Instant Death

14 stories It seems easy to play games, but the identification of plants is quite difficult

Underground Quests were games of honor for only a limited number of people.

Most people can't even play difficulty 1 quest properly, so it's a high difficulty game that drops out in a few days.

Here, just ordinary people live desperately acting. Those without such characteristics as the clerk of the armour shop, the receptionist of the adventurer's guild, and the adventurer who loiters in the tavern are still trying to build a character and pay the survival tax that keeps rising every day.

In such a world, some of the players who could defeat the Las Boss and start a new season were heroes.

Volff was one of those heroes.

Volff fully enjoyed his position. Any kind of tyranny is allowed in this world, and even the final defeat of the Las Boss is appreciated.

Some of them returned to Earth with rewards for completing the game, but most of them chose to stay here. Those who want to do what they want in this world hope that their gear and strength will not reset in Season Out.

That way, you can always be strong, even if you don't have to do anything in particular.

You can spend a lot of time watching people struggle to live desperately each season.

There are about twenty or five such parties in this world right now.

I wasn't particularly cooperating, but with the tacit understanding, I was taking turns to defeat the Las Boss in this five-party.

There are rumors that this game exists to entertain someone. From that person's point of view, the current situation might be very boring, but from Volff's point of view, it wasn't something I knew.

However, it seems that the game operator is not going to continue as it is, and has made some efforts to make ends meet.

It's easy to see how the number of channels has soared. It seems that something has happened on the ground, and there are more people in the game than ever before. Most of them may be present, but some of them may be powerful, and others may threaten the Volffs' position.

The number of fields has also increased, and three fields have been used until now, but they have been expanded all at once. There seemed to be more new monsters, but the leading players hadn't yet confirmed the full extent of the situation.

There was also an increase in armaments. This seems to be growing in number. Each weapon has its own unique abilities and combination of synergies. More research will be needed to play the game in your favor. With the gear that was trapped in common sense until now, there was also a possibility that I would be stranded.

And the biggest change for Volff was the addition of the gimmick of the Rasboro Quest.

Until now, there was a simple mechanism such as defeating several subordinate bosses before they could go to the location of the Las Boss, and since the attributes of the Las Boss change at regular intervals, they had to make corresponding attacks.

But this time, things seemed a little different.

Someone went to scout for the Las Boss, but no one came back. Those who go to scouting are assuming they bring back the information and are specialized in survival. It was abnormal that no one came back and no information was available.

To be honest, Volff thought it was a hassle.

But this world is only a game.

No matter how hard it gets, there's always a way to get through it, and there's gotta be some clue. Leading players know it from experience.

Volff and his powerful players behaved like strangers, but they knew full well that they were supported by a wealth of experience and knowledge.

In other words, we know we're in danger as usual.

If you want to do whatever you want, you need to establish the Las Boss strategy as soon as possible.

Other powerful players have already begun to move.

Volff was beginning to find a way to defeat them.

"It just looks like I'm walking my dog, is that really all right?"

Next to Zhi Qiansheng, who leaned his neck, there was a night fog walking with a lead.

There is a dog die at the end of the lead, and it walks a little further.

Thousands of people walk on gravel roads, surrounded by grassland. A short distance away, there was a gentle stream running parallel to the road, and at the end of the road, there was a dense forest.

Unlike the base town, it doesn't feel like a cave. Probably as deceiving as it is deceiving the appearance of the air continent.

I can't help but be in a hurry right now.

The night fog was wearing a set of armor called a light mail.

It would be classified as leather armor. The main point was the light armor reinforced with iron.

The weapon is lowered to the waist with a short sword.

I don't think I need weapons to be able to deal with the night fog before it was attacked, but Chikuzen thought that I might have bought them with a cosplay feeling.

By the way, the luggage such as the backpack that Night Mist had was packed in a box of items.

I wonder if it would be okay in a situation like the palm of a wise man.

Chikaku's dress was called dress armor. As the name suggests, it's a dress-like armor.

At first glance, there doesn't seem to be any defense, but there may be a correction as a game around it.

If it was said that this would also be a cosplay, it could not be denied as a Chichiya. I chose this because it was cute.

The weapon is a leather glove that is worn in both hands. It didn't look like it, but it was a gauntlet.

I also had a throwing knife in my inventory box as a jumping tool.

"I think most wise people I've ever met are crazy, but I don't necessarily have to be hostile." If it doesn't come from the other side. "

I may be able to do what I want with my administrator privileges, but I want to believe that I will follow the rules even if I take the form of a game on purpose.

"This game doesn't matter." Things are moving fast while you're relaxing! It was all like that. "

Zhi Qianxia remembered the events just before becoming Part 2.

It seemed like the world was on the verge of collapse without the knowledge of the Chinas, even though they were just coming and going and hadn't moved at all.

"I guess I can't help it either." Somewhere in the world, there are other people who are moving with different thoughts without our knowledge. That would look like something happened to us all of a sudden. "

"Well, I have no choice but to do what I can." So, which herb is it? "

This is a forest and meadow field, and Chikuzen have come to collect medicinal herbs.

Collect 10 medicinal herbs and return to the gate to earn rewards for completing quests.

Since one herb is 1DP, it is not a lot of reward, but I decided to accept this quest after consulting that it would be better to start from this degree to grasp the series of flows.

Isn't it sparkling?

"No, what kind of game brain is that?"

Even if it's just called herbal medicine. There are countless medicinal plants. "

In fact, it's impossible to talk about looking for medicinal grass in a meadow like this.

