"Haha! I actually forgot about you!" After hearing Qin Hao's voice, the divine body suddenly laughed, and then he roared at Qin Jue: "Come on! Kill me! You dare to hit me again , I will blew myself up, and I will drag your grandson to be buried with me!"

"You!" Qin Jue's raised fist couldn't fall down anymore. Although his divine body had been beaten to the point of dissipating, if he really blew himself up, then Qin Hao would be finished!

If this is a normal battlefield, then Qin Jue is not afraid of the threat of the divine body at all, even if he blew himself up, at most he would be accompanied by Qin Jue's serious injuries, but at this time Qin Jue is about to dissipate, so he doesn't care at all.

It's just that the battlefield they're on right now is Qin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness. If the divine body explodes here, then Qin Hao will have to be buried with him!

"Boom!" Qin Jue's fist couldn't go down, but the divine body started to fight back!

"Hit! You just hit me very well, didn't you?" Shen body laughed wildly, and at the same time, his fists kept bombarding Qin Jue, blowing away his spiritual power bit by bit.

"You..." Qin Hao looked blank. Although he could hear the conversation between the two sides, these few words were not enough to provide him with too much information.

"Xiaohao! Listen to me!" Qin Jue said to Qin Hao while defending passively.

"You... Grandpa?" Qin Hao was completely stunned. Although the person in front of him looked only in his thirties and could not be his grandfather at all, his eyebrows were quite similar to his old grandfather , most importantly, his tone and demeanor are exactly like grandpa!

"Xiaohao! Do you still remember what I taught you?" Qin Jue asked.

"Remember, I have never forgotten to practice the martial arts you called me!" Qin Hao said.

"Not those!" Qin Jue was thrown backwards by the divine body's punch, and a lot of spiritual energy escaped from him.

"No?!" Qin Hao was stunned.

"Do you still remember what I taught you in my dream after I left?" Qin Jue asked. At this time, the attack of the divine body fell on him like a storm. Way to speak.

"In a dream?!" Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, then immediately remembered.

If it was in the past, Qin Hao asked Qin Hao what happened in his dreams many years ago. Qin Hao could not have remembered it at all, but after being genetically modified by the Zerg, Qin Hao lost the ability to forget. Those things that were buried deep in his memory After the fragments obtained the gene of the Zerg Emperor,

They were all awakened.

As soon as Qin Jue reminded him at this time, all those original dreams reappeared before Qin Hao's eyes!

Qin Hao remembered that his grandfather disappeared suddenly, and no one knew where he went. In the first few days, Qin Hao, who was still a child, was very happy, because finally no one used willow sticks to force him to practice those useless martial arts!

But then, almost a week later, Qin Hao began to miss his grandpa crazily, until one day, Qin Hao saw his grandpa in a dream, and for three consecutive days, he would dream of his grandpa every night.

During these three days, Grandpa gave Qin Hao some very strange things, but Qin Hao basically forgot all of them when he woke up the next day, until the insect emperor gene helped him wake up these dusty memories...

At this moment, after Grandpa's reminder, all those memories that had been dusty were revealed, and all the things that Grandpa taught Qin Hao in the dream were also presented in front of him.

"This is..." Qin Hao was dumbfounded. This is a very strange technique, or energy running circuit. When his grandfather taught him, he just asked him to remember it, but he didn't say what it was for.

Because at that time Qin Hao's aura that had just been cultivated also faded due to the lack of free energy in Klian Star, so even if Qin Hao had no energy, he could not practice at all even if he had memorized the routes of these energy movements, and at that time he relied on The state of Qin Hao in Qin Hao's body was not very good, and he didn't have time to tell Qin Hao in detail.

"Xiao Hao!" Run all your energy on that last line, if you remember!

"Ah?! Oh!" Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately recruited!

Although there was no evidence, Qin Hao firmly believed that the guy in his thirties in front of him was his grandfather, so he didn't think much about his grandfather's words, so he recruited directly!

"Shua!" Qin Hao's mind moved, and the memory he needed appeared in front of him. These are all skills learned from the Queen of Worms.

Because the Zerg Kings don’t have the ability to forget, this will cause them to have more and more memory and knowledge as they grow older. Without this skill, their response will be very slow, like an old-fashioned game loaded with too much content. Same with computers.

Through the ability taught by the Queen of Worms, Qin Hao quickly found the last energy running route taught by his grandfather in his dream, and immediately followed this route to activate his mental power!

Because Qin Hao had already converted all the psionic energy in the spirit crystal into spiritual power before coming to the civilization of the Holy Messenger, so he didn't have time to transform these spiritual power back at this time, so he just used the spiritual power to start run.

Under the urging of Qin Hao, the mental power began to run according to the specific route, and immediately after Qin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness, visions began to appear!

"Om!" The seven-color light rose, and then jumped back and forth among the seven colors, and finally stayed on the purple level.

"Boom!" The bright purple light crashed down, washing Qin Ju and the divine body indiscriminately!

"Ah! Don't!" The divine body wailed in pain and fear. Although Qin Jue was also hit by the purple light and knelt down on one knee, his face was full of smiles!

"Grandpa!" Qin Hao saw that the purple light was indiscriminately attacking, even his own grandfather was knocked down, so he was about to stop immediately.

"Don't stop! Continue!" Qin Jue roared angrily as if he had read Qin Hao's mind.

"Yes! Grandpa..." Because he was brought up by his grandfather, Qin Hao instinctively respected his grandfather in his heart. He dared not disobey his grandfather's words, especially when his grandfather got angry.

So Qin Hao obeyed his grandfather's order instinctively, and continued to run his mental power according to a specific route, and this running route was what activated the eye of the universe!

When Qin Ju obtained the power of the Daisi people, he also obtained part of the opponent's memory, including the ability to activate the eye of the universe, but this technique can only be used by the owner of the eye of the universe.

Just now, Qin Jue was able to activate the Eye of the Universe, mainly because he developed a way to cheat. Because Qin Jue is Qin Hao's grandfather and lives in his body, so he belongs to the same origin as Qin Hao. Only after extensive research did he come up with the previous technique. Through this technique, Qin Jue can imitate Qin Hao's power and deceive the Eye of the Universe. Of course, doing so will greatly reduce its power.

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