Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

The first thousand and ninety-eight chapters wait for the rabbit

Complaints are complaints, but Donashika didn't dare to disobey his elder brother's orders. After replenishing the fleet, he went straight to the Z3 sector.

When he was in Space City, Donashika inquired with the people there, and he also got the news of Miposhika from the staff, which confirmed that Miposhika was indeed going to the direction of Z3 star area. As for the whereabouts of that low civilization, these people don't know.

Not to mention that people in this space city don’t know about it. When Miposhika set off, he only knew that human civilization had appeared in that direction. The bait sent by Hao was brought into the ambush circle.

So Donashika only got a general direction, and then he led the fleet to the Z3 star area.

At this moment, although Donaseka was extremely dissatisfied with his elder brother, he was not vigilant, because in his heart, human civilization is a low-level civilization, not much better than wild beasts, even if it is more No matter how useless Nashika is, it is easy to destroy human civilization, so he came here this time, besides bringing Miposhika back, he is using his status as an uncle to gain some benefits here.

The advancing speed of the fleet was not particularly fast. Donashika slowly sailed towards the Z3 star area, and soon his traces were exposed to the vision of the swarm.

Qin Hao sent millions of monitors to monitor the various interstellar hubs leading to the Z3 star area. No matter which direction the fleet of the Holy Messenger came from, they would be spotted by his swarm.

"Such a small fleet? Is it a coincidence? Or is it here to look for Miposhika?" Qin Hao frowned. Through the memories of those holy envoys, he certainly knew the identity of the previous fleet, and also knew that The commander of the fleet is Miposhka.

"Order the whole army, prepare to fight!" Qin Hao directly issued an order to Han Yihang. Although he didn't know what the small fleet was facing, Qin Hao definitely couldn't let it go back. According to the queen's description, once Let the envoys of the Holy Spirit understand the details of human civilization, then the only thing waiting for human beings is death!

Qin Hao's confidence in resisting the Holy Envoy before came from his belief that the Holy Envoy would give up the invasion after being beaten, but if, as the Queen of Worms said, the Holy Envoy would desperately destroy human beings, then human beings would not by any chance.

"Yes! Sir!" Han Yihang nodded, and then went to convey Qin Hao's order.

Soon, all the human fleets were mobilized, and they were ready to go at any time.

The monitors in front kept sending back the coordinates of Donashika's fleet, which made it easy for Qin Hao to judge the escape point of the opponent's transition into the Z3 star area.

"Let's go! Go to Karan Star!" According to the information fed back by the swarm, Qin Hao locked the position where the Donashika fleet entered the Z3 sector, and he immediately issued an order.

Then the human fleet set off immediately, and after a short jump, it arrived at Karan Star.

Although Qin Hao ordered the deployment of orbital defense facilities in the z3 star area before, there are too many planets here, and it may take more than ten years or even decades to deploy orbital defense equipment for all of them.

At this time, although several planets have already started construction, they obviously do not include Karan.

"Block the gravity well!" Qin Hao gave the order immediately after arriving at Karan Star. He must not let the other party escape this time.

And this time the fleet of the Holy Provost Messenger only has a hundred or so spaceships, while Qin Hao's fleet has more than doubled. At this time, the number of warships under his command has exceeded 4,000, and there are another 1,000 ships in addition. A number of transport ships full of swarms were supporting them.

So this time, although the technological level of the Holy Envoy is stronger, Qin Hao also took the absolute initiative by virtue of his huge number advantage.

The most important thing is that although the technology of the Holy Messenger is still far ahead of human beings, if they catch up in parallel, it will be impossible for human beings to bridge this gap within at least one or two hundred years. The technology has been supplemented, although it is still behind the Holy Messenger, but it is no longer unable to hurt the opponent.

As long as he can beat the opponent, Qin Hao still has considerable confidence in annihilating the opponent when he has an absolute numerical advantage.

After setting up the formation, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Qin Hao also let the transport ship behind release a part of the insect swarm, and then cooperated with ten eyes of purification, and hundreds of corroders and hunters to wipe out this one hundred warships Forming a small fleet is no longer a problem.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Donashika's fleet was still unhurried. After about twenty hours, they barely escaped from the phase space and entered the gravity well of Karan Star.

"Fire!" Just as Donashika's fleet was about to complete its jump, Hu Ke gave an attack order to the Kenlak raider fleet.

Although the phase radar used by the human fleet is derived from the civilian technology of the Holy Messenger, which made Hu Ke unable to judge the fleet position of the Holy Messenger at a super long distance, but locked on the opponent ten minutes before the Holy Messenger was about to arrive. The jump escape point is still no problem!

"Swish, whoosh..." The Kenlak attackers hiding in the rear began to launch missiles. The phase missiles crossed tens of thousands of kilometers of starry sky. When they were about to reach the target area, the fleet of the Holy Angel came And to!

The computers on the missiles quickly lock onto their respective targets, and the phaser engines fire up!

Although the warships of these holy messengers have extremely high technology, they can not close the shield system while jumping, but the phase missiles don't care about this, they directly cross the shield of the battleship, when the missile returns to the main space, they It's almost hitting the hull itself!

"Boom boom boom boom..." These missiles are still all whipper model kinetic energy shock bombs, which are extremely destructive to the armor shell!

"Beep beep..." In Donashika's fleet, the alarms in every spaceship were very ear-piercing!

"Alert! Alert! The ship is under attack! The hull damage rate is 10%!"

"Alert! Alert! The ship is under attack! The hull damage rate is 15%!"


With the continuous alarm of the system, under the baptism of missile rain, Donashika's fleet was severely damaged, because it was an ambush, and it was a sudden attack after the transition, which caused many spaceships in Donashika's fleet to face There is a serious problem, that is, the shield is still there, but the boat is gone!

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