Since Qin Hao is the real owner of the Eye of the Universe, under his urging, the power of the Eye of the Universe is not as weak as before when Qin Jue activated it.

"Ah!'s impossible..." Divine Body screamed, his mental power was continuously evaporating, and he felt that his consciousness began to be confused and dissipated.

"Hmm..." Qin Jue knelt down on one knee. He was also under the attack of the Cosmic Eye, and his body was constantly emitting spiritual power, and the speed was extremely fast. From Qin Hao's perspective , Qin Jue's body seemed to rise in clouds of smoke, and those were the spiritual power deprived from Qin Jue's body.

"Ah... Please... let me go... I give up! Let me go..." The god subdued, because he felt that his consciousness was collapsing. If this continues, he will die soon. To completely disappear!

"Don't stop!" Qin Jue yelled loudly, at this moment he was almost unable to support his body, Qin Jue, who was kneeling on one knee, now had to put one hand on the ground to stabilize his body.

"Grandpa!" Although Qin Hao didn't dare to disobey Qin Jue's order, his voice was extremely painful. He knew that if this continues, Grandpa will soon be unable to hold on!

"I surrender! I surrender! I can agree to all your demands, don't kill me, please...don't kill me!" Shen body felt that his consciousness had begun to blur, and he was really scared at this time.

As a life form that has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, although the divine body is used to life and death, when death is in front of him, he is afraid. He has never been so afraid before. This kind of fear makes him not at all. Knowing what to do, all he thinks about now is to survive, as long as he can survive, he can agree to any conditions!

"Stop!" At this moment, Qin Jue spoke!

"Yeah!" Qin Hao had been waiting for a long time. If Qin Jue hadn't repeatedly scolded him, he would have stopped attacking long ago, because Qin Jue's body was already too weak.

"Xiaohao, run the energy according to the seventh form!" Qin Jue struggled to stand up, and then said to Qin Hao.

"Okay!" Qin Hao did not hesitate at all, and began to follow his grandfather's instructions.

Just when Qin Hao guided his spiritual power to run according to the energy trajectory of the seventh form, Qin Jue breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to the divine body: "If you want to live, don't resist!"

"You... what are you going to do?!" Divine Body asked in horror.

"Don't you want to live? Yes! The condition is to become his envoy!" Qin Jue pointed at Qin Hao and said.

"What!? The Death Messenger of the Daisy people?! No! I don't agree!" Shen body began to shake his head crazily as soon as he heard it.

"Then you will die!" Qin Jue sneered, and then Zhuo Qin Hao said: "Don't waste that effort, just use the trick just now!"

"Don't! Don't! I agree!" Before Qin Hao could open his mouth, Shenti immediately admitted his cowardice when he heard Qin Jue's words.

At this time, the divine body is really scared. He has just felt the coming of death. He does not want to die, or he is extremely afraid of death. Under the threat of death, he is really willing to do anything, even if it is to become Daisy. The messenger of human death!

Although after becoming the messenger of death, the fate of the god body will be completely in the hands of the master, but that is better than accepting death now! Although becoming a messenger of death will completely lose freedom, in comparison, the divine body is even more unable to accept the fate of perishing forever.

So under the threat of Qin Jue, the divine body accepted his fate...

"En!" Qin Jue nodded, and Qin Hao didn't stop the flow of energy after receiving the signal from his grandfather. The mental power in his body was still running according to the route of the seventh form.

"Om!" The colorful light once again filled Qin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness space.

"Choose him!" At this moment, Qin Ju pointed to the divine body.

"En!" Qin Hao agreed, and then guided the colorful energy to cover the divine body.

At this time, the eyes of the divine body were filled with complicated emotions, including unwillingness, fear, entanglement, and struggle, but more of it was the desire to survive!

"Shua!" The colorful rays of light enveloped the divine body, and then began to penetrate into his body, because the divine body was in a state of pure energy at this time, and he did not dare to resist at all, so the penetration of the colorful rays of light was easy.

A few seconds later, the colorful light completely immersed in the body of the god, and his body began to tremble.

At this moment, Qin Hao could feel that the state of the divine body became unstable, and his body also began to tremble.

"Son, leave him alone, I have a few words to tell you..." Qin Jue stood up tremblingly.

"Grandpa..." Qin Hao was so distressed that he was about to die, but he didn't know what to do so that he could manifest his body in the sea of ​​consciousness space, and Qin Hao, who couldn't manifest his body, naturally couldn't help him. grandfather.

"Don't cry...listen to me..." After the crisis was resolved, Qin Jue's tight strings were loosened, and he became weak all of a sudden.

Originally, Qin Jue was awakened in advance, because of the backlash, it was considered to be the end of the crossbow. In addition, he was attacked by the divine body, and he was injured even more. In the end, Qin Hao's indiscriminate attack made Qin Jue's mental power also on the verge of approaching. On the verge of collapse, he was able to be so strong just now, it was all by holding on with one breath.

"Grandpa... you said..." Qin Hao was already in tears at this time, but he couldn't see Qin Jue in the space of Qin Hao's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"After I was awakened, I have already lived a short time, but it doesn't matter, I am very content to see you again..." Qin Jue smiled.

"Grandpa, hold on, I will definitely find a way to save you!" Qin Hao shouted.

"Okay, I know my body well, so don't waste time, listen to me now!" Qin Jue's face darkened, and Qin Hao didn't dare to speak anymore, after all, he grew up with his grandfather since he was a child , so Qin Hao is still in awe of his grandfather.

"Hum!" Qin Jue raised his hand, and a mass of mental power was pulled out of his body, and then hung in his palm, and then he smiled and said to Qin Hao: "These are what I want to tell you, wait a minute You are watching, now you can have a good talk with grandpa."

"En!" Qin Hao agreed, but the tears became more violent.

Qin Jue, who is also proficient in spiritual power, does not need to explain to Qin Hao sentence by sentence. What he wants to say can be directly condensed into a ball of spiritual power, and all the information can be poured into it. Here, say a few more thoughtful words to your grandson...

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