For qingguoliang, he coveted the position of chairman of Hanqing group, which was not a matter of two days. When Han Chiba was still there, he did not dare to make mistakes. After all, the other party's ability and contacts were higher than him., visit: ШШШ 79。

But now the situation is different. Han Qianye is about to retire, and his only competitor in the company is Han Zixin.

Of course, he knows very well that he has watched her grow up. Although she has outstanding ability, she is only a yellow girl. How can he fight with her?

"A month later, it's the day for the election of the chairman of the board of directors. It's rare that today's 12 shareholders of Hanqing group are all here. You all have the right to vote. I want to have a" touch "vote. I don't know if anyone is against it?" Qingguoliang suddenly said, as if in the capacity of the chairman of the board, ordered people to vote in advance.

Han Zixin knew that Qing Guoliang was going to fight against him. Since he asked for a vote at today's shareholders' meeting, he must be ready.

Sure enough, qingguoliang's voice just fell, and several shareholders echoed.

"Well, I agree with him!"

"Yes, a vote ahead of time is fine!"

Of course, there are also five or six shareholders who object. They are all the confidants of Han Chiba and have always been on the side of Han Zixin.

"No, I object! If Chairman Han retires, his son will inherit his father's career. Naturally, Dong Han will take over. Besides, her ability is obvious to all. Under her leadership, the company is now thriving. "

"That's right. Besides, Chairman Han is very kind to us. What's the matter in our family, and what's wrong with him?"

"Yes, how can you be ungrateful?"

The twelve shareholders present immediately divided into two groups, with six shareholders supporting Han Zixin and Qing Guoliang respectively. The scene can be said to be even.

"Lao Wang, it's not right for you to say that. Can't my credit in the company compare with that of my good niece? Twelve years ago, the company was blackmailed by Wu Biao, and I killed him directly. For this matter, I spent three years in prison for manslaughter. Nine years ago, the company competed maliciously with Chengcheng group, and I finally got rid of him. Five years ago, the company wanted to enter the real estate market, and the villains in the city refused to move, Do you think my credit is not as great as my niece's? " Qingguoliang said aggressively.

Qingguoliang one by one recounts his credit, many shareholders have nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Qing devoted himself to the company. Without him, our company would not be as big as it is today!"

"Yes, if Mr. Qing comes out to elect the chairman of the board, Lao Li will be the first to support him!"

"I support it, too!"

"I agree with him in this seat!"

Originally, there were six shareholders supporting Han Zixin, but after Qing Guoliang's encouragement, only one shareholder was still supporting Han Zixin.

"What are you shouting about? What does Chairman Han usually do to you? Now that he hasn't retired, you'll come to "force" the palace. Do you have any conscience? " Wang Zhicheng said angrily that he is the best "friend" of Han Chiba. No matter what happens to the company, he is always on the side of Han's family.

"Lao Wang, Lao Han is kind to us, which I don't deny, but his credit is his, and his" daughter "belongs to his" daughter ". These are two different things. How can you" mix up "them?" Qingguoliang said immediately“ This, this, this. " Wang Zhicheng was at a loss for a moment.

"In a word, the position of chairman of Hanqing group is always occupied by those who have the ability. As long as those who have the ability and who can convince the public, they can take this position." "Now, I announce the beginning of voting," he said with a smile

Just when Qing Guoliang was so elated that he thought he had succeeded in his plot, suddenly a powerful voice came from outside the big "gate" saying, "wait

All of them were stunned. They turned their heads and found that the door of the house was quickly opened. A man in a security suit came in slowly.

Such a scene surprised many shareholders.

This guy is just a security guard. In the group, he's just a small character. According to the rules, he's not qualified to enter the meeting room. Especially now that the general meeting of shareholders is being held, miscellaneous people are not allowed to enter. Even secretaries and assistants are not allowed, let alone his small security guard.

"Liu Qian, you, what are you doing? Come on, come on, come on out, or you'll be fired if you mess around like this!" Wang Fei is startled. It's against the company's rules. Maybe he will lose his job.

"What are you doing in here?" Qingguoliang stood up and cheered.

"What am I doing in here? That's a good question. I came in to defend my "girlfriend" of course. You guys are so shameless that they bully a weak "girl" in public. What's the point Liu Qian said carelessly.

Such words made Han Zixin blush, and he was ashamed and angry at the guy who spoke "Hua" and "Hua"!

"What does this stinky guy come in for? Doesn't he know that I'm in a bad situation now? If he comes in so carelessly, won't he let Qing Guoliang grasp the handle more?" Han Zixin thought.

Originally, she was very angry at Liu Qian's sudden and rash intrusion, because now the general meeting of shareholders is being held. As a security guard, this guy didn't intrude. According to the company's regulations, he is going to be expelled.

