Following the conversation with the divine body, Qin Hao also began to truly understand the mysterious race of the Daisians.

According to the description of the divine body, the number of Daisi people is very rare, even much less than that of the Holy Envoys. Although the Holy Envoys themselves have low fertility, their population with millions of planets is only A mere hundreds of millions.

But compared with the Dais, the population of the Holy Envoys is astronomically large. Although there is no exact data on how many people there are in the entire Dais, but according to the judgment of the gods, the number of the Dais is the largest. It will not exceed one or two hundred people, and may even be less.

However, in Qin Hao's view, just because the Daisians have the strength of a true god and several demigods, no matter how small their population is, this race is definitely one of the most powerful races in the universe.

According to Qin Hao's thinking, since the best of the Daisians are called death messengers, and they increase their power by absorbing the fear of intelligent life, they must be very evil. A civilization brings the threat of death.

But according to the description of the gods, the fact is just the opposite. These Daisians seem to be particularly peaceful. Although they feed on fear, they do not actively create fear. The reason why they are called death messengers is only because of fear Their breath is attracting them, it is the death and fear that first appeared, and then they come, not their arrival that causes death and fear.

Although Qin Hao still wants to know more details about the Daisi people, the divine body can only provide so much information. Although he has existed for tens of thousands of years, he has never seen the Daisi people with his own eyes. The information is also obtained from the descriptions of other civilizations.

"Even you haven't seen a Dai Si person?" Qin Hao was taken aback.

"Master, if you really want to know more about the Daisy people, then I suggest you ask the Empress of the Void, she may know more about the Daisy people than anyone else!" Divine Body said to Qin Hao, After all, compared with people like them who heard the news, the Queen of Worms had actually seen the Dessers, seen the messenger of death, and even almost killed the messenger of death.

"If there is a chance, I really have to ask the teacher about the Daisians." Qin Hao nodded, and then his thoughts returned to the battlefield again.

At this time, following Qin Hao's order, the envoys who were almost insane were attacking the Vulcans frantically. One after another, the Vulcan warships were destroyed, and tens of thousands of Vulcans landed. Death after death, or near death...

Because of the fear of death, countless light spots that ordinary people cannot see are floating from the battleship that is about to be destroyed, and then return to Qin Hao.

at this very moment,

The cosmic eye in Qin Hao's body has begun to operate rapidly, and these forces from fear have become the driving force for the cosmic eye to operate.

With the operation of the eye of the universe, Qin Hao had a wonderful feeling. He could feel that the eye of the universe was greedily devouring these fearful forces, and then secreted a strange substance, which was continuously Enhance Qin Hao's physique and enhance his spiritual strength.

And besides that, the Eye of the Universe still seemed to want Qin Hao to provide some obscure information, which seemed to be encrypted files. Although they were transmitted to Qin Hao's brain, they could not be deciphered.

"Uh..." Qin Hao frowned. These encrypted messages made his head ache. He pinched his forehead hard, trying to relieve the pain, but found that his efforts were futile.

After a while, Qin Hao's headache stopped. Although more power of fear was still floating towards him, the eye of the universe was also constantly devouring the power from fear, and it was still constantly secreting substances to improve Qin Hao's power, but it no longer sends messages to Qin Hao.

"What are these messages!?" Qin Hao was very puzzled.

"Master, I think this is the inherited memory of the Daisy people. It was passed on to the new death messenger after the cosmic eye was activated. It's just that you can't decipher it because you don't know the language of the death messenger." Divine Body proposed made his own guess.

"The language of the Daisi people?" Qin Hao was taken aback.

"Yes! According to the information I have, when the Dais people communicate with other races, they always use the other party's language. No one in the known universe has really heard the language of the Dais people, but since this race Existence, they must have their own language, and inheritance of such things, almost all use their own mother tongue." Shen body continued to speculate, but he didn't have any evidence about these things.

"Let's talk about this later..." Qin Hao took a deep breath. If the encrypted information really came from the Daisi language inheritance, then Qin Hao would have no chance to decipher it in a short time.

And for now, Qin Hao doesn't really want to meet the Daisi people too early. After all, with his current strength, even with the help of the divine body, he can't defeat the most ordinary Daisi people. With regard to the matter of the Eye of the Universe, it might not be a good thing to encounter the Daisians.

For the sake of his own life, if Qin Hao meets a Dai Si person now, he'd better walk around.

At this moment, the battlefield has entered the harvest stage, and Qin Hao no longer needs to give any orders. The commanders of the Holy Messenger at all levels have commanded the fleet to cut the battlefield perfectly. In order to delay the time, the Vulcan fleet It was also a deadly battle, and with the fall of battleships, the fleet of these two Vulcans was completely annihilated after holding on for six hours.

As the Vulcan fleet was annihilated, dots of light began to float from Star Lafayette, and then converged towards Qin Hao. Obviously, the destruction of the fleet filled the entire Star Lafayette with fear. mood.

Although the soldiers on the battleship suffered huge deaths, and many soldiers showed fear when facing death, they were trained soldiers after all, and quite a few of them had iron-like wills. Seeing death as home, he fought to the death without showing the slightest expression of fear.

But the surface of the planet is different. There are quite a few civilians here, and the Vulcans are no more than the Holy Messenger. They have at least tens of millions of people on each colony planet, and these civilians are not trained.

The destruction of one's own fleet in space filled the hearts of ordinary people on the surface of the planet with fear, because in the space age, everyone knew very well that when aliens invaded, once their own fleet was defeated, what would happen to them? destiny!

"Prepare for planetary bombing!" At this time, Helen's order had been issued, and Qin Hao's identity as "God Body" had been revealed. She couldn't possibly be murdering Qin Hao, otherwise she and her family would not be able to afford the crime of assassinating God Body!

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