? After successfully entering the Twain family's manor, Qin Hao and Wilson became more cautious.

At this moment, the surveillance inside the Twain family manor is probably tighter than outside. Even Wilson doesn’t know how many surveillance devices have been installed at home, maybe even in his bedroom. No one dared to restore his original appearance at home, he had to play this downcast image no matter at home or outside.

"Hey!" Qin Hao sighed, he cooperated with Wilson, helped him into the room, and then took the reward from Wilson's family.

"I won't go to see the old man anymore. I'll pay homage to him after the matter is over." Qin Hao directly sent a voice transmission to Wilson through his mental power.

"Yeah!" Wilson nodded, but he didn't dare to say anything more at home.

Qin Hao, who originally planned to have a long talk with Wilson, changed his mind. Firstly, it was because he did not expect Wilson’s home to be under such strict surveillance. Secondly, it was also because he had understood all the things that he should understand along the way. After a while, and then digging deeper, Wilson is not particularly clear.

Through the previous exchanges, Qin Hao had already grasped some information. Wilson told him that among the family alliances that launched the coup d'état, Hei Li's family and some families under the Orc Alliance took the lead.

Ever since Qin Hao led the swarm and reorganized the order of human civilization with a crushing attitude, the four major factions among human cultivators have begun to change, including martial arts people who have always valued the boundaries of schools. It was so conservative before.

After two years of communication and integration, the four major factions that were originally incompatible gradually began to blend together. Some members of the Saint-Malo Knights even joined some dark factions under the Orc Alliance. Start trying to integrate with some other types of practitioners.

Although the cultivation systems are different, the interests are common. Especially after the coup, in order to squeeze out the Qian family and the Tianshan faction, many martial arts sects have joined forces with other practitioners, and then pushed the Tianshan faction into a desperate situation.

If the Tianshan faction hadn't fallen, the Qian family wouldn't have been forced to leave the earth. If the Knights of Saint-Malo hadn't collapsed, Wilson, a second-level knight, wouldn't have been bullied like this.

Up to now, there are no four major cultivation factions among the cultivators on the earth, and the people in the martial arts are no longer a united whole when they are outside the world. It is limited to warriors who are also Han Chinese.

The Saint-Malo Knights even disbanded directly.

Several great priests left and took away many great knights and paladins. Some of them joined forces with dark creatures, and some formed alliances with wizards.

The Orc Alliance was also split. They were originally a loose alliance between different races, and they were the first to split during this change.

In contrast, the Wizards Association is even more exaggerated. Although these old pedants are not interested in power struggles, but also, these old wizards have no principles. In order to study magic, it can be said that they have milk. It's mother, they directly take individuals as a unit, and they will work for whoever provides them with enough resources.

"The current state of the Twain family is basically useless. Go and see the Klein family. After seeing me, that old fox Azlan should make the right choice." Qin Hao took a deep breath. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then drove out a suspension car from the Twain family. This car was regarded as his reward for sending it back to Wilson.

"Tsk tsk tsk... This kid is ruthless enough, he can blackmail a suspension vehicle once he sends someone away!"

"Yeah! I underestimated this guy before!"

"It's a pity that the Twain family has lost power, but after all, it was so strong before, and its background is still there. It's just that if it continues like this, I don't know how long it can last."

"Who cares! Whether the Twain family exists or not, what does it matter to us? Aren't we working for money?"


Watching Qin Hao drive away, the secret whistle at the door talked a lot, and many people were even a little envious. After all, you can get a car once you give someone away. This deal is still worthwhile.

On the way to the Klein family by car, Qin Hao already had a rough plan of action in his mind.

For Qin Hao, setting things right is a very simple matter. Among other things, he only needs to whistle, and a large number of insect swarms will rush from the moon base to the earth. Those families who staged a coup cannot resist the insect swarm. attack.

But before that, Qin Hao had to rescue his people first, otherwise, if these families who staged a coup d'état rushed over the wall and dragged Qin Hao's cronies to be buried with them, then Qin Hao would regret it too late.

And if you want to save people, the first thing is that you have to know where these people are locked up, and then you can find a way to rescue them, so Qin Hao locked his eyes on the Klein family.

Based on Qin Hao's understanding of Azlan, this old fox will immediately fall for him as soon as he sees him. This old guy is too shrewd and too good at judging the situation. He will definitely make the right choice, and then pass the overcoming With the relationship of the Rhine family, it should not be difficult for Qin Hao to get the positions of those imprisoned.

If the location of some people's detention is too confidential and Azlan can't get it, then Qin Hao can only go to Gangmen's house to pay a visit to Gangmen's side Zuo. This guy has now become the patriarch of Gangmen's family. They hold the real power of the family, and the status of the Gangmen family in the new government can be ranked in the top five, so they must know a lot of secrets.

The main reason why Qin Hao didn't go directly to Gangmen Pianzuo was that Gangmen's family was also one of the initiators of this coup d'état, and they were already on Qin Hao's blacklist at this time. Qin Hao eradicated it.

But if Qin Hao went to Gangmen Pianzuo, and Gangmen Pianzuo helped him get the places where these people were detained, then they would be equivalent to returning to Qin Hao's camp again, and they would be heroes. Even if Hao didn't reward them, he couldn't deal with them anymore.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, Qin Hao does not intend to give the Gangmen family another chance. Even though Gangmen Pianzuo and him had a good personal relationship before, they took the initiative to provoke this coup, but they touched Qin Hao's red line.

Now that human beings are at a critical moment of life and death, Qin Hao cannot tolerate such people and families who provoke civil strife in order to fight for power and profit, and even deploy the front-line fleet, regardless of the survival of human beings.

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