Instant Death
Story 13, I have quite a bit of experience with torture.
"Well... I didn't know this was going to happen anyway, but..."
Hanagawa, dressed in a kung fu suit for Monk, was walking along the path in the woods.
Behind them were three classmates, and Hanagawa was forced to bring her along.
"Hanagawa ah. I brought you to the party, so let's be even more happy."
It was Masaya who was wearing a uniform. The class was an erotic master, and the ability was to stop the time of what I touched.
"Yes, it's hard to be isolated in a world like this?"
Keiichi Wang, who is also wearing a uniform. Class is Eroge Jazz. Its abilities are related to transparency.
"We're the same nerds who let you join us." Please thank me. "
The other came without buying any particular equipment. The class is erogemania, and the ability is tentacles.
In Part 1, it seems that the three of them were called erotic aristocrats. It seems that Hanagawa had little interaction with her classmates in Part 1, so she only heard such a story later.
"I wonder if I'm one of them." I guess I'm just using it on a canary like a coal mine. I don't know what kind of nerd is the same. I'm not kidding. "
Of course, I didn't mean to sound like that.
Monk is in the upper class, and the erotic should be stronger than the foolish class, but there is little difference at the level 1 level.
If there is no difference in gifts, physical abilities and practice will differ later.
It seems that Oxo is playing karate, the building manager is playing boxing, and Yashido is playing Taekwondo. Hanagawa was unlikely to be able to beat them with violence.
Hanagawa smoked with a proper mouth-watering attitude toward the superior being, but his classmates were wrong.
Because they know the usual Hanagawa, they just make fun of what they say and look at it from above.
"Nerds are mostly doing martial arts." I can't help but quietly read fighting comics and have the strongest conversation. "
Hanagawa walks along while paying attention to his surroundings.
This is a Crusade Quest, so there must be monsters somewhere.
Isn't your destination around here?
The ox's tail stops. Hanagawa thought it would be a good idea to get away like this, but he thought it would not be a good idea to be alone in a place where there might be monsters.
Hanagawa should be able to make use of it if it is worth it, whether it is used as a koji or not.
You didn't write much about the quest request, did you?
"But it's one difficulty, isn't it? As expected, it's not hard to find it.
This time, the quest was to defeat ten goblins.
Field is an island. It's a small island surrounded by sea. There is a forest in the center of the island, and the goblins seem to be sighing around it.
This may be somewhere underground, but unlike the base town, it didn't have a cave-like atmosphere anywhere.
The ocean from the coastline stretched all the way and no boundaries were found.
"Anyway, you can do whatever you want with goblins, so you have to level it up." As long as you level up, you won't lose to the Three Musketeers. "
Goblins are rewarded with 2DP per goblin, but only for those who defeat them. Of course, they would try to monopolize it, so Hanagawa wanted to defeat it.
"Isn't it this way?" There's something like a cave? "
"That's for sure." It looks like it's in line with the game-like temples. "
Looks like the building manager found something.
He can see the other side through the watermarks, so it's probably a great way to explore.
"Hanagawa, it's a cave."
Is that what's wrong with you?
Hanagawa returned a little to the road and joined the oxen.
Looking to the left from the road, there was a rock wall, and there was a hole there.
"What are you talking about?" This is where you show your courage. You're cutting the front line, aren't you? "
"Eh? Isn't it necessary to smoke it with smoke or block the exit and attack the military supplies?"
"We don't do such cowardly things."
No, but it's not stupid to go into a cave without a plan, is it?
"It's not a ploy, is it?" First of all, Hanagawa will check it out. "
Hanagawa's back was pushed towards the cave.
Hanagawa had no choice but to walk to the front of the cave.
The hole was large enough for three people to walk side by side. There are traces of being in and out, so it looks like something is using it.
Hanagawa peered inside.
"But if there's no light, I can barely walk... it's bright."
Anyway, near the entrance, Hanagawa thought that if he went in the back, he would not get the light and would not see anything.
But I could see the cave from the back.
"It's a game specification, isn't it?" It's good to be easy to understand. Here, scout it out. If you're a goblin, come back. It's dangerous to fight alone. "
"Yeah, I'm not going to do that to you..."
I looked back in front of the cave and saw the ox tails.
Something was on the tree.
A small, hairless monkey-like creature. Her skin is slightly green and she has a huge club that doesn't fit her height.
