The taxi driver was a timid man. He didn't see such a scene, so he was stunned., visit: ШШШ 79。

"I said, brother, did you kill the whole family or" get "their mother? How can so many people besiege you?" Cried the driver.

"Come on, don't talk so much nonsense, get in the back seat for me!" Liu Qian was not in the mood to explain to the other party. Without waiting for the other party to reply, he grabbed the other party with one hand and threw it on the back seat.

Then, Liu Qian's whole body, directly sat in the cab, at this time, next to the window of a dagger ferociously stabbed in.

"To die!" Liu Qian roared. He held the dagger in one hand and broke it with a twist. The big man outside was shocked and his face was full of horror.

Is this human or Superman?

At the same time, there are several other machetes also directly in.

"Be careful, brother!" The driver's eyes were startled when he saw it in the back seat. The scene was so exciting and terrible. It was even more shocking than Hollywood blockbusters!

At this moment, Liu Qian didn't care so much. He started the car directly, hung it up, stepped on the oil door to the end, and the blue taxi flew out like a rocket.

"Ouch!" That huge impact force, immediately next to a few big men, all give shock fly out.

"Damn it, boss, what if he runs away?" Several big men surrounded a big man with a beard.

"Well, how far can a garbage taxi run? Hurry up The bearded man said in a cold voice, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Sure enough, after Liu Qian started the car, he soon found that there were eight cars behind him, and Santana, who was all in the same color, caught up with him.

Originally, Santana is not a very fast car, so it is not difficult to cope with it. But now the car Liu Qian drives is not a sports car, nor a BMW Audi, but a taxi owned by Volkswagen, and its speed is no match for Santana.

The other side can speed up to 200 yards per hour, while Liu Qian's broken car can only drive to 120 yards.

"Lying trough, how can your car be so rubbish? How can you drive so fast?" Liu Qian can't help complaining that this speed is no different from that of a snail.

"Brother, I'm a taxi. You think it's a sports car. It's good to drive 120 yards. Municipal Fu has made regulations on the speed of our taxis. Besides, it's downtown, and it's not a racetrack. If you drive so fast, you're looking for a dead end." The taxi boss had a bitter smile on his face.

Seeing that the eight cars behind are getting closer and closer, Liu Qian knows that he will be "forced" to stop in a minute. Once he is "forced" to stop, these little horns will definitely not play any more and delay him to attend the shareholders' meeting.

"If that's the case, I'll drive into the alley and use my driving skills to get rid of them!" Liu Qian thought.

So he turned left to leave Binhai Avenue and went straight to a small road. On that road, there were many stalls, and many stall owners were shouting.

This is the riverside food street. No matter when, many people come here to eat, drink and have fun. Generally speaking, vehicles are not allowed to drive in.

"Ah, you, you, what's the matter with your taxi? Stop, you can't drive in here!" Several security guards at the intersection saw a taxi rushing in. They were so scared that they immediately stood up and waved their batons“ Excuse me, excuse me Liu Qian didn't pay attention to so much. He played the trumpet and stretched out his head to yell.

All of a sudden, the tourists and pedestrians eating in the food street were shocked by this rash taxi, and they all gave way to the side.

"Damn, you're crazy. How do you drive?"

"This is the food street. It's not a racetrack. You're a broken Volkswagen. Why do you drive so fast? You really think you're a Ferrari?"

"Milk, milk, I want to complain about your taxi!"

Many passers-by yelled at each other.

Then, what shocked them even more happened. There were eight cars behind them, all black Santana. They directly chased them in.

Because the food street turns 90 degrees from the main road in front of it, three Santanas are out of control. They rush into the convenience store and explode instantly.

When tourists and pedestrians saw such a terrible scene, their faces turned pale, and they ran away in panic.

The four Santana, on the other hand, continued to pursue.

"Damn, I don't believe this boy can escape from me!" The bearded man looked at the flaming convenience store and was very angry.

After entering the food street, the terrain here is narrow, and there are "mixed" and "chaotic" people everywhere, so Liu Qian's taxi can't drive very fast at all.

But the four cars in the back were different. They rushed all the way, regardless of the pedestrians in front.

Just a few minutes later, the four cars caught up with Liu Qian.

"Come so fast!" When Liu Qian was anxious, he saw a fork in front of him, so he rushed in without hesitation.

As soon as the four cars saw it, they immediately chased in.

As a result, this is a dead alley. There is no way out in front of it, but a once heavy wall.

"It's over. It's a dead end. Turn around!" Cried the driver.

Instead of turning around, Liu Qian drove straight ahead.

