Originally, qingguoliang in Hanqing group, has not been subject to the constraints of Han Zixin, and these days in public also expressed contempt for Han Zixin.

But now Han Zixin's words make him feel "flesh" and sweat, and even dare not say a retort.

Many shareholders see qingguoliang's gaffe and wonder if this so-called group traitor is him.

Some shareholders who are good at observing words and observing colors are ready to support Han Zixin.

"Report to President Han, I'm here!" At this time, Liu Qian stood outside the door of the house and said aloud.

"That's good. Come on in." Han Zixin's heart stone finally fell to the ground.

As long as the evidence in Liu Qian's hands is published, Qing Guoliang's attempt to control Han Qing group's "Yin" plot can be completely smashed.

Sure enough, when Qing Guoliang saw Liu Qian come in, he suddenly collapsed and collapsed in his chair.

"Now I have a piece of evidence on hand about how a senior executive of our company sold out the interests of the group. Are you interested in reading it?" Liu Qian said with a smile.

"Let's see it!"

"I'll see which son of a bitch is so bold that he dares to eat inside and outside!"

"Don't let this man off lightly!"

After all, their interests are tied up with Hanqing group. If something happens to Hanqing group, their interests will be greatly damaged.

Thirty minutes later, many shareholders finished reading the evidence, and many people were extremely shocked and speechless.

Although they had expected this result for a long time, when they really saw the evidence, they still couldn't accept it.

After all, qingguoliang is the elder of Hanqing group. No one thought that he would do such a thing all the way. It's absolutely shocking.

"Everyone has finished reading the evidence. Now I want to ask, uncle Qing, what do you think of the evidence?" Han Zixin is not in a hurry, and his eyes are burning. He directly stares at qingguoliang and says.

Although she is a "female" person, and is also the first time to become the chairman of the board of directors, she has been honed by the market for a long time, and has developed a kind of "wave" calm and open temperament.

"I, I, I have nothing to say. I hope Mr. Han will give me a free hand for my many years' work for the company." In front of the evidence, Qing Guoliang has lost his former prestige.

Now he has no other way to go except to beg for mercy.

"Give you a break? Hum, you bring so much trouble to the company, how can you just let you go? " Han Zixin said coldly, "what's more, this time you collude with outsiders and destroy the Tianlai project, you have already violated the law. If you don't let go, you will ask the police what they mean."

Han Zixin's words shocked all the people present. They thought that although qingguoliang had made a big mistake, he had made countless contributions to the company over the years. The most punishment he received from President Han was his dismissal. However, they never thought that President Han was trying to make qingguoliang die so that the other party could never turn over!

As long as you go to jail, it means that the rest of Qing Guoliang's life is ruined.

"Niece, do you, you really want to do that?" With a look of grief and indignation, Qing Guoliang suddenly stood up and cried, "I used to block three assassination bullets for your father, but now one bullet is still in my body. Can't you, you, you read some old love?" Of course, Han Zixin knows what qingguoliang said. It was a big sensation and made headlines in newspapers all over the country.

However, the same thing is the same thing. Qing Guoliang's kindness to her father is one thing. Now Qing Guoliang's crime is another.

What's more, qingguoliang is deeply rooted in Hanqing group and has cultivated a lot of cronies, which has greatly hindered hanzixin's succession. If qingguoliang is not defeated by this opportunity now, it is hard to guarantee that he will not make a comeback in the future.

Moreover, many of the shareholders on the scene are the confidants of qingguoliang. Now, taking advantage of the opportunity of qingguoliang, they can also take the opportunity to frighten them and ask them to stand in a good line. Otherwise, they will have good fruit to eat!

"Mr. Han, do you really want to hand over Mr. Qing to the police?" The atmosphere at the scene was silent for a few minutes, and a shareholder took the lead.

"Lao Lu, what do you mean? Now that Qing Guoliang has broken the law, he is to blame. If he is not punished by the law, what justice is there? I firmly support President Han's opinion! " Another shareholder immediately made a statement.

"That is, if we break the law, of course we have to deal with it by the police. Should we resort to" private "punishment?"

"It's not true. In our time, if we were pickpockets, we would be punished by beheading hands and feet. Now it's lucky to ask him to go to prison!"

Han Zixin "reveals" a fan "smile. She stands up, glances at the shareholders present and listens to their words. Now the whole scene has been completely controlled by her.

Most of the shareholders recognized the situation and chose to stand on her side. Such a big change made her ecstatic.

You know, a few days ago, she was still worried that she would not be able to get the support of the majority of shareholders, so she would not be able to sit as chairman.

Today, it seems that such worries are unnecessary.

Of course, the greatest credit for this lies in Liu Qian. Without him to collect evidence, Han Zixin would not have been able to defeat Qing Guoliang, an old and cunning opponent.

"Well, now I've decided to vote in a minute. Those who support the transfer of qingguoliang to the judiciary will raise their hands." Han Zixin said with a smile and a glance.

Shareholders began to steal "private" words.

"Do you want to support Mr. Han?"