That's the goblin. Hanagawa tried to warn me.
But before I could speak, it jumped.
The cow's tail collapsed with a strange noise.
No matter how shocked I was, my head was deeply submerged, and I began to melt into my neck.
Hanagawa stiffened as it unfolded.
I didn't expect people to die here all of a sudden.
"Ox tail! What's the matter?"
A spear sticking out of the hole pierced the back of the building.
"Shit! Tentacles!"
The recovered arrow grows a tentacle from the ground with its ability. The tentacles tangled a goblin with a light club.
But that was all he was able to do.
The tentacles were torn lightly as the goblins swung their strength.
His current tentacles were thin and poor. I couldn't summon a tentacle that strong at Level 1.
The arrow shouts. His abilities share a sense with the tentacles. The pain in the tentacles felt like an arrow.
Two goblins attacked the building and its arrows.
I used my club to beat him up a lot, and my spear to stab him a lot.
The two of them quickly stopped moving, but the goblins still didn't let go of their attack. I was relentlessly attacking.
"It's not funny!" It's a level of difficulty!? "
Hanagawa and the others had already licked this game.
From my previous experience, I felt that I was okay with the goblin level.
"If this happens, you have no choice but to run away, auntie!"
The sudden shock blew Hanagawa away.
I was attacked by something coming from the cave.
Hanagawa blew up the road and stood up.
Hanagawa wore kung fu clothes that didn't take much damage.
Before Hanagawa could see the cow tails, he was collecting equipment at the armour shop.
I looked at the cow tails as I recovered a little.
Three goblins were gathered there, looking at Hanagawa. There are three people rolling underfoot who do not hold the original shape.
"That's right, I should have prepared my equipment." I'm not going to lick another world too much! "
They must have done well with it in part one.
That's why I came in my uniform without my gear and made a fool of Hanagawa's gear by calling it a cosplay.
"Anyway, we have to get through this!"
Hanagawa took the stick out of the item box.
By the way, when I entered the Underground Quest, the Item Box was empty, so I bought this stick from the Armory Shop.
I somehow pushed forward and stood up as I wobbled.
"I have a Stick Mastery, so now I'm a Stick Master!" I didn't think so, but I didn't think so! "
I thought if I had a stick in my hand, I would be able to perform my moves automatically, but that didn't seem to be the case. So far, I don't know what the Skill Club Mastery means.
However, it seemed a little stuck, and the goblins didn't come right in.
"Since the heel healing amount is decreasing, I can't help but push it...... air bomb!"
Hanagawa was practicing while gaining time.
The Qi Bomb's power increased according to the Qi stored in it. As long as it took as long as the level was low, I could hope for a certain amount of power.
I let go of my stick and stick out my palm. The ball of light emitted from your palm flies straight.
At the same time, Hanagawa turned his back on the goblin and ran away.
If we go back this way, we'll reach the coast. There's a gate to the base town. If we made it that far, the quest would fail, but we should be able to escape safely.
It's better to bet on the possibility of getting away than on a three-on-one reckless battle.
I thought so, but I lost the bet early.
There was a severe pain in her right leg, and Hanagawa rolled ungodly.
The tumbling momentum stops the rolling motion. There was a spear in his leg. The goblin threw a spear, which hit his legs with bad luck.
Hanagawa pulled out his spear and cast a healing spell.
Heels! I can't help but heal the pain a little!
I mean, I couldn't run anymore.
There's no way you can escape when you drag a painful leg and move it.
"It's over..." Even though there have been various pinches in the past, I have managed to survive... I have to remind myself that it feels like a running lantern! "
Wake up and turn around.
The Goblins were approaching.
Two goblins threw their spears and turned into bare hands, and a goblin with a club.
There was a dark smile on his face and something pierced his eyes.
The goblin's head fell when he was dumbfounded, unaware of the reason. A red line ran around my neck, and it came loosely off.
The goblins spurted blood and collapsed and stopped moving.
"Oh! It's not Hanagawa-kun." What's going on here? "
"Um...? Isn't that Carol?"
At some point, Carol, dressed in red Ninja clothes, stood beside her.
And standing behind the goblin is Ayako Ninomiya, wearing a feather.
