..The Almighty Evolution of Interstellar

Because the energy technology is very advanced, the Holy Angels don't pay much attention to armor technology. This is the opposite of human beings. Therefore, when faced with attacks, the Holy Angels generally rely on energy shields to resist damage.

However, human phase missiles have found a different way. Under the right conditions, they can ignore the shield and directly attack the armored shell of the ship.

"Boom boom boom boom..." In just one round of attack, more than a dozen warships were directly destroyed!

Although Donaseka's fleet is slightly smaller in scale, its combat effectiveness is actually higher than that of Miposhka's fleet. There are not many frigates in his fleet, and almost all of them are destroyers or even cruisers. Therefore, in a round of missile rain After the attack, although more than seventy warships were damaged, and forty of them were severely damaged, only a dozen spaceships were actually destroyed.

Moreover, among the more than 40 severely damaged spaceships, there are only more than 20 spaceships that have really lost their combat effectiveness. Therefore, after a round of attacks, Donashika's fleet still has more than ten main battleships intact at this time. They are the new force in the hands of Donashika, and among the rest of the warships, there are more than 30 ships that are only slightly injured, and there is not much loss in combat effectiveness.

Although the remaining forty or so spaceships were seriously damaged and almost had to withdraw from the battle order, they could still act as human shields to block the front in this kind of battlefield, and they could also use their remaining weapon systems to fight against the enemy. Limited counterattack.

"Damn! What happened?!" The harsh sirens filled Donashika's flagship. In fact, his spaceship was fine, but it detected the enemy's attack and was not really attacked. As for those who were severely damaged, Or the unlucky one who got sunk, they had no chance of being as surprised as Donashika.

"Who can tell me what happened?!" At this moment, Donashika looked at a loss. Didn't he say that human civilization is an inferior civilization? How could they have such powerful firepower? !

"My lord, the battle damage has been counted. Thirteen of our spaceships were destroyed in the first round of attacks! Forty-two spaceships were severely damaged and almost lost their combat capability!" The adjutant reported the results of the battle damage.

"Damn! Who is the opponent? Which civilization's fleet is it?" Donashika roared while ordering the fleet to fully charge the shield.

"My lord, the other party's ship information is not in our database... This is an unknown advanced civilization..." the adjutant reported, as Qin Hao expected, after being so severely damaged in an instant, these holy Subconsciously, the messengers regarded human civilization as a higher civilization. After all, in their subconscious mind, it is impossible for a fleet of a lower civilization to pose any threat to them.

Not to mention inflicting such devastating damage on them.

"What?! An unknown higher civilization!? Damn it! What kind of existence did that idiot Miposhika provoke?" Donashika cursed and ordered: "Launch the beacon and ask for help from the rear!"

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately conveyed Donashika's order, and many spaceships began to release beacons to contact the outpost of the Holy Angels behind.

But because Perseus is an undeveloped piece of virgin land for the civilization of the Holy Messenger, there is no communication beacon for them at all, so it is very difficult to transmit the information back, and it requires a lot of luck to complete.

On the other side, although Donashika's fleet has fully charged the shield of the battleship according to his order, in an attempt to delay the time in order to counterattack, Donashika's order is obviously too dogmatic.

When dealing with other advanced civilizations, there is nothing wrong with Donaseka's order, because the cost-effectiveness of energy weapons is extremely high, so almost all advanced civilizations use this weapon as the main means of attack, so the energy shield is The best way to defend is to maximize the output of the energy shield after being attacked, which has become the most classic case of defensive counterattack in these advanced civilized military academies.

But when facing the newly rising civilization of human civilization, this classic case is obviously not suitable, because human energy weapon technology is too backward, so they found another way and developed a weapon called phase missile, although the cost-effectiveness ratio is low , the cost is extremely high, but the power is enough to threaten the warships of higher civilizations!

Therefore, under Donashika's order, the Holy Promenade's fleet did not turn on the close-in defense guns to intercept with all its strength, but maximized the output of shield energy. coming great damage.

From this decision alone, it can be seen that although Donaseka looks down on Miposhika as a nephew, he actually has no skills. Even in terms of improvisation, he is not as flexible as Miposhika. The older he was, he was more constrained by the rules and regulations in the books, so when he gave orders, he almost always followed the standardized operating procedures when he was in school, without considering the actual situation at all.

Of course, this is also related to the actual situation on the battlefield. During the first ambush, Qin Hao's fleet was far away from Miposhika's fleet, and the missiles flew for a long time, which gave Miposhika a chance to react , But it is different now, both sides are almost fighting hand to hand, the flight time of the missile is only a few tens of seconds, and Donashika also subconsciously regards human civilization as a higher civilization, so he didn't react.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The second wave of missile rain hit. This was originally a tentative attack by Hu Ke. After the first attack was successful, he himself thought that this attack would not have much effect , but unexpectedly, the opponent did not turn on the close-in defense weapon at all, but increased the energy of the shield, because in the subconscious of the Holy Angels, the only function of close-in defense weapons is to intercept the enemy's drones. A weapon that has been eliminated for thousands of years has long been completely ignored by them.

Under the baptism of the second wave of missile rain, the more than forty warships of the Holy Promenade that had been severely damaged were all destroyed, and those warships that were slightly injured were also seriously injured. Shika's flagship was also damaged at this time.

"Beep beep... Alert! Alert! Cabin 104 on the port side is on fire! It is urgently closed!"

The sirens in the spaceship became harsher, and the entire battleship was shaking violently. Many civilian staff fell out because they couldn't stand steadily, and some even got injured because they hit tables or chairs.

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