"Are you awake? It scared me to death!" The girl patted her chest and said, she seemed to be really frightened, but she didn't notice her unintentional little movements, but she almost smashed Qin Hao's eyes. Look straight.

There is no way, as a young man with strong blood, Qin Hao is attracted by the opposite sex, and there are very few women in the army, so when suddenly seeing a beauty with such a hot body, Qin Hao will inevitably see more. Eye.

"Who are you? Where is this?" Qin Hao asked. Although he was facing a beautiful woman, he really cared more about how to survive on the battlefield.

"I'm Lucia, a medic from the Fourth Ambulance Squad. It seems to be near Isis Beach in the Fourth War Zone. What's your name?" Lucia replied with big eyes. The girl didn't seem to be wary of anyone. Of course, here It's a battlefield between humans and Zerg, so you don't have to worry about encountering bad guys. As long as it's human, it's definitely a friendly army.

"My name is Qin Hao, a motorized infantryman under the 106th Mechanized Infantry Division, do you have anything to eat?" Qin Hao also reported his identity, and then asked the girl for food, because he was so hungry, but he was just too hungry. At this time, footsteps were heard outside the cave.

"Lucy, is that guy still alive?" The voice that entered Qin Hao's ears was still a female voice, but this voice was not as sweet as Lucia's, but filled with a deep heroic spirit.

"Not only alive, but also awake!" Lucia shouted excitedly, and at the same time she spread her hands to Qin Hao, indicating that she had nothing to eat.

"It's really troublesome! Another drag!" The woman outside the cave muttered in a low voice, but Qin Hao's ear seemed to have gotten better. The reason, anyway, the woman's grumbling voice was heard by him.

It’s not too long, and another person walked in outside the entrance of the cave. This is a girl with a heroic face. Even her hairstyle is short like a boy’s. Coupled with her masculine dress, if she doesn’t speak, outsiders may Treat her as a more handsome boy.

When Qin Hao saw the girl, not only did he not despise the other party, but a trace of awe rose in his heart, because the girl was wearing a very delicate pair of lightweight personal protective armor produced by the Eric Arsenal.

This personal protective armor is based on the power exoskeleton, and adds Z5-type superalloy armor shields and other equipment, which can not only effectively defend against individual weapons, but also isolate cold, heat and poisonous gas from causing damage to the wearer. influences.

However, because of the extremely high cost of this thing, it is usually assembled for special forces. A big-headed soldier like Qin Hao is naturally not qualified to have it.

So when Qin Hao saw people wearing this set of equipment, he both envied and admired them. Special forces are not something ordinary people can do, let alone a girl.

"Lucy, how is this guy, can he walk by himself?" The special forces girl asked as soon as she came in. Obviously, she felt that Qin Hao, the wounded soldier, was a burden. If you take him, they will escape from the Zerg occupation area. possibility has dwindled.

"I'll ask him." Lucia smiled at the special forces girl, then turned to Qin Hao and asked, "Qin Hao, how are you? Can you walk?"

"I'm not seriously injured, it doesn't affect my actions." Qin Hao replied, Lucia has a natural affinity, which makes it difficult for people to say no to her.

"Nicole, he's fine, he can go by himself!" Lucia turned back and said to the special forces girl.

"I can hear..." Nicole rolled her eyes, Qin Hao was right in front of her, and Nicole could hear his answer clearly.

"Hey..." Lucia smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Papa..." At this time, Nicole operated the battlefield recorder on her shoulder a few times, and then she looked at Qin Hao more like a burden.

"Why did you cook in this position on the battlefield?" Nicole asked with a frown. Her rank is lieutenant, so she has the right to inquire about Qin Hao's identity and battlefield performance.

"At that time, in order to provide coordinate guidance for the bomber squadron, my company rushed up, and as a result..." Qin Hao did not continue, but Nicole had already learned everything from the battlefield recorder. Except for Qin Hao, the entire second company The soldiers have all been killed.

"Hey!" Nicole sighed, although she still felt that Qin Hao was a burden, but their entire company died in the battle to protect the friendly army, and she naturally couldn't leave Qin Hao alone.

"Okay, we can't stay here for a long time, the bugs will find it here soon, we must leave as soon as possible!" Nicole said after a brief thought.

"Okay." Qin Hao nodded. Although he has some combat experience, the girl in front of him is a genuine special forces soldier. It is better to respect professionals at this time.

Lucia on the side is just a medic, so naturally she has no opinion.

Soon, the three of Qin Hao left the cave where they were temporarily sheltered, and then dived into the dense tropical rainforest.

On this planet, the Zerg are the masters, and the Zerg do not use technology, so the environment of the planet itself is very well protected. The tropical rain forest close to the coastline is very dense, so Qin Hao and others are given space to hide.

Along the way, the special forces Nicole opened the way in front, Qin Hao and Lucia followed behind. Although it was not easy to walk through thorns, Lucia was equipped with a powered exoskeleton, so she could keep up with Nicole's footsteps.

But Qin Hao is in a bit of trouble. His powered exoskeleton was scrapped when the aerial bomb exploded, so he is now completely relying on his own strength to travel in the tropical rain forest.

While walking, Qin Hao chatted with Lucia in a low voice. Through the conversation, Qin Hao also knew how these two people appeared here, and how he was found by these two people.

It turned out that the medical squadron to which Lucia belonged was responsible for rescuing the wounded on the Isis Beach battlefield, and Nicole was the driver and captain of the medical boat that Lucia was on. It was shot down, right next to the corpse of the giant beast.

When the two girls fell, the giant beast had been blown up long ago, and the surrounding giant beetles had also been cleared by air bombs, so when the two climbed out of the wreckage of the medical boat, there was really nothing around. insect.

The two originally wanted to go to the Z3 Highland, the nearest human stronghold, but unfortunately, the route to there was blocked by the Zerg, so the two had to take a detour. On the way, they happened to find Qin Hao.

Lucia gave Qin Hao a simple rescue, and then the two placed him in a cave and went out to find a safe route. Originally, the two did not expect Qin Hao to survive. They just wanted to give him to him. Just a decent funeral.

In the end, I didn't expect that Qin Hao, this kid, had such a big life, that he didn't die in that violent explosion.

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