According to the description of the quest, it seems to be the ingredient of Recovery Potion S.

This is what a recovery potion is, isn't it?

Zhi Qianxia took out the Recovery Potion he had bought from the Tool Store from the Item Box.

The Healing Potion was a sphere that was red and sharp. The liquid is wrapped in clear jelly.

It was easy to use, and the liquid was split and applied to the affected area. It breaks at a constant pressure and can also be used in an emergency by hitting a companion.

Well, what about the item box?

"Hmm. When I want to use it, I see a translucent window in front of me and I see a list of items. So, I think it will appear on my hand if I think I'm going to exit this. If you hold it in your hand and remember it, it's okay."

Tanaura-san would be a little surprised if she did that in front of you.

No, Koyo-kun's always surprised me, though.

Just trying to kill someone will kill them. Chihiro thinks that it is an ability that is not visible, such as an item box.

"Is this potion a hint?" The grass is red. "

"Ah, it's not a soft drink, so I don't go out of my way to turn it red with coloring, maybe."

That said, there's no red grass growing around here.

The night fog is looking around.

I also looked at Chikaku, but the surrounding area was covered with green grass. Small yellow and white flowers blossomed in all directions, but no prominent colors like red were found anywhere.

There's no time limit on this, right?

"There was nothing written about it in the quest guide."

You don't know what you're looking at from above, do you?

I don't see anything that stands out around here. Of course, even if it grows everywhere, I don't think I can tell it apart. "

"Is it unexpectedly difficult?" Maybe I should have bought the information from an information store. "

You should've asked the adventurer you wanted to teach me, right?

"It's easy to play games, but the identification of plants is quite difficult... ah, don't you think I can tell by the smell of the die?"

"Huh? I wonder if I can do that." If you don't train dogs, you're pretty stupid. Normal dogs can't track the smell. "

"I think we should try it for now." Can I have a potion? "

Zhi Qianxuan handed the potion in her hand to the night fog.

"It doesn't smell like this." Can I break this? "

Just one is fine.

The night fog smashed the potions to the ground.

The sphere bounces and the red liquid is poured into the ground.

A faint sweet smell spread around.

"Die. Can't you see the smell of grass from this smell?"


I can't understand when I tell my dog to look for the source of the smell.

However, the die that had been smelling the ground for a while began to walk slowly.


"Let's follow it."

Thinking of it, the Thousands followed after the die.

Die walked along the road and eventually reached the front of the forest.

I don't think there are many things in the forest.

It's too much to be true.

Follow the die as it walks into the woods.

When I went a little bit, I went out to the place where I had flipped. Red flowers bloom densely there.


I just said praise, so Zhi Chisao smacked the head of the die.

"Nah... she's smart, too?" Do you understand what we're saying? "

For now, let's pick this up and take it home.

Night fog and Zhi Qianzhen separated and dug up flowers that might be medicinal herbs from the roots.

All I needed for the quest was ten, so the work was done quickly.

"What do you want me to do? What else do you want me to do?"

It would be a waste of time for me to go home and make a difference.

Then maybe I can find two or three more types to pick.

"I wish I knew if this was a herb... ah!?"

Zhi Qianwei put the flowers he had in the item box.

The list of items is then checked.

The flowers we just harvested were labeled as medicinal herbs.

"But the medicinal herbs are cluttered and miscellaneous!?"

What's the matter?

"It looks like this is definitely a herb." When I put it in the item box, it was listed. "

"That's what it is." However, even if you don't quite understand it, the name will be displayed correctly? If so, who decides? "

You know what? I can't help thinking too deeply.

All of the collected medicinal herbs were also stored in the item box for the night fog.

I can't figure out how the quest goes, but it seems that if you have the desired item when you pass through the gate, it will be counted.

So, just give me the night fog before you leave. If Zhi Qianzhen keeps it, only Zhi Qianzhen adds DP.

This means we need to think about what to do and gather the information we need before we go on a quest.

"I see. If it hadn't been for Dai-chan, I'd still be lost..."

In recent games, the trick is to have a conductor, but it wasn't so sweet. I thought lightly that I would manage if I went there, but I couldn't do anything.

Well then, when I go home...

Chikaku tried to turn around, and suddenly the roar rang.

The ground shakes and the atmosphere trembles.

Something happened in the woods, not far away.

"Huh? What!?"

Is it because of the lightning?

The night fog looks up at the sky. However, the sky was clear and it didn't look like lightning strikes.

What do we do?

I need to check it for now.

It doesn't seem to matter, but maybe this is also a phenomenon related to quests.

The Thousands decided to go to the source of the sound.

As I approached, the scorching smell and heat intensified.

When I got there, I knew at a glance that it was the source of the roar.

Many trees are torn, fallen, and burned.

After all, the thunder fell here.

And there was a man that dropped the thunder, and a man that dropped it.

A woman wearing armor and a knee and a golden dragon floating gently in the sky.

"What? I know something familiar!?"

Zhi Qianzhao unexpectedly raised his voice, and both eyes turned to Zhi Qianzhao.

"Huh? Where are you..."

The woman who seemed to have been struck by lightning, but seemed to be unexpectedly energetic, looked at Zhi Qianyao with a dazzling face.

"Nnnnnhhhhhh! Why are you guys here?!"

Contrary to his divine appearance, the dragon spoke a really pathetic line.

"Oh! The Golden Thunder Dragon and the Guard."

The night fog seemed to be remembered, but it didn't seem like it was coming very well to Zhi Qianzhao.

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