Although the Holy Envoys are all crazy about the coming of the "Divine Body", after all, these Holy Envoys have another identity, that is, soldiers, so after Helen's order was given, these people subconsciously obeyed her order .

Because the Vulcan fleet has been completely wiped out, there is only one interstellar base left to continue attacking the fleet of the Advent Messenger. At this time, under the order of Helen, the Apostle of the Holy Advent fleet is unwilling to continue to entangle with this interstellar base. They all retreated to the other side of the planet.

The Vulcans, who also used directed energy weapons, hid on the other side of Star Lafayette after the Holy Angel warship hid on the other side of Star Lafayette. At this moment, the Holy Angel warship began to hit and attack Star Lafayette , while the shipboard drones began to bombard the interstellar base indiscriminately.

Although the interstellar base is extremely strong, with extremely strong shields and armor protection, but under the constant attack of drones, they will be destroyed sooner or later.

On the other side, the fleet of the Holy Messenger began to attack the planet on the other side of Lafayette, and the two capital ships cooperated with the purification spacecraft to start bombing the planet.

Although the planetary shield initially helped Star Lafayette from planetary bombardment, the energy of the shield was quickly exhausted under such a powerful bombardment. After the planetary shield failed, Star Lafayette was immediately exposed to Under the frontal attack of the Holy Messenger Fleet!

"Boom boom boom..." Mushroom clouds rose on the surface of Star Lafayette. The planetary bombardment uses special ammunition, which is a weapon similar to a neutron bomb. They can quickly kill the creatures on the ground and in the bunker, but It does not cause severe damage to the structure of the planet, so that the bomber can quickly clear the original inhabitants of the planet, thus occupying the planet.

The bombing of the Holy Messenger fleet lasted fifteen hours, and the entire surface of Lafayette was completely plowed by the bombs. According to the ship's biological radar scan, the tens of millions of Vulcans who originally lived on this planet have already died. Over ninety percent were lost in the bombing.

A very small number of Vulcans escaped this catastrophe because they hid in special underground bunkers, but because the space fleet was completely destroyed, the supporting fleet failed to arrive, and the promoted million people could not resist the coming attack. Ground sweep.

After clearing most of the living forces, the warships of the Holy Promenade began to release the landing ships. These landing ships were loaded with a large number of land combat robots, and they began to log in under the escort of the ship-borne drones.

Because the number of Holy Angels is extremely small, they use land combat robots as the main force in ground warfare.

A spiritual warrior of the Holy Spirit, after being equipped with a spiritual battle armor, he will serve as a commander and lead thousands of land combat robots to carry out landing operations. Normally, within a range of one hundred square kilometers,

There will only be one Psychic Warrior present so as not to waste firepower.

With the support of the shipboard biological radar, these land combat units can quickly lock the coordinates of the enemy, and then clear them at a fixed point, and because the main resistance force on this planet has been cleared before landing, so for landing For the Holy Angels who are fighting, the resistance forces they can encounter are basically guerrillas, and they will not pose too much threat at all.

Therefore, there will never be the tragic casualties of humans on the Alpha star battlefield.

As for Qin Hao, this is the first time he saw the landing of the Holy Angels with his own eyes. He thought carefully about the combat power of human beings. Or on the ground battlefield, there will be no chance of winning.

First of all, on the space battlefield, even if human beings unite with Qin Hao's swarm, with their current strength, they cannot be the opponents of the Holy Angel fleet. Although Qin Hao won several battles before, it was because of their concentration With all the power of any and the swarm, in the case of a sneak attack, they attacked the expedition fleet of a family of the Holy Messenger.

If facing the regular army of the Holy Angels, facing the capital ships of the Holy Angels, then even if the human fleet is a united swarm, they will only be slaughtered, unless the Queen of the Worms personally takes action, but is it possible that the Queen of Worms will make a move?

First of all, human beings are not worthy of the queen's help. As for the swarm, the incident on Planet Alpha has shown that the swarm has no place in the queen's heart at all, and they don't care whether they live or die.

Therefore, facing the invasion of the Holy Messenger in space, human beings basically have a one-touch ending. Once the human fleet loses in space, it is even more impossible for them to win on the ground battlefield. After a round of planetary bombing, this planet More than 90% of the population on the planet will be killed, and all heavy weapons will be destroyed. It is impossible for the few people who hold light weapons to harm the holy messengers with individual shields warrior.

As the Holy Envoy can easily crush human civilization, then other Gao Denggao civilizations at the same level as the Holy Envoy can naturally do it, so now Qin Hao is very clear, and human beings can only hide their strengths and bide their time, and use Qin Hao's current The only way out for human beings is to let the envoys of the Holy Land help humans to block the prying eyes of other civilizations, and take the opportunity to chase after them and build their own capital ships as soon as possible.

After retracting his thoughts, Qin Hao discovered that the landing troops of the Holy Envoys had already begun to encircle and suppress the remaining Vulcans on Lafayette. The war between higher civilizations was more cruel than Qin Hao imagined. This mode of war Now, genocide and massacre have become extremely normal. As a higher civilization, they have no humanity at all when dealing with foreigners.

However, with the killing of the soldiers of the holy messengers on the ground, Qin Hao gained a lot of fear energy.

The absorption of these fear energies allowed the Eye of the Universe to give Qin Hao rich feedback. His body was strengthened again, and his mental power was also continuously strengthened. After the Vulcan's life signal was found from the Lafayette star, those frightening light spots stopped floating out.

Twenty-three hours later, Star Lafayette was occupied by the Holy Envoys. The missionary spaceships following the fleet landed on the surface of the planet, and then a large number of robots appeared. Stars build factories and planetary defense weapons belonging to the Emissary.

Just when Lafayette Star was officially occupied by the envoys of the Holy Land, Qin Hao's captain reported to him: "God...Your Majesty, Commander Helen sent a communication request..."

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