Interpol Mission

Chapter 1122

March 16, 2004, Guangwu cinema.

The summary and commendation meeting of Guangwu city's anti underworld campaign is being held.

Outside the Guangwu cinema, red flags are displayed and colorful balls are fluttering. With careful arrangement, the festive atmosphere is very strong.

For a long time, cinemas have served as auditoriums, especially the old-fashioned super large cinemas, which can accommodate thousands of people upstairs and downstairs.

In recent years, the film industry is in a slump, so the cinema is seldom used.

Just take this opportunity to do a good cleaning, get rid of the stale atmosphere in the cinema.

It may be asked that only 10 of the 13 criminal gangs of rogue and evil forces have been sentenced, and the cases have been completely closed. Only four of the first and principal criminals have been bound to the execution ground and executed by shooting. There are still six Gang cases decided in the first instance that are in the appeal stage, and there are three gang cases that have not yet entered the trial stage.

Is it a bit inappropriate to hold such a grand summary and commendation meeting at this time?

As a matter of fact, the leaders have carefully considered that the Mafia gangs that have been rampant in Guangwu for many years have basically been destroyed. Even if there are still three cases that have not yet entered the trial stage, the chief culprit and most of the backbone members have been jailed. It is impossible to do any harm to the social order.

In this sense, all the evil forces in Guangwu have been eliminated.

As for the rest of the "scattered troops" who have fled, they certainly dare not come back in a short period of time. Even if the news of the future is over and they dare to come back, they still have to commit crimes. Otherwise, there is a risk of being caught all the time.

The so-called "Underworld and evil forces" must have that "environment". The political and legal organs will crack down on them severely, and any rogue Gang forces will never become a climate.

This summary and commendation conference is of great practical significance for the early restoration of social order, economic order and living order in Guangwu.

As soon as the summing up and commendation meeting is held, a report in the newspaper or on the TV will immediately convey a very clear message to the masses that the criminal gangs of hooligans and evil forces who once ran rampant in Guangwu have been wiped out. You can rest assured!

In fact, before the large-scale publicity spread, some people have already expressed their feelings with practical actions.

Guangwu cinema entrance square that pile of thick firecracker ash can be very intuitive to illustrate the problem.

This is not a firecracker released by the Organizing Committee of the conference.

Although Guangwu has not yet banned the setting off of fireworks and firecrackers, it has long been a common practice to hold meetings without setting off firecrackers. This is no exception.

This thick pile of firecracker ash was spontaneously set off by the masses who came to know the news.

Similar situations have happened many times in Guangwu.

Every time the chief criminal of a criminal gang is bound to the execution ground and executed, the masses will set off firecrackers spontaneously to celebrate!

Outside the venue, they were jubilant.

The atmosphere was even more warm in the venue.

The big cinema, which can hold 1000 people upstairs and downstairs, is full at the moment.

Most of them were political and legal staff in the uniform of the public security organs and law departments, and some were selected by other units to attend the meeting. Many of them are old acquaintances and old friends. When they meet here, they naturally have a lively conversation.

The rostrum is still empty and the leaders have not come.

You can talk freely.

However, before the cinema's "long time ago", speculation about whether ye Jiu was "double crown", "Triple Crown" or "quadruple crown" had already existed.

According to internal information, at least four public security bureaus in different cities have reported first-class meritorious service to Comrade Ye Jiu.

The public security bureaus of these four cities are in turn: Ping'an Public Security Bureau, Nanfang Public Security Bureau, Jiangkou Public Security Bureau and Guangwu Public Security Bureau.

For various reasons, these four first-class merit have not been approved before, and now they have been approved at one time.

However, it has never been the case that four first-class military meritorious medals have been worn for the same comrade at the same commendation meeting!

There is no such example in the national public security system.

Therefore, it has been speculated that the Ministry will probably "synthesize" Ye Jiu, and combine several meritorious works into one first-class merit.

However, since then, we feel that ye Jiu has suffered a bit.

Why are four "materials" of first-class merit merged into one?

If someone sits opposite Ye Jiu at the moment, you can see that Comrade Ye Jiu is more or less grim.

Yes, it is.

On the other side of Ye Jiu, it is not fan Weizhou.

The next morning, fan Weizhou reported the real situation of "Lu Yunlai case" to the leaders of Guangwu procuratorate.

He admitted that after Lu Yunlai ran out of "Haoyunlai nightclub", he attacked Lu Yunlai in the alley between the nightclub and the kitchen of the third brother.Lu Yunlai was knocked unconscious.

As for the reason for the attack on Lu Yun, fan Weizhou also frankly admitted that he did not like him!

I don't think he's qualified to inherit such a huge fortune.

Well, ye Jiu knows that fan Weizhou's words are very likely to have ruined him. In fact, he can find a reason to be "tall" for himself.

For example, he had just wanted to teach Lu Yunlai a lesson, but he was a little heavy handed and knocked people out.

As for Lu Yunlai's turning into a vegetable, no one expected that

But fan Weizhou didn't "play this mind" at all, and he admitted it directly.

This is likely to be misunderstood as "fighting for property".

The problem immediately became much more serious.

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