With a slap, brother long raised his hand and slapped him, then he said, "what the hell are you talking about? Don't you see big brother here? Oh, brother, I haven't asked your name yet? "

"My name is Liu." Liu Qian said lightly.

"Brother Liu, how are you? Brother Liu is the man who carries the burden in this area. You can all recognize him clearly!" Brother long immediately said with a smile.

"Come on, don't tell me about it, just get the money out." Liu Qian said with a wave.

The color of Longge's noodles was very ugly, but he could only reach into his pocket to pay for it. After a long time of ink, he finally came up with fifteen yuan, which he had saved for a few months. He was planning to buy a motorcycle, but he was blackmailed by Liu Qian at this time.

The eldest brother took out fifteen thousand, and the other younger brothers could only raise money one after another.

A few "Huns" and "Huns" are all worried. They are all like eating a dead fly. They are very upset. However, they have no choice but to take out the money they usually "privately" hide.

After making up 20000 yuan, brother long smiles and hands it to Liu Qian carefully.

At this moment, brother long wants to die. He intended to blackmail, but he didn't expect to be blackmailed. Especially, his brother was injured a lot. This is a big "cost".

After getting 20000 yuan for no reason, Liu Qian was in a good mood, so he waved and said, "OK, you all go."

"Thank you, brother Liu." Brother long nodded and bowed, and then led his men to flee. He was afraid that if Liu Qian had any more problems, it would be very embarrassing.

Long Ge and others ran out hundreds of meters at a time, looked back from time to time, and stopped in front of a convenience store after confirming that no one was coming.

"Boss, we just let that guy extort 20000 yuan in vain?" A Hun asked reluctantly.

"Damn, you can't take advantage of that boy, but I don't think he's an ordinary man. He must be the ruthless character of some gang. He's ruthless enough! Cruel enough! Enough means! But I'll go back to discuss with brother Bao and ask him to help us teach this boy a lesson! " Brother long spat and cursed.

"Boss, is brother Bao the leader of qingfengtang?" The boy's eyes lit up immediately.

"Yes, it's brother Bao. He is known as invincible. It's just right for him to deal with this boy!" Said brother long.

On the other hand, Liu Qian took the extorted 20000 yuan and went to the seven star hotel in Dubai. Then he had a good meal and opened an earl's room for a night.

Until early the next morning, his cell phone rang.

"Who, did you make a mistake when you called early in the morning?" Liu Qian muttered.

He took a look and found that the caller was Wang Daming.

What did the grandson call to disturb people's dreams? At the thought of Wang Daming's dead face, Liu Qian was not in a good mood.

"Captain, what's the matter?" Although his heart is very uncomfortable with this guy, but he is his team leader after all, he should be polite.

"We'll be in the company soon. We're going to hold a shareholders' meeting today. Our security level should be upgraded to s level!" Cried Wang Daming.

"I see, captain." When he got out of bed, Liu Qian yawned. It was just a general meeting of shareholders. Is it necessary to upgrade the security level to s level? This is the highest alert. It seems that Wang Daming is a new official. He plans to show himself well in front of many shareholders.

Although I'm not happy in my heart, it's my job. I'll go anyway.

After dressing up, Liu Qian immediately went to the company to report that it was only seven o'clock in the morning. According to the company's regulations, it was eight o'clock in the morning.

When many security guards were asked to come to work an hour in advance, they were all complaining and looking sad.

"What the hell is going on? Wang Daming really takes himself as the chairman of the board. He can do whatever he wants. It's not time to go to work!"

"That's right. I was dreaming about the one with Mr. Cang just now, but I was woken up by him. I almost couldn't stand it!"

"He's" milking "and" milking ". I'm going to send my child to kindergarten. He forced me to work!"

"This guy, no one has sex!"

"Because I'm a special forces veteran, I don't think we are human beings!"

Many security guards complained incessantly, which made Wang Daming furious.

"Damn, what are you scumbags shouting about? When I was in the British seal army, I didn't know how much I suffered. What was your suffering? It's good to complain in front of me. Be honest with me, or you'll feel better! " Wang Daming's cover up is a curse.

Although many security guards wanted to refute, they could not help but see that the other side was the team leader. As the saying goes, the rank of the senior officials crushed people to death, so they had no choice but to swallow their anger and dare not continue to complain.

