"Lao an, I found it..."

The next afternoon, chief of staff Zhou called an Weimin's mobile phone.

"What's the situation?" asked the security commissar, who was searching for the bomb with explosive disposal experts at woma mall

"The two bodies, initially judged, were male. The damage is so serious that it's impossible to distinguish the features! "

Zhou said simply.

The private yacht first hit the rocks, and then hit the mountain directly. The explosion was silent. The people in the yacht were naturally blown up beyond recognition. It would be unreasonable if the body could be clearly identified in this way.

"Did the body come back?"

The Security Administration Committee asked in a deep voice, his face livid.

"Pulling back, would you like to come and have a look?"

"Of course. I'll be right there

The safety and political commissar hung up the phone and walked out without even saying hello to director Liang.

Ye Jiu followed.

At 9:30 last night, woma mall finally closed, and most of the citizens and business operators left the mall one after another. The police officers and security personnel of the shopping mall, who had already been fully equipped and on standby, immediately entered the site and quickly evacuated the few remaining personnel in the shopping mall.

It is mainly the cinema and KTV that need to be evacuated.

Then, the entire woma mall was completely sealed off, and no irrelevant person was allowed to enter again.

Even the operators of shops in shopping malls are impolitely stopped outside.

I'm kidding. You don't know how Li Chengtian and other leaders of the Public Security Bureau survived these hours!

It's not easy to wait until the shopping mall is closed and the personnel are evacuated. Can you go in again?

Immediately, a large number of police, armed police soldiers and explosive disposal experts entered the scene.

A lot of EOD dogs have come.

As soon as the police force is sufficient, the progress of investigation will naturally be accelerated. But it's not as fast as I thought.

Li Chengtian personally ordered that the safety of explosive disposal personnel should be 100%.

As long as the people in the shopping malls are evacuated, the situation will be under control, and no large-scale casualties will be allowed in Chengtian.

I'd rather slow down than make sure it's safe.

It's nothing more than that woma mall has been closed for another day or two, and the merchants in the mall have suffered economic losses. Compared with human life, economic loss is not important!

Early the next morning, the security commissar and other comrades of the No. 1 special task force also joined the explosive disposal team.

They are not so much here to investigate as to look for clues here.

As we all know, the chances of finding clues here are quite small.

But now, all the clues have been interrupted. It's time to be a living horse doctor!

At the same time, the salvage work in the open sea is also in progress, and chief of staff Zhou sits at the salvage site in person. Relatively speaking, the salvage work is going well. No, the body has been found.

At 3:50 p.m., the mortuary of Jiangkou first people's hospital.

Two black, incomplete bodies were presented in front of the security commissar, ye Jiu and other members of the No. 1 task force.

Several forensic doctors in white coats are undergoing an intense autopsy.

"Are they two?"

The ANC stares at the two dead bodies like black charcoal and asks without expression.

Ye Jiu shakes his head gently.

He can't be sure.

Although during this period, he was the member of the ad hoc group dealing with Cai Yan and you Peng the most, but the two corpses were burned to such an extent that ye Jiu could not recognize them.

The ANC stopped speaking and began to wait in silence.

Other comrades of the ad hoc group also kept silent and waited for the autopsy results of the forensic medicine.

"According to the preliminary judgment, both the dead were male, aged between 37 and 50 years old, in good health..."

Soon, several forensic doctors involved in the autopsy began to have information feedback.

Ye Jiu nodded slightly.

According to records, Cai Yan is 42 years old and you Peng is 43 years old. He looks healthy and has no major problems. This is basically the same.

Of course, autopsy is a meticulous work, and it will take a certain time to complete the examination comprehensively. If we want to determine whether these two bodies which have been burnt into black charcoal are Cai Yan and you Peng, we need to compare them.

According to Ye Jiu, DNA identification is still a very high-end technology at this stage. Jiangkou first people's hospital does not know whether it has this technology.

If the first people's Hospital of Jiangkou city can not carry out accurate DNA identification, it must also find the medical records of Cai Yan and you Peng in the past to compare.

As for birth records, it's not to be expected.

Cai Yan and you Peng were both born in the 1960s. At that time, there was no birth record in the rural health center of Zhige County, Jingjiang province.Maybe even the health center has not been to, is to find a midwife, directly at home delivery.

Until the evening, there was a more clear autopsy results.

Among them, the higher body is you Peng. Because you Peng once pulled out two decayed teeth in the Department of Stomatology of Jiangkou first people's hospital two years ago.

It's exactly the same as body number two.

In addition, the blood type was also identical.

You Peng is type a blood, and No. 2 corpse is also type a blood.

In addition, forensic medicine also used state-of-the-art computer technology to restore the face of the corpse. According to the computer-generated facial reconstruction image, the similarity between No. 2 corpse and you Peng is very high.

However, it is difficult to determine whether the No. 1 corpse is Cai Yan.

The result of forensic medicine is highly suspected!

Through further careful examination, the age of the corpse is consistent with that of Cai Yan, who is 42 years old this year.

The height and weight of the computer after recovery are almost the same as that of Cai Yan.

The exact match was blood group, Cai Yan was AB blood type, and No. 1 corpse was also type AB blood.

But blood group matching alone is not enough.

The real evidence that can provide strong support is computer facial reconstruction technology.

The computer-generated facial reconstruction image has about 80% similarity with Cai Yan. The most experienced forensic doctor told the security commissar in a low voice that with this, there is basically 70% or 80% assurance!

This No. 1 corpse is very likely Cai Yan!

According to the information they have now, they can only do this step, and no matter how accurate the conclusion is, they can't make it.

Of course, if the ad hoc group can provide them with more medical information about Cai Yan in the past, such as his hospitalization or surgery records, then they can make very accurate conclusions.

Therefore, at present, the ad hoc group can only be so sure that the No. 1 corpse is Cai Yan. This bastard killed himself and burned him to charcoal!

Although it can be said that this is the result that the safety and political commissar and the No. 1 ad hoc group are concerned, this is exactly the last result that we want to see!

However, whether you like it or not, it is.

The last result was cruelly put in front of everyone

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