"Crack!" Nicole slashed a small tree blocking the road with the alloy long knife in her hand. This long knife is an accessory equipment of Eric's personal protective armor. It is not only extremely sharp, but also extremely flexible. Gao, in addition to being able to open the way in the jungle, is also an excellent combat weapon.

"Wait a minute!" Qin Hao suddenly stopped Nicole who was driving ahead.

"What's wrong?" Nicole asked back.

"Something's wrong!" Qin Hao said with a frown.

"What's wrong?" Nicole asked unhappily. She is a serious 800 special forces soldier, and jungle sneaking is her strength, while Qin Hao is only a cook in the cooking class. Now Qin Hao is questioning her professional skills. It made Nicole very upset.

"I can't tell for a while..." Qin Hao had a strong sense of unease in his heart, but he couldn't talk about it if he asked him to explain the reason.

"Then don't talk nonsense, just follow along and don't make trouble for me!" Nicole doesn't have a good temper with Qin Hao. In her opinion, Qin Hao is a burden.

After glancing at Qin Hao in disgust, Nicole continued to march forward, Qin Hao and Lucia following behind.

"Qin Hao, did you really find anything?" Lucia asked in a low voice.

"I can't tell..." Qin Hao's brows were furrowed. Since his severed arm grew back, he felt that his whole person seemed to be different.

At this time, Qin Hao found that his eyesight was much better than before. Not only could he see things clearly in dark places, but he could also adjust his sight distance, and he could even see through a low-power telescope with only his eyes. The goal.

In addition to his vision, Qin Hao's hearing has also been greatly enhanced, and even the slightest movement around him can't escape his ears, and in a noisy environment, he can accurately track the traces of a certain sound. .

In addition, Qin Hao also feels that his physical strength has also been greatly strengthened. Just now, Nicole has individual armor and Lucia has a powered exoskeleton, and he relies on his own strength. You must know that in the tropical jungle Traveling is not an easy task. The hot flashes and the complex terrain are terribly exhausting. However, Qin Hao has been gone for a long time, but he doesn't feel tired at all.

"It seems that the power of the Zerg not only gave me the ability to regenerate, but also strengthened me as a whole!" Qin Hao secretly said in his heart, but he did not intend to share this secret with anyone, because Qin Hao did not I don't want to turn myself into a guinea pig in the lab.

After walking behind Nicole for a while, Qin Hao's unease became stronger.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?" Qin Hao made the throbbing deep in his heart very irritable, but he didn't trust his sixth sense very much.

Since Qin Hao had no ability to predict danger before, and Nicole in front of him was an outstanding special forces soldier, Qin Hao subconsciously thought that Nicole's judgment of danger was far more accurate than himself, so his inner Although the throbbing is getting stronger and stronger, he still chooses to believe Nicole.

"Crack!" Nicole cut open some low shrubs again and was about to move forward, but at this moment, Qin Hao made an unexpected move.

"Be careful!" Qin Hao suddenly stepped forward, then grabbed Nicole's waist armor protrusion, and dragged her back sideways.

"Ah!" Nicole was suddenly dragged back and flew out. She was immediately frightened, and turned back subconsciously with a knife.

"Bang!" Qin Hao responded very quickly. He grabbed Nicole's wrist and shouted, "It's me, don't be impulsive!"

"What are you doing?!" The startled Nicole asked loudly. At this moment, both she and Qin Hao ignored a question.

Although Nico is a girl, if she can become a special soldier, she is not the weak sister Lin,

She is more than 1.7 meters tall, and her weight alone is about 50 kilograms. In addition to the 200 kilograms of individual armor and saber, Nicole's weight is more than 500 kilograms, but she was actually beaten by Qin Haoyi. He was pulled back with just one hand, and this Qin Hao didn't have a powered exoskeleton, how strong would he have to be?

And Nicole's knife just now was a full-strength blow after being frightened. With the addition of the power armor, her knife could even cut down the tree that the two were embracing, but Qin Hao easily stopped it. How fast the reaction speed and how explosive?

"I..." Qin Hao just wanted to explain, because he just didn't do it intentionally, but subconsciously. He only felt that danger was coming, so he dragged Nicole back.

"Bang!" Just when Qin Hao was about to speak, the ground suddenly burst open where Nicole was just now!

"Squeak!" With a sound of insects, a giant beetle rushed out.

"Yeah!" Lucia screamed, obviously frightened.

"You guys step back!" Nicole is a special forces soldier after all, she immediately gave up asking Qin Hao at this time, then picked up her electromagnetic rifle, simply aimed and fired at the giant beetle.

"Da da da..." The bullet of the electromagnetic rifle accurately hit the giant beetle, but it seemed to hit the high-density alloy, and it failed to cause any damage to the giant beetle at all.

"Look at the top of its head!" Lucia screamed.

At this time, Qin Hao and Nicole also looked up at the same time, and saw a bronze-colored unicorn growing on the top of the head of this giant beetle, which was over two meters tall!

"Damn! It's actually a giant beetle leader!" Nicole's face sank. This giant beetle leader is much more powerful than ordinary giant beetles. The electromagnetic rifle is not enough to break its carapace, and wants to kill it effectively. , then you need an energy grenade.

"You back up!" Nicole shouted while taking out the energy grenade on her body. She has armored bodyguards, so detonating the grenade at a medium distance will not cause much damage, at most some shock injuries caused by shock waves.

"Okay!" Qin Hao had personally endured an energy grenade, so he knew how terrifying it was, so he pulled Lucia over, and the two of them rolled over and hid behind a mound.

"Go to hell!" At this time, Nicole lit the fuse and threw the grenade out. After all, even if she had armor protection, she couldn't let the grenade detonate around her.

"Crack!" The giant beetle obviously has a very high intelligence. When Nicole threw the grenade over, it actually slammed the grenade with its forefoot, and the grenade flew out.

"Boom!" The energy grenade exploded, but because the distance was too far, it did not effectively kill the giant beetle at all. Instead, the shock wave and dust made Nicole and the others disgraced and embarrassed.

"Go to hell! Go to die! Go to die!" Nicole threw all the three remaining energy grenades on her body, but the giant beetle obviously had a way to deal with it. It flew these grenades one by one and resolved them. The only weapon in Nicole's hands that could threaten it.

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