However, Han Zixin turned to think that just now she was "forced" by Qing Guoliang. If the shareholders were allowed to vote, then her position as interim chairman would be lost.

She promised her father that she would be the chairman of the board. If she was ousted now, would it be too humiliating?

What's more, Han Zixin is a strong man in the workplace. Of course, he won't be willing to be ousted by Qing Guoliang.

And now Liu Qian's rash intrusion, just let things usher in a turning point, at least also let the future full of variables.

"What did you say? Who do you think is the shameless old thing? There is a general meeting of shareholders here. Please go out! " Qingguoliang said angrily.

"Out? There is only one person in this room who can command me to do things, and that is my future wife. " Liu Qian didn't think so and said with a smile.

"Niece, is he your boyfriend?" Qingguoliang asked.

Immediately, all the shareholders present focused on Han Zixin and Liu Qian.

As we all know, Han Zixin is a well-known ice beauty in the group. How many rich children want to pursue her are ruthlessly rejected by her thousands of miles away.

Even the prince of several famous groups failed to catch up. People thought, not to mention the security guard, what's wrong with the eighth floor? They ran in and went crazy.

Who knows, Han Zixin then said a sentence that shocked everyone: "yes, he is my boyfriend." As soon as this remark came out, many shareholders were shocked, their mouths could not be closed, and their eyes were staring like ox eyes.

In their opinion, Han Zixin is the chairman of the group. He has a high status and looks dignified and beautiful. The boy who comes in is just a security guard, not a handsome guy. It's just a fantasy that he can get Han Zixin!

It's not a joke. What is it?

"Ha ha, niece, are you kidding? This guy can be your boyfriend, too? Why? "

"Yes, why? It's just a security guard. It's not the kind of person who's so handsome. "

"That's the funniest thing I've ever heard."

Many shareholders are laughing, after all, in their view, Han Zixin's words, is completely joking.

"What's the matter with the security guard? In front of God, everyone is equal, and there is no distinction between high and low. Besides, although I'm a security guard, I also know how to be a man. Unlike some ungrateful people, it's against" Yin "to serve Yang." Liu Qian said recklessly.

What he said hit the dead end of some shareholders and made them furious.

"Boy, what are you talking about here? You're just a security guard. What's your qualification to gossip here?"

"Call the security captain up at once and ask him out!"

"You're not going to work here tomorrow!"

Seeing that the shareholders are targeting Liu Qian one after another, Han Zixin's heart is a little upset, but Liu Qian's unexpected appearance has confused the situation. At least at present, the shareholders' attention has shifted to Liu Qian.

"Don't pay attention to this boy's words, let's vote!" Qing Guoliang deserves to be a cunning businessman. In a word, he put out the main point of the problem.

The purpose of his coming here today is to depose Han Zixin. If he fails to achieve this goal, all his actions will be in vain.

"Yes, yes, yes, let's not be distracted by this boy. Let's vote quickly!" Qingguoliang several confidant shareholders immediately echoed.

"Wait a minute, what are you voting for? My girlfriend didn't agree. Why do you want to vote?" Liu Qian immediately said aloud.

"Can I speak to you here?" Qingguoliang is not very angry and says that this boy is really energetic. He is just a smelly security guard. Do you really think he can turn the world upside down?

"The company has regulations. As long as employees of the company are qualified to make suggestions to the company, this is Article 23 of the employee code. Am I right?" Liu Qian said with a smile.

"Well, so what?" Qingguoliang has started to get angry.

"Now that you want to depose my girlfriend, is it not to take advantage of the problems in the Tianlai real estate project, and then make full use of them? If I told you that I could solve the problem in a week, would I not have to vote today? " Liu Qian said aloud.

"Oh, how dare you, a little security guard, boast that you can solve the problem? Did you forget to take brain damage tablets when you went out Qingguoliang sneered.

In their opinion, Teana real estate project is a project with an investment of nearly one billion. If such a large project goes wrong, it must be very difficult. A small security guard without any background, how can he solve it? It's as ridiculous as an ant saying it's going to eat an elephant!

"My girlfriends know what I'm capable of, but you're an old man. You didn't even brush your teeth when you went out. Didn't your mother teach you to be polite?" Liu Qian immediately choked back.

This makes Qing Guoliang angry. He is also the deputy director of the company. Now he is insulted by a small security guard in public. It's just unbearable.

"Well, since you say you can solve the problem, I'll give you a week. If you can't solve the problem in a week, your" girlfriend "will give me the position of chairman. How about that? Do you dare to bet?" Qingguoliang thought about it for a while, and immediately said triumphantly.

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