"Today is the day of the general meeting of shareholders. Later I want you to line up to greet me and show me your spirit. If anyone is depressed, I will be the first one to trouble him after work!" Wang Daming said again.

After working for a long time, it turns out that this guy wants to show himself when many shareholders are around. No wonder he is so active. But if he does, he will suffer a lot.

At 8:30 in the morning, 12 shareholders of Hanqing group arrived at the company one after another. They saw a large number of luxury cars on the scene, just like an auto show. There were luxury Mercedes Benz, luxury BMW, Porsche and so on.

"Stand at attention and clap!" Cried Wang Daming.

Thirty security guards stood on both sides, with the red carpet in the middle. When they heard Wang Daming's order, they immediately applauded.

Although they don't want to be the boss in their heart, they really need to behave better at this time. Otherwise, it will be a matter of time before the boss is fired.

In the warm welcome of the security guards, many bosses walked in slowly, smiling to the people frequently, including qingguoliang.

Seeing this old man, Liu Qian was so angry that he wanted to bully his wife. He had to find a chance to clean him up.

After the welcome ceremony, many security guards were too tired to stand up straight. After all, it was very difficult for them to stand here in line for an hour in the morning.

After all, they are not special forces or soldiers. It's hard for them to welcome them like this.

"Well, now Liu Qian and Wang Fei, you two are responsible for the security in front of the" door "of the conference room. If anything happens, after work, I'll kill you two!" Wang Daming said“ Ah? Captain, you told me to take charge of the security there? I'm afraid I can't do it. I don't have that "essence" liquid! " Wang Fei blurted out, because the slip of the tongue immediately caused a burst of laughter.

"You're such a whore. You talk like a whore. No wonder people call you the first whore in Hanqing group A few guys nearby joked.

"Ha ha, this guy is famous for his" lust ". He's a maniac. When he was three years old, he peeped at his aunt next door taking a bath. When he was five, he learned to watch action movies. When he was eight, he could fly!"

"Crouching trough, is it that cow?"

"Of course, otherwise, how did they get the title of" cudgel "

"Captain, I, I'm wrong. I'm talking about experience, not 'essence'!" Wang Fei quickly corrected.

"I don't care what reasons you have or what excuses you have. In a word, under my command of Wang Daming, you can only follow orders. If you don't want to go, go away now!" Wang Daming showed his courage in the army and immediately cried out.

"OK, OK, OK." Wang Fei had no choice but to nod his head.

So he followed Liu Qian, two men holding batons, guarding the "door" of the conference room.

The meeting room is on the ninth floor. It is a large meeting room that can accommodate more than 100 people. Usually, the general meeting of shareholders of Hanqing group is held here.

Although it's boring to stand here, you can listen to what's going on inside. Liu Qian thinks it's a good pastime to stand here and listen to the shareholders' quarrels.

In the meeting room, shareholders are having a heated discussion.

The Party headed by Qing Guoliang is "forcing" Han Zixin into the palace.

"Good niece, it's not that I question your ability. Now president Li has proposed to terminate the cooperation with us. This project is very important for our company. If we give up the cooperation now, it will cause a loss of 1 billion to the company. You are responsible for this project all the time. Now, if there is a problem, you should carry it." Qingguoliang said aggressively.

"As for the Tianlai real estate project, I need to clarify with you now. According to Mr. Li, in the past month, a group of people often went to the construction site to make" chaos ", which made it impossible for the construction site to start normally. In addition, someone sent Mr. Li a bullet envelope, which made Mr. Li so shocked that he decided to terminate the cooperation, If we can find out the whole story and solve the problem, I believe Li will change his mind. " Han Zixin said in a deep voice.

"What you said is light, but you have solved the problem? If you can't solve it, then don't take this seat! " Qingguoliang suddenly in trouble, now said with a sneer

"In the tradition of Hanqing group, the position of chairman of the board has always been occupied by the capable. Now that your father is going to retire, he should give his position to the capable person, not to his own son's daughter. In this way, it is inevitable that the outside world will think that he is cronyist!"

"Uncle Qing, don't talk too much. My father just asked me to act as the chairman of the board temporarily for one month. He didn't say that he would give me the position of the chairman of the board. Besides, if you want to choose the chairman of the board, you must hold a general meeting of shareholders and vote!" Han Zixin said, "if you think you are better than me, uncle Qing, you can come out and run."

"Ha ha, this is nature." Qingguoliang said triumphantly.

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