"Whatever you say, eh?" This is a quest for the clumsy, but is there someone else coming? "
"It looks like the field has nothing in common, apart from the quest." We came here to hunt for mushrooms. "
“What happened to this?”
Carol throws a stick and a shuriken. When I smashed my eyes, I heard that my son pushed in directly from the front and broke his neck.
To put it simply, Hanagawa didn't quite understand all the actions.
If I noticed, I could only imagine it was over.
But Carol and Akiko are at level one, right?
Yes, but if you're dealing with enemies like this, I don't think it's that much of a problem.
Saiko, who came, says:
Well, if it was such an enemy, I would have defeated it regardless of the other world.
"Ohhh... ohh! Now you can help me get rid of the goblins!"
Huh? I'm sorry. We have to hunt for mushrooms.
"I saw someone being attacked in the passage, so I rescued him." I'm not going to do anything more than that. ”
"Well then, I'll help you out, so I'll give you one of these..."
"Help us, is there any benefit to us?" It looks like your companion is dead, so I think you should cancel the quest as soon as possible. "
Carol's eyes were so cold that she didn't have much to think of her dead classmates.
However, if we are abandoned here, our future survival will be at stake.
Only 20DP can be gained by defeating ten such dangerous goblins alone. Survival taxes need to be paid to survive, which requires continuous DP acquisition. In other words, we have to step into more danger, but we had to work together.
It would be a good opportunity to meet them here.
Hanagawa will have to accompany Carol somehow before she can miss this chance.
"Ah, is that a benefit? I can take this lazy man as a mascot... ah, no, I'm not going to cut the head off and jump into danger."
Even if Hanagawa-kun is here, I can't stand it anymore, right?
Carol really didn't turn away.
"Guh. I guess the charm of the clumsy one wasn't enough!?"
"Ah, well, if you look like you're really looking for something like that... erm, yes!" Even if the Humble One may not be worth it, the information he has may be worth it! I knew it! I knew where Lord Takayo was.
Well then, let me tell you something.
At some point, Ayako was in front of her, and Hanagawa was pressing the tip of the sword against her throat.
"Akiko Tan, you're more radical than I thought!"
"We tried to explore all the channels we had, but Koyo-san wasn't there. How did Hanakawa-kun know about this?"
If you won't let me join you, don't tell me!
“I have quite a bit of experience with torture and may be able to tell the truth to some extent.”
"I get it!" I'm telling you, I need you to stop stabbing me with your twitching sword!? "
I couldn't bear the feeling of the blade biting into my neck, and Hanagawa decided to tell me everything.
"... so I don't know what it is, but it's implanted in the stone of a wise man."
What do we do, Ayako?
“You didn't lie to me, did you? Then I have to take you to Takayo-san's place.
"Hmm. But all you need is stones, right?" If you tear your chest, you can take it out, right? "
I'm really scared that you don't think of me as just a pig anymore!
"However, if I hand over the stone that I took out to you, I might buy Takayo-san's displeasure." Hanagawa-kun is also a classmate. "
"Huh? I'm not convinced that you took out the stones because you were dying all over the place?"
"No, um, Carol. Do you want me to stop pushing you in the direction of killing the clumsy? Akiko, do you feel like you should do your best?"
“No, it's just a matter of lying badly and losing consistency, so let's just take them with us.”
Ayako finally took the sword.
"Thank goodness, thank goodness!" Akiko, can I lick your shoes or something? "
"I didn't care about Hanagawa-kun because I wasn't interested at all, but you're a pretty depressed person..."
So, can you help me get rid of the goblins?
"No, I can't afford that, so please cancel it." We'll take two more mushrooms and we'll come back. "
There was a mushroom!
Carol fetched a mushroom from the root of a nearby tree.
It seems that the mushrooms were the reason why they came here.
Well then, you're all done with your quest.
"Eh? You don't have to be in such a hurry--"
The area suddenly shaded, and Hanagawa looked up at the sky.
There was a huge thing floating in the sky that could not be understood at first sight.
In other words, it's like putting all the guts together. I know it's just a creature, but I don't know what else is moving through the sky.
It's twisting countless bowel-like things, inflating lung-like things, and flying gently in the air.
"Hanakawa-kun seems to have arrived so suddenly without thinking about anything, but there are so many of them here, you can't afford to do anything extra."
Ah, come on, let's get out of here!
Hanagawa wanted to go home early.
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