Interpol Mission

Chapter 1123

We can imagine how shocked the leaders of the Procuratorate are.

Even at the beginning, the Deputy Attorney General in charge refused to believe that fan Weizhou was joking with him. After confirming that fan Weizhou was not joking, the Deputy Attorney General in charge still refused to believe it.

"And the evidence? What evidence do you have? "

Well, I don't know if it's a pioneer.

The attorney general asks for evidence from the "suspect" who voluntarily confessed - what evidence do you have to prove that you have done something wrong?


Since there is no evidence, how can I believe that everything you say is true?

Of course, the Deputy Attorney General in charge is also experienced and knowledgeable, and he is a master of logic reasoning. After a moment of thinking, he can come to the conclusion that what Fan Weizhou said is very likely to be true.

Because he didn't have to lie.

What's the motive for lying about such a thing?

Fan Weizhou proposed to the Deputy procurator general in charge that Li Fan and Lu Yunlai could testify.

It should be said that the leaders of the procuratorate attached great importance to this matter. The deputy chief procurator in charge immediately reported to the chief executive. The procurator general was also very shocked and immediately summoned fan Weizhou in person to inquire about the details.

Ye Jiu is also aware of the subsequent treatment process.

The procuratorate sent people to find Li Fan and Lu Yun. But both of them said there was no such thing. Lu Yun said that he ran out of the "good luck to the nightclub" and fainted. He didn't know that someone had attacked him. Li Fan denied that he had never seen him at the scene. Although he said that the members of a large team came from various brother municipal bureaus and provincial departments of the province, most of them were local comrades from Guangwu.

This honor is fully reasonable and necessary to be received by Gu Qiang.

Gu Qiangqiang himself was also honored as a second-class individual.

The final finale is, of course, the winner of the first-class individual merit takes the stage to receive the prize!

In this campaign, seven comrades of the special command headquarters won first-class personal merits.

Among them, there are three people in the public security system, two in the procuratorial system, one in the court system and one in the armed police force!

Ye Jiu, Qiu Shihan, Lin Minfeng and other seven comrades strode to the rostrum, saluted the leaders, and then turned around to salute all the comrades in arms!

Bai Zhiwen personally read out the name list of those who have performed meritorious service and received awards.

Among these seven first-class meritorious officials, ye Jiu is undoubtedly the most dazzling one.

Because of his chest, a total of three glittering great Medals - a first-class model Medal of the Ministry of public security, two first-class military medals!

According to previous speculation, the "answer" has finally been revealed.

After careful consideration, the Ministry of public security and the Public Security Department of Jingjiang province decided to award him a first-class merit due to his outstanding contributions to the detection of the "Kong Zhang case", "Pang Tianxing case" and "Cai Yan case". At the same time, because of the outstanding performance of Ye Jiu in the "special work of fighting against the underworld and evil in Guangwu", he decided to give him a first-class merit!

And awarded Comrade Ye Jiu, the first class hero model of the Ministry of public security!

The summary and commendation meeting has reached its climax, and the audience has been applauding for a long time

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