 40 million, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Lingling! Lingling... "

Han Zixin's mobile phone in her bag suddenly rings. She takes a look and hands it directly to Liu Qian.

Liu Qian curiously put his head close to the past, only to see the above show is that manager Hu's number. This guy is the group executive who just ordered the employees to make trouble. Is he going to tear his face when he calls at this time?

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