"Come on! Tell Grandpa how your graduation exam results are... and why you became a soldier..." Qin Jue asked with a smile.

"Grandpa..." Qin Hao began to tell his grandpa the story after graduating from high school, including how he was framed by his friends and how he started to rise again on Alpha Star...

Following Qin Hao's narration, Qin Jue's body became more and more illusory, his spiritual power continued to evaporate, and his aura became weaker and weaker...

"Grandpa..." Qin Hao was choked up and couldn't continue...

"Continue to tell grandpa...Grandpa wants to hear how you got here during this time..." Qin Jue still had a smile on his face. Ever since Qin Hao was about to graduate from high school, he had fallen into a deep sleep. In Qin Jue's heart, Qin Hao's grades could easily enter the Federal Naval Academy and lead a good life, but he did not expect that he would have such an experience...

"Yeah!" Qin Hao continued to tell his story with tears on his face. He knew that his grandfather was about to lose his hold, so he wanted to satisfy his wish as much as possible, and told him all his experiences during this period...

Following Qin Hao's narration, Qin Jue sometimes frowned and sometimes smiled, until his body became more and more illusory and transparent, and finally completely disappeared in Qin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness space!

"Grandpa!" Qin Hao yelled in grief, and then passed out...

When Qin Hao woke up again, he was already lying in a sci-fi ward. At this time, there was no one in the room, but many instruments were working, and the ward was beeping rhythmically. .

"Are you awake, Master?" A voice sounded in Qin Hao's mind.

"Who are you?" Qin Hao frowned.

"I am your messenger of death..." Although the tone of the divine body was a bit unwilling, he had no choice at this time.

The death contract of the Desi people is very domineering. Even if he is a god worshiped by the civilization of the Holy Messenger, he can't get rid of this thing at all.

"Death Messenger..." Qin Hao was at a loss in his mind.

"Shua!" At this moment, the little man in the form of a god appeared in Qin Hao's mind again, and at the same time he was holding a ball of light in his hand.

"This is what he left to you." As soon as the divine body raised his hand, the ball of light floated up, and then dissipated in Qin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness space.

"Hum!" Qin Hao felt as if his head had been hit hard with a hammer.

A large flow of information poured into his mind...

"Grandpa..." Qin Hao immediately sensed that this was a message from his grandfather.

"My child... when you received this message, I was no longer here..." Qin Hao's voice sounded in Qin Hao's mind. Qin Hao's.

Before, Qin Jue accidentally touched the body of a Daisy, which resulted in him gaining the power of a Daisy and a part of his memory. It was precisely because of these powers that he had to disarm himself and store it in the in the body.

Just in case, Qin Jue has extracted all the words he wanted to tell Qin Hao, as well as the memories passed on to him by the people of Dai Si, and then made this spiritual power ball. Originally, Qin Jue planned to cultivate by himself. After success, after being able to control the power of the Daisi people, he reappeared in front of Qin Hao and taught him all these things.

Unexpectedly, the invasion of the divine body caused him to be awakened in advance. Because the retreat was not over, Qin Jue suffered a backlash. After experiencing that battle, he knew that he was going to dissipate, so this entrusted his instructions, and The mental power ball that Dai Si people remembered landed in Qin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness space.

The demise of Qin Jue greatly stimulated Qin Hao, so he passed out. Coincidentally, the contract of the divine body had been completed at this time, so he put away the mental power ball for Qin Hao.

If it wasn't for signing the contract and becoming Qin Hao's messenger of death, Qin Hao's coma would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the divine body. He could easily occupy Qin Hao's body and control the eye of the universe!

But after the contract was signed, because of the special nature of the death messenger, the divine body did not dare to do anything that would be unfavorable to Qin Hao. Although he was unwilling, he had to think for Qin Hao at that time.

So after Qin Hao fell into a coma, the divine body temporarily controlled Qin Hao's body, and then he ordered the high priest to place him in the best ward...

In the eyes of the high priest, the divine body has been successfully seized, and he has arrived smoothly, but only the divine body is suffering in his own heart. Not only did he fail to seize the body, but he became a slave of others...

Faced with the order of the divine body, the high priest did not dare to neglect, so she immediately had Qin Hao transferred to the best ward, and then took good care of him so that Qin Hao could recover as soon as possible.


There is so much information contained in the mental power ball that Qin Hao just read these contents, and he fell into a coma on the hospital bed for three days and three nights, but even so, he only read them briefly.

Among these memories, there is not much information about Grandpa, most of them are exhortations and reluctant care, while most of the rest are memories about people from Days, and those memories contain a lot of precious knowledge and information, but for Qin Hao, his grandfather's almost meaningless caring words are the most precious wealth!

After briefly reading the memories of the people of Dai Si, Qin Hao basically understood the current situation. The divine body could not be lost, and now he has become his death messenger, and the death messenger sounds nice, but it is actually Dai Si. A subjugated slave.

After becoming the Messenger of Death, although he can't disobey his master's orders, and he can't do anything unfavorable to his master, but it's not completely without advantages, that is, as long as his master doesn't die, the messenger will never die!

Even if the courier is beaten to ashes by a powerful enemy, and there is no spiritual wreckage left, as long as the master has a thought, he can be reborn in front of the master!

Of course, if the master dies, then the courier will never live alone, and he will also disappear with the master!

"What's the situation now?" Qin Hao asked the divine body.

"Returning to the master, now the high priest of the Holy Messenger mistakenly thinks that I have successfully seized the house, and now you are their god!" After becoming the messenger of death, the god body entered the role very quickly, because he has no chance to stand up now Now, if he is not honest and obedient, then he will die a miserable death, and the god body is the most afraid of death, if he is not afraid of death, he will not become Qin Hao's death messenger.

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