The four cars behind soon followed.

"Boss, there is a dead end ahead!" A big man said triumphantly.

"Well, let's see where he's going!" Qiu bearded man sneered.

"Hold on, big driver!" Cried Liu Qian.

"You, you, what do you want to do? You don't want to break through the wall, do you?" The driver was in a cold sweat.

Although the taxi is made of iron, it's impossible to break through a wall. Maybe the taxi will be destroyed!

"You, you, you're crazy, brake!" The driver's elder brother has no desire to cry.

As a result, just 30 meters away from the wall, Liu Qian suddenly made a sudden brake, and then drifted and flicked his tail. At the same time, he opened the "door" of the car, grabbed the driver's elder brother's body with one hand, and with the help of force, the driver's elder brother's "fat" body immediately flew out, crossed the high wall and fell heavily outside. At the same time, Liu Qian also took advantage of the huge habit of swinging his tail. He rushed out of the door of the car, put his toes on the wall, immediately took advantage of the force, and then leaped up the wall.

The whole process, but only ten seconds, but Liu Qian has successfully jumped to the outside.

"Damn, I've been fooled by this kid!"

But the four cars behind, because of their high speed and close distance, can't brake at all if they want to.

In a flash, four Santana hit the Volkswagen Taxi.

Just then, Liu Qian stood outside the wall, smiling at the corner of his mouth, and took out a cigarette. At the moment when he lit the lighter, there was a huge explosion on the wall behind him. A fire burst into the sky, accompanied by a scream, which made people feel palpitating.

"Wokuo, brother, you are a superman. Are you from Hollywood or Bruce Lee alive?" Lying on the ground struggling that taxi driver to see this handsome scene, has been admiration, incoherent.

"Well, there are ten minutes left, just in time to attend the shareholders' meeting." Liu Qian smiles and walks away.

But I didn't expect that just a few steps away, the driver rushed over and hugged his big "leg." I said, "brother, although you are Superman, you have damaged my car, so you have to pay for it. Otherwise, what will my family eat?"

"It's enough for you to buy ten cars." Liu Qian "felt" a diamond out of his inner pocket, which he found in a chief's home the last time he was on a mission in North Africa.

Seeing the huge diamond ring, the taxi driver cried with joy and immediately said, "enough, enough, thank you, brother!"

Finish saying, again is a thousand thanks of compliment words, wish to kneel down on the spot to call dad.

Liu Qian didn't have time to listen to each other's chatter, so he left directly, got into a taxi, and then went to the headquarters building of Hanqing group.

Nine minutes later, Liu Qian appeared at the door of the conference room.

In the conference room, all the 12 shareholders have arrived. All of them are dignified, but Qing Guoliang is frightened and worried, rubbing his palm.

After ten seconds, Liu Qian saw that Qing Guoliang answered a phone call, and the whole face "color" changed.

"Mr. Han, will Liu Qian come to the meeting or not? If not, we won't wait for him!"

"That's right. So many of us are waiting for a little character" Se "to come to the meeting. This guy is just a security guard. Can he do this?"

"He's not the king of heaven. What's the matter of asking so many of us to wait for him?"

"I don't have any contract spirit. I'm late for the meeting."

Many shareholders complain one after another. It's no wonder that they, as big figures, have to sit here waiting for a security meeting. It's a big joke. If it wasn't for Han Zixin, they would have broken out.

"Shareholders, please wait a moment. The reason why I have to wait for Liu Qian to come to the meeting is that he has some evidence on hand to prove that there are people inside our group who are picky and collude with people outside to calculate their own group." Han Zixin made a gesture of pressing down, and then his words were amazing. Indeed, this remark caused a huge "wave" reaction among the 12 shareholders.

"What? How could such a traitor come out of our group? "

"Which son of a bitch? Lao Zhang is the first one to let him go

"That's to say, when I started my business together, I used to be a blood ally. If anyone betrayed our group, everyone would be punished!"

"Mr. Han, you can tell me which son of a bitch is so bold. Let's talk about it and implement the family law together!"

The shareholders are excited to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

"We all know that a series of troubles have happened in our company recently. In fact, all the things are designed by our group's internal" traitors ". His purpose is to bring down our Hanqing group. We all say, what should we do with such people?"

Han Zixin looks like a winner. He says calmly, "I ask you, uncle Qing, what do you have to do with such a person?"

Qingguoliang heard these words, it is like thunder bombardment, face is already cold sweat straight out, he constantly with a handkerchief in the wipe sweat, and then said

"This, this, this matter is all handled by President Han. I, I, I can't be the master."

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