The next ten hours, for all of you, is quite painful.

The first to bear this kind of suffering is Li Chengtian.

Although under the circumstances, he made a decision, but before the final result appeared, no one can guarantee that he made the right decision.

However, one thing is certain, that is, the hunt for Peng Honglian has stopped.

According to the analysis of the situation, Peng Honglian should not leave Jiangkou as soon as possible. After all, Jiangkou is a big city, and it always takes some time to leave.

They can't fly yet.

Anyone knows that the airport security is very strict. It's a trap to fly at this time.

Even with the whole Wal Mart mall as a "hostage", there is no way to ensure 100% security.

Ye estimates that they are most likely to flee Jiangkou by themselves.

As long as they leave Jiangkou, the southern urban agglomerations are basically out of "danger" for a while. After all, the police force of other cities is far less than that of Jiangkou, and these mega cities in the south are so abundant that it is impossible to set up checkpoints everywhere.

And Li Chengtian can't direct the police in other cities.

If it is coordinated by the Public Security Department of Lingnan province and even through the Ministry of public security, it will be too late.

It is not a small project to fully launch the powerful machine of the provincial public security organs. There is too much work to be coordinated.

That is to say, when Li Chengtian makes a decision, it means that Peng Honglian has already escaped.

Now the focus of work is on the internal investigation of woma mall.

However, the large army can not enter. Relying on the limited number of explosive disposal experts such as director Liang, facing such a large number of woma shopping malls, it is really not enough.

Even in order not to infuriate the criminals, according to Li Chengtian's instructions, two EOD dogs were taken away. It can only be checked manually.

It further increases the difficulty.

However difficult it may be, this work must be carried out.

So director Liang and others, together with Ye Jiu, began a difficult investigation in the woma shopping mall.

Every half an hour, ye Jiu will take the initiative to contact Le Bu GUI.

Such "hospitality" is not that ye Jiuge "likes" this professional killer, but to buy time for the technical department.

Lebugui uses a mobile phone number.

At present, the technical strength of mobile companies is far less powerful than that of later generations, and mobile phones are more unlikely to have their own positioning function. It is necessary to maintain a certain length of time to roughly determine the location of mobile phone users.

Ye Jiu can only hope that Le Bu GUI, without this knowledge, has been keeping in touch with him. There may be a chance to get hold of his whereabouts.

Once the bomb at woma's Mall is removed, it can be arrested immediately.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out.

An hour later, ye Jiu calls again, it shows that the other party has turned off.

I also know that these "loners" who walk in the dark are usually very cautious. Ye Jiu just doesn't understand, why this time, Le bugui and Peng Honglian will get together?

Is there any unknown story between them?

Of course, this is the next step to be considered. Now we still have to go all out to "find bombs" and eliminate the biggest threat as soon as possible, and then we can talk about other things.

Time gradually evening, the street on both sides of the second light up bright street.

Bomb disposal experts have investigated a small area on the east end of the second floor of the woma mall, but have found nothing.

Sweating and looking rather tired, director Liang could not help leaning against the wall and taking a breath of relief, he took out cigarettes from his pocket and distributed them to his comrades.

Everyone stood up in silence.

After working hard for hours, I really need a breath. In fact, most of them are non-smokers and rarely addicted to cigarettes.

But now, the mood is really too tight, too depressed, serious and steady as director Liang, also need to relax a little.

Ye Jiu took one in his mouth.

After several hours of fighting side by side, ye Jiu is now fully recognized by director Liang and several other explosive disposal experts. At the beginning, they did not expect that the young man who came from other provinces to "help" was actually a versatile man. Not only can solve a case, can "undercover", but also know a lot of knowledge of explosive disposal.

Although compared with these experts, there is still a certain gap, but it is definitely not that kind of complete layman, can help a lot.

Director Liang has already regarded him as a "brother of his own".

Sometimes the thinking of technical cadres is such a "straight line"!

"Xiaoye, tell me about the situation of this bomb maker? Don't worry, there's no outsider here. It won't leak. "

Liang said to Ye Jiu as he smoked.These experts are from Jiangkou Municipal Bureau.

Ye Jiu nodded, then explained the basic situation to director Liang and several other comrades.

Of course, they are all selected. He will not disclose the details of the case. These experts are also old policemen. We all know the confidentiality discipline in the process of criminal case detection, and we will not have any opinions on him.

"Is it possible that this guy is bluffing?"

Director Liang frowned and said.

It has to be said that director Liang's logical thinking ability is very strong.

"According to what you said just now, he should not have enough time to install several bombs The more powerful the homemade bomb, the bigger the volume. "

With a bitter smile, ye Jiu said, "I also think there is a possibility that he is bluffing. But even if he's scaring us, we've got to do it and do our best

Director Liang immediately nodded in a depressed way.

That's the reason!

An explosive disposal expert raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and said bitterly, "it's already seven o'clock. In more than two hours, the shopping mall will be closed. What else can he do then?"

"The real purpose of this guy is to hold us back and fight for time to escape," said another expert. It's enough time for him to run hundreds of kilometers! "

Who said it wasn't?

At this time, ye Jiu's phone rang again.

Ye Jiu immediately pressed the answer key.

"Officer Su, haven't you found the bomb yet?"

On the other side of the phone, there was a carefree voice.

"Don't you know if you can find it?"

Ye Jiu asked coldly.

"Ha ha, officer Su, are you still talking to me? Well, I'll tell you, I lied to you. There's only one bomb in the mall. Can you believe it? "

"Come on, you can look for it slowly. I'm here to say goodbye

"Thank you for your cooperation

On the phone, there was a lot of happy laughter, which sounded very pleasant!

"It turns out that you're not the smartest person in the world."

"Goodbye then!"

"Officer Su --"

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