"Isn't that bullshit? Now Mr. Han is the chairman of the board. He doesn't agree with her. Is he going to die with Qing Guoliang?"

"Uncle Lin, what's your opinion?"

"Me? Just follow what you mean. "

"Anyway, I support President Han."

One minute later, Han Zixin said lightly, "now those who agree to transfer qingguoliang to the judicial organ raise their hands." With that, she was the first to raise her hand.

In fact, it's not easy for Han Zixin to make such a decision. After all, qingguoliang is a major project of Hanqing group, and she has been taking care of her from childhood to adulthood, which makes her feel "excited" from time to time. Otherwise, she won't call her uncle Qingshu.

Unfortunately, it's time to fight for the control of Hanqing group. Han Zixin will not be soft hearted at such a crucial moment. After years of business training, her heart has been cold for a long time. There are only interests to speak of in the market, and there is no "friendship" to talk about!

Now if she doesn't bring down Qing Guoliang, once she gives the other party a chance, she will be the one who will die!

Therefore, Han Zixin must take advantage of this opportunity to completely bring down Qing Guoliang, so that the other party will never turn over!

Sure enough, under the leadership of Han Zixin, many shareholders raised their hands one after another. Even though Qing Guoliang's loyal confidants wanted to oppose, they still had to make a stand under strong pressure to draw a clear line with him.

Seeing such a scene, Qing Guoliang could not help but look up to the sky and sigh. He shook his head after half a sound and said, "I can't imagine that I've worked hard for half a lifetime, but in the end it's nothing. You, you, you're really powerful, my good niece."

Han Zixin ignored each other's words, gave each other a cold glance, and then went to the desk to pick up the phone, "Xiao Yun, you call officer Xiao, they come up."

Ten minutes later, two policemen came in.

"Mr. Qing Guoliang, you are suspected of economic crimes. Now we want you to go back to investigate."

With that, a pair of cold handcuffs directly locked qingguoliang's hands.

Qingguoliang's face was like ashes, and his body trembled slightly. He slowly followed the two policemen out of the room.

The rest of the shareholders saw this, and many people were shocked.

"As you can see, this is the end of betraying our group. If anyone has a different heart and wants to do harm to the group, Han Zixin will be the first one to let him go!" Han Zixin said in a loud voice.

"Mr. Han can rest assured that you are the only chairman of Hanqing group in the future. We will unite closely with you and make greater contributions to the company!"

"I propose that the election of the chairman of the board be held in advance now!"

"OK, I support it!"

"I agree, too!"

Many shareholders have joined in, especially the confidants of Qing Guoliang, who are very loud for fear of falling behind.

Liu Qian stood behind Han Zixin and watched all this coldly.

He was thinking that these people were still loyal to Qing Guoliang a few days ago. It was just one day. They all defected and joined Han Zixin. This is typical. There is no principle of "sex".

In the words of ancient people, it is ungrateful, greedy for life and afraid of death.

He couldn't understand why his wife should reuse such a greedy person?

After all, these people are always capricious and selfish. They can betray qingguoliang today. If another strongman comes to Hanqing group in the future, there is no doubt that they can also betray Han Zixin.

There are too many things that Liu Qian didn't understand.

However, he can be sure that the war in the shopping mall is a war without gunpowder, which is not the same as the war of life and death he experienced in North Africa.

After a round of voting, Han Zixin became her dream chairman without any suspense“ Congratulations to President Han

"I believe that under the leadership of general manager Han, Hanqing group will create more brilliance!"

"That's necessary!"

Many shareholders are flattering.

There is no doubt that the battle for the chairman of the board ended with Han Zixin's victory.

"Well, now I have another thing to announce." Han Zixin said, "the one who can bring qingguoliang to justice this time is my security guard Liu Qian. I want to appoint him as the vice chairman to take over qingguoliang's position and manage our Hanqing group. Do you have any opinions?"

Many shareholders were surprised by this remark.

There are even several guys who directly cast disdainful eyes on Liu Qian.

Ya's just a security guard. What qualifications do you have to be the vice president?

If a new security guard could become deputy director so soon, wouldn't they be hurt?

Although many shareholders have opinions in their hearts, they all see things clearly. Han Zixin thinks highly of Liu Qian, and obviously treats him as a confidant.

If you offend the celebrities around Han Zixin now, you will have a hard time in the company.

What's more, we've all seen Han Zixin's method just now. She is a hero of a generation of "women". Her ability and courage are no less than her father's. It's just the so-called "tiger father without dog" woman. Therefore, although the shareholders oppose it in their hearts, they refuse to say it on the surface.

"I don't mind. Liu Baoan is so young and capable that he can be the vice president. That's his real name!"

"That's right. Among the new generation of talents in Hanqing group, Liu Baoan is the best. He is the vice president, but I agree with him with both hands!"

"I don't have any opinions at all. I'll do everything according to General Han's idea."

Listening to the approval of these shareholders, Han Zixin is very happy. Now it seems that she is really in control of the whole group. From today on, she has a lot to say. No one can object to her opinions!

Wang, a woman in the workplace, likes to enjoy such a supreme